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China will start building Submarine based on Type 41 For Bangladesh Navy from next year

Just a question.
Why is India your enemy?
They helped you gain independence.

helped gain Independence lol. It was a sheep in Wolf's clothing. Maybe because they don't feel safe, with the wolf still roaring.

As a matter of fact, the way things are going around the world, i think every country in Asia should arm them selves the best of their ability's.

If you look at the big picture. China or should i say East is on the rise, West doesn't like that, which is natural. It's obvious something is gonna happen.
No way in hell the West is going down without putting up a fight.

Bangladesh happens to border Western Allie's and eastern Powers. It's only natural bangalades makes investments on their security issues.

By picking China as their arms supplier they are indicating they won't be joining Vietnam, India, Tiwan etc and a few other minor countries in this war.

So let the games begin...
India nice try you though you had bangalades but you don't.
Just a question.
Why is India your enemy?
They helped you gain independence.
1971 war is no more relevant. An independent BD cannot depend upon the mercy and goodwill of its neighbors. In any country, the military thinks that all the countries around it are potential enemies. So, they build the armed forces to provide defensive power.

In our case, India and MM are the two neighboring countries. We have to build up the defense for a day, when no one really cannot forecast, when there will be conflict with any or both of them. Note also that there is less possibility of a conflict or being bullied if a country is strong both economically and in defense matters.
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Just a question.
Why is India your enemy?
They helped you gain independence.
I wanted to answer in detail ,but I will not because it will spoil the thread .
Just one simple question can you (,or peoples from my country who are trying to answer you ) answer me that why our Paramour India didn't even send a condolence letter when the so called founder ( whom you call a traitor mistakenly) of bangladesh mujib was murdered?

Why the Paramour ( india) didn't save him from military coup that's was claimed to led by enemy of the existence of bangladesh? Paramour should be saved him after all the great Paramour supported bangladesh in this 1971 civil war and help father of nation(?) Mujib giving birth of bangladesh?

I am wondering what some PDF Shushil ( sarcastic term for psedo intellectuals) bangladeshi think about their paramour India with whom they are secretely in love .

However after this answer let's discuss it in another thread. I will answer you clearly why India is our ( most of bangladeshi peoples) enemy ,and (not only friend but ) Paramour of the some pseudo patriot bengali folks .

PS : if you are truly a pakistani , I request you peoples not to ask such direct and absurd questions everywhere. Because such question always make us divided .
Some believe that our history has begun since 1971 .
But the reality is different.
At least try to learn history first .
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Just a question.
Why is India your enemy?
They helped you gain independence.
the word "Helped" is subject to debate,they gave shelter to our people and we are grateful for that,but it should not have been used as a ATM card.
First it took credit of the war where our people were the ultimate sufferer and fought till the end.
Second and most importantly,It openly stated it's opposition when we were going to form our armed forces after liberation.
I am not sure after that the word"help" is relevant.
Let's not spoil mood talking about those.

India has been adoring her boyfriend Israel showing middle finger to us.It is time to talk to them in their own language.
anyway india is now just a illusion,a huge balloon full of empty hot air ,nothing but a second guam state of america,america itself is past.
China is future.I do not see any reason to hang on a donkey tail when we have an elephant in the room.We should prioritize China as our top interest.Very much looking forward to it. :china:
Very good sign of China is ready to export those advanced platform to its friend and ally.
is that the same sub which we are buying? if yes then you guys should not sell these boats to bongs they are not trustworthy
is that the same sub which we are buying? if yes then you guys should not sell these boats to bongs they are not trustworthy
I think it's not the same. S20P(Pakistan) is a scale-down Version of type 039b with AIP. The sub exported to BD is based on type 039A.
Brother, Bangladesh will not sell China for India.their relationship goes like: we are not enemy, and we are not friend either. BD army doesn't believe in India in their guts. Pakistan is our ally, BD is an old friend of China.
If Sheik Hasina is a puppet of India, she would have gone for Tejas long time ago.

We need BD being with us, China Pakistan Zindabad.
Is it possible to get a modified Amur class design with foreign AIP or a Chinese one with Russian vls?


Why do BD need a Submarine with VLS? What missile do you want to put there? SRBM? LACM? Nuclear Weapon? Don't tell me it is SAM. Because modern Submarine Torpedo tube has already has the capability to launch Cruise Missiles and Mines, and maybe AShM.
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