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China Will Launch Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier 80.000 & 110.000 Tonnes in 2015 and 2020 !!

lol look at these Americans slapping each other on their backs.

India's next carrier INS Vishal which will be nuclear powered and fitted with EMALS will be launched for trials by 2038 I think.

There are plans to build another bigger carrier too.

Did China make any claims that they will build destroyers at a rate of 2 a year as they are now doing? Only the US is building destroyers at this rate and it is the world's only superpower currently. This rate of destroyer construction should be telling everyone where China is intending to go.

China has already stated it's intention to drive the US Navy back to Hawaii to by 2030 and my prediction is based on this. Unless they start building aircraft carriers at a rate of 2 every 5 years then they will not be able to succeed in this goal.

We will have to wait and see if this actually happens:coffee:

Intention to push us back to Hawaii? Good luck with that. Need to push us out of our own islands like Guam and Wake Island for example first.
Chinese hide their fear by exaggerate their power and reduce other's
We know it, pal
What could China do to Japan, USA, .. ?
if at this moment China could march around "their own province - Taiwan" with floating ship, submarine, carrier, ... every type of aircrafts could cover it,
BUT doesn't dare to launch an attack to it ?

This case, aircraft carrier clearly meaningless ...
It took China 15 years to refit a platform acquired from Ukraine. Now they will produced Nuclear powered aircraft within 2 years. Great progress!!!!!!!

There are only 2 countries in world which can realize the complex military stuff in such a short period of time. It is neither US, UK, France,Russia.
wTf mate ?? lowest quality ???

PDF is a mature forum. There should be zero tolerance for this kind of misogynistic BS .
Any discussion that a Chinese member is involved in, he will drag in either race or sex soon enough.
How can you Predict that?
are you from PLA Navy Inner Circle? :what:

Is that True?
Btw, Thanks for your info :-)

Do you Think China Will Launch Second Aircraft Carrier in 2017?

I think all of Chinese member and some Indian member (because as their adversary they must keep close contact of whatever development news the Chinese side has) here can give you more accurate news, and 2017 is more likely precise date for the launching of new Air craft carrier for PLA Navy
The English source at No Cookies | Herald Sun
in which it talked a source in Chinese, if you open the source in Chinese at
中国欺骗了全世界?解放军秘藏6艘航母被曝光_前瞻军事 - 前瞻网
you will find that only a blog wrote by a general people, and no where mention about 110000tons carrier, and no any office source, the editor of the English source bring many many his own fancy into the English type news, and even the editor can't read in Chinese, the full paper in Chinese at:
中国欺骗了全世界?解放军秘藏6艘航母被曝光_前瞻军事 - 前瞻网
Did China cheat the world? PLA hides 6 carriers
It is reported that, as China's Liaoning ship after a row China's first aircraft carrier into the navy, which made aircraft carrier construction program has been widespread concern in the outside world, many media recently said China has successfully built the first one and the second domestic carrier domestic aircraft carrier, that the PLA currently have three aircraft carriers, experts estimate that such a rate will allow Chinese shipbuilding in 2020 exceeded the number of not less than six aircraft carriers
While for United States, the number of six aircraft carriers, not a threat, but on another level, China's military strength was the overall and comprehensive upgrade which can not be ignored, which has run for China's peaceful rise great significance.
Internationally renowned military magazine recently published an article which said that, among the six Chinese aircraft carrier plan should be implemented, first of two are 40,000-ton aircraft carriers built around after their construction experience maturity, integration of related resources, and finally toward with 60,000 tons to 70,000 tons plan ahead, while six aircraft construction which naturally will not be less than the two nuclear-powered aircraft carrier construction.
Informed sources said that once the implementation of the foreign media reports, then it means that Chinese naval forces over the next 10 years which will be a great improvement, integrated with the development of China's aircraft carrier with a super submarine force, then the Chinese will aspirations to power the world's oceans.
French media reports in which the Chinese Rear Admiral quoted saying that China's development of aircraft carriers, said the main route to protect the country's oil imports are not threatened, not the mission of the United States with a large aircraft carrier nearly 100000 tons, there is no threat to have such big one. Of course, China has six or more after the aircraft carrier for China's maritime combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, also affect the military balance in East Asia.
Japanese media reports which quoted a professor of Takushoku University Chihara Yu born this analysis indicated that the development of aircraft carriers of China to strengthen the PLA Navy's trunk, which is to expand the coast by the U.S. threat of a buffer zone, the development of aircraft carriers to ensure maritime rights and interests China's will not be affected, and this is the first step in China's maritime strategy, the West Pacific Ocean region is the focus of China's aircraft carrier.

Thanks so much for the Translation :-)
so, the source of this news, is from Blog :hitwall:
how stupid things done by this news media :angry: really disgusting western media.
they just want hoopla.

lol, really nice picture. :woot:
I will save this one :cheers:
a long video with some glance on a structure of a so-called aircraft carrier - like , am I true ?
to me it's not new, and not surprise for a big country like China to have some aircraft carriers.

to me, the first purpose : put their military airport far away from their coast for longer range of protecting their mainland ...

but, try to protect your AC first.

So everyone worried about the offensive purpose of Chinese aircraft carrier, but I think that don't worry for next 10 years, they are trying to defense themselve only.

IN fact, there's a race of purchasing submarines in Southeast Asia cause nearly impossible to operating an AC safe in SCS. For Vietnam, there're 6 Kilo-class submarine armed with 300km supersonic missiles, and 6 armed P3C Orion formating the perfect attack/defense groups.
IN fact, there's a race of purchasing submarines in Southeast Asia cause nearly impossible to operating an AC safe in SCS. For Vietnam, there're 6 Kilo-class submarine armed with 300km supersonic missiles, and 6 armed P3C Orion formating the perfect attack/defense groups.
That's not enough to scare China.

China has massive destroyers and frigates that make your warships look like canoes.

Vietnam operates Yakhont missile, China operates YJ-12 missile.

Stop dreaming that Vietnam can destroy the Chinese navy in a single blow.
What could China do to Japan, USA, .. ?
if at this moment China could march around "their own province - Taiwan" with floating ship, submarine, carrier, ... every type of aircrafts could cover it,
BUT doesn't dare to launch an attack to it ?

This case, aircraft carrier clearly meaningless ...
As for USA,it is really a respective cempetitor,but it is also very tough for USA to deal with us.And Japan is just a pet dog of the Americans.Without USA,we can kill all the japs for 10000 times.Just one 094 SSBN can destroy all their islands.And what is the bussiness of you that which is stronger among China,USA and Japan.Compared with anyone of these three countries,Vietnam is no match.The game between China and America has just started,it is far too early to determine which will be the winner.But when we send worships to SCS,your junk Navy has nothing to do but cry.So you had better shut up, Viet monkey.
China building a 110000 ton nuclear powered aircraft carrier ?

Yeah, i also believe that Dennis Roman works for the CIA.
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