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Lebonan🇱🇧-Israel🇮🇱 Warr

This is another option to drop small fuel bomb on dense building areas. If drone can carry inside a small molotov cocktail type of bomb(s) it can drop them over buildings starting fires there. Flames then will grow engulfing large areas and israel will have a very hard time putting out fires engulfing their cities. Economic targets can be striked that way. Warnings are already given to possible locations to evacuate. If defenses are high in some area warning should not be given. Civilians will have time to evacuate after fires start anyways.Collateral damage will be low but economic damage will be very high.
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This is another option to drop small fuel bomb on dense building areas. If drone can carry inside a small molotov cocktail type of bomb(s) it can drop them over buildings starting fires there. Flames then will grow engulfing large areas and israel will have a very hard time putting out fires engulfing their cities. Economic targets can be striked that way. Warnings are already given to possible locations to evacuate. If defenses are high in some area warning should not be given. Civilians will have time to evacuate after fires start anyways.Collateral damage will be low but economic damage will be very high.
Good idea, but why they are not thinking like you
Good idea, but why they are not thinking like you
They will find many more ideas if they think more without needing any of our ideas. If you dont think no idea will come. Imaan + thinking will be the solution for resistance front. Imaan gives you the direction to think like setting the radio frequency but without thinking/action that will not solve any problem. And also by thinking they will improve themselves find better ideas, solutions continiously. Solutions will not hold forever enemies will find measures against these too but improving yourself goes forever so new solutions will be devised then.
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There are news that Eu is considering smt against israel like maybe symbolic sanctions package or similar. There are signs that France for example is about to issue some sanctions but maybe they won't ofcourse. This can be staged as well as netenyahu gains time in his operations. This can be something similar to Usa fake ceasefire attempts.

What I also suspect is Eu policies against israel should not change Iran's position about Russia. I suspect that these moves aim at Iran to break away from Russia behind the scenes as Eu raises pressure on israel. This is evidently a trap. Just like Russia is seen today as a threat by Eu countries historically Ottoman Empire, Seljuks were seen as a threat for about almost millenia. This threat mindset about muslim countries is used by zionists to influence European politics. So this gives some idea about why there is silence even support about israeli policies in the region.

This also explains knowing that you are considered a threat whether you like it or not you cannot trust them and manipulated by them. Actually you shouldnt be manipulated by anyone and secure your position in all your agreements but there is an extra issue here which is they are used against you. There won't be any muslim march-invasion towards Europe this threat is baseless and Eu is not seen as a threat by muslim countries either. However it will take time for this threat mindset to go away and things like these is used by zionists to influence Eu politics against muslim countries. This threat issue controlling Eu policies is similar to currently imposed fake threat of Russia in near future invading Eu countries fueling the Ukraine-Russia conflict and blocking any ceasefire attempts.
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