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China will start building Submarine based on Type 41 For Bangladesh Navy from next year

Why do BD need a Submarine with VLS? What missile do you want to put there? SRBM? LACM? Nuclear Weapon? Don't tell me it is SAM. Because modern Submarine Torpedo tube has already has the capability to launch Cruise Missiles and Mines, and maybe AShM.

Do you have any problem with increasing firepower?? The Amur class can fire AShM/LACM from torpedo and VLS. It seems like some of you always feel itchy about BD. Don't ask this stupid annoying question like why BD needs this and that.... It's like why do you need to go to gym when you can already lift 10kg weight.
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Oh hahaha, I understand. Yes, VLS is important then :D

Do you have any problem with increasing firepower?? The Amur class can fire AShM/LACM from torpedo and VLS. It seems like some of you always feel itchy about BD. Don't ask this stupid annoying question like why BD needs this and that.... It's like why do you need to go to gym when you can already lift 10kg weight.

And why does it's annoying? It just a question, not a mocking to your country.

If you really need VLS, then you need this ship :


It can only bring 2 SLBM like JL-2, but even only 2, you already capable to make Myanmar need some pills to sleep. And... to be honest, Indonesia too. You want me to take pills to sleep bro?
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Do you have any problem with increasing firepower?? The Amur class can fire AShM/LACM from torpedo and VLS. It seems like some of you always feel itchy about BD. Don't ask this stupid annoying question like why BD needs this and that.... It's like why do you need to go to gym when you can already lift 10kg weight.
one major problem bro, Russian AIP system is not good.
Pakis are not trustworthy as they proved in 1970s election when they denied Mujib his rightful place as the supreme leader of pakistan. So please spare us the BS.

Adding on what others have said, this is just BN playing the geopolitical game. MM navy is nowhere near as capable of BN. So who are they arming up for. Of course the logical answer is India. The shipping lane through bay of bengal is lifeline for 160m people of Bangladesh. The huge territory we gained in BOB needs to protected for future. I really like the long term thinking by BN and thanks to SHW for her leadership and getting herself further from the Indian orbit.
Bro, don't let the hindus break you apart. You can't be in the same country, then good split for better representation, but don't let the Hindus split you. Be allies of Pakistan and control your own country. China will always support you, it's subs now, air defense later, India cannot bully you when China is here. They won't dare.
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Bro, don't let the hindus break you apart. You can be in the same country, good split for better representation, but don't let the Hindus split you. Be allies of Pakistan and control your own country. China will always support you, it's subs now, air defense later, India cannot bully you when China is here. They won't dare.
Bro, don't let the hindus break you apart. You can't be in the same country, then good split for better representation, but don't let the Hindus split you. Be allies of Pakistan and control your own country. China will always support you, it's subs now, air defense later, India cannot bully you when China is here. They won't dare.
I exactly don't understand what you mean but splitting of Pakistan was far from a Hindu conspiracy.... I do not have any problems with good relations with anoyone be it Pakistan, China, India etc. But it has to be on favorable terms. China has proved herself to be a vital friend of Bangladesh specially in defence and construction. Looking forward to even more warmer relations and cultural exchanges with China.

Also please ask your centre to ease visa rules for tourists, it costs around 8k BDT to get a tourist visa invitation letter :cry::cry:
I wanted to answer in detail ,but I will not because it will spoil the thread .
Just one simple question can you (,or peoples from my country who are trying to answer you ) answer me that why our Paramour India didn't even send a condolence letter when the so called founder ( whom you call a traitor mistakenly) of bangladesh mujib was murdered?

Why the Paramour ( india) didn't save him from military coup that's was claimed to led by enemy of the existence of bangladesh? Paramour should be saved him after all the great Paramour supported bangladesh in this 1971 civil war and help father of nation(?) Mujib giving birth of bangladesh?

I am wondering what some PDF Shushil ( sarcastic term for psedo intellectuals) bangladeshi think about their paramour India with whom they are secretely in love .

However after this answer let's discuss it in another thread. I will answer you clearly why India is our ( most of bangladeshi peoples) enemy ,and (not only friend but ) Paramour of the some pseudo patriot bengali folks .

PS : if you are truly a pakistani , I request you peoples not to ask such direct and absurd questions everywhere. Because such question always make us divided .
Some believe that our history has begun since 1971 .
But the reality is different.
At least try to learn history first .
Like u said, a long discussion will ruin this thread so I'll keep it short.

- It was no secret to India nor Pak that they were enemies having previously fought two wars(1948, 1965) so when an opportunity presented itself around the events of 1971(supporting Mukti Bahini and what not even before the war), India jumped on the chance to divide Pakistan.
--> In conclusion their goal wasn't to help Bangladeshis out of the goodness of their hearts...instead it was to harm Pakistan(their enemy) and the creation of Bangladesh was just a means to an end.

- India has had hegemonic goals since its inception and has been emboldened even further in the modern age. This means that Bangladesh either accepts that and gets pushed around like Bhutan/Nepal/Sri Lanka/etc or tries to chart its own path which would most likely bring it into conflict with India.

So anyone in Bangladesh who would consider India as a friend(forever) would be a fool. It would be wise to not look for trouble but be prepared for when it finds u.
Sorry i got irritated, my apology. Some people constantly ask this question every time when BD buy any weapon. "Why BD needs submarine?", "why do we need Su-30?", "Why do they need SRBM?", "why do they need force modernization??". :blah::blah::blah: All these questions only about BD's procurement, no other country. I mean come on!! for god's sake give it a rest now. We are tired of explaining these simple thing!!

And i mentioned Amur class because of it's AShM/LACM firing capability from VLS. Didn't say anything about firing SRBM. If Russia could just include an AIP with this sub i am damn sure lot's of countries would be interested including BN.

I know, that's why i asked if it is possible to get a modified Amur class design with foreign AIP or a Chinese one with Russian vls?

If we really need a sub with SRBM i think Korean KSS3 model will be better.


Do you know that JL-2 is a strategic weapon with 7000 km range, and basically developed with nuclear warhead in mind? JL-2 blast yield is 250 - 1000 kilo ton. Why you compare it with a submarine that can only launch 10 Hyunmoo? A Missile that can only reach 800 km, and has 1000 kg warhead? They are different class bro. A submarine with 2 JL-2 is worth more than a submarine with 10 Hyunmoo 2C. You're comparing a strategic weapon and a tactical weapon.
Do you know that JL-2 is a strategic weapon with 7000 km range, and basically developed with nuclear warhead in mind? JL-2 blast yield is 250 - 1000 kilo ton. Why you compare it with a submarine that can only launch 10 Hyunmoo? A Missile that can only reach 800 km, and has 1000 kg warhead? They are different class bro. A submarine with 2 JL-2 is worth more than a submarine with 10 Hyunmoo 2C. You're comparing a strategic weapon and a tactical weapon.

Just an speculation, don't take it seriously. You do know Qing class is an experimental sub with just 2 torpedo tubes and SRBM. And it's impossible for us to get this with JL-2 with this massive range and nuclear strike capability. Something close to KSS3 is possible with future budget increase but that is too still far fetched. First we gotta build our conventional sub fleet first with TOT if possible. Then if the SRBM/AShM missile project is true we can build our own sub like KSS3/Qing class in future with technical help from others.
Getting back to the threat topic, if this news is true; how many new build subs are we talking about?

What is the time frame?

And what is the cost?

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