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“China Was The Aggrieved; India, Aggressor In ‘62”

all u guys did in 62 was beat a small group of indian border gaurds who were armed with sticks and stones and ran away when the real counter attack came.

Then u guys fliched in the 87 rematch

In 1962 however, there was one indian who had bullets instead of sticks and stones. Do u know what he did?

He killed 300 chinese in 3 days. That’s a record in modern history
Jaswant Singh Rawat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
:lol: it's the Bollywood version!

i am not an expert on this subject but what i do know is that australoids are the indigenous indians. long story short, the caucasoids migrated later over a period of 4000 years, treated them as subhuman. (the cast system we are so well aware of was originally race based, which changed later on as there was mixing due to such a long time period).

then there are the dravidians, the worlds only black caucasians, believed to be the founders of IVC, who still have me stumped.
No need to strain the brain there :azn:

From actual historical records we know what indians have been doing for the past 1000 years. :rolleyes: This is where the paternal bloodline of today's northern indians come from.

There are no written records of what the ancient hindu kingdoms were like -- so it's laughable today's indians are trying to imagine and re-write their own "glorious" ancient history, which was in any case based in the Indus River Valley in Pakistan.
:lol: it's the Bollywood version!

No need to strain the brain there :azn:

From actual historical records we know what indians have been doing for the past 1000 years. :rolleyes: This is where the paternal bloodline of today's northern indians come from.

There are no written records of what the ancient hindu kingdoms were like -- so it's laughable today's indians are trying to imagine and re-write their own "glorious" ancient history, which was in any case based in the Indus River Valley in Pakistan.

hey you managed to post a brain fart without including nuclear weapons.

:lol: it's the Bollywood version!

No need to strain the brain there :azn:

From actual historical records we know what indians have been doing for the past 1000 years. :rolleyes: This is where the paternal bloodline of today's northern indians come from.

There are no written records of what the ancient hindu kingdoms were like -- so it's laughable today's indians are trying to imagine and re-write their own "glorious" ancient history, which was in any case based in the Indus River Valley in Pakistan.

One More HyperBola Bullshit Sortie for the Day... Carryon
I support Chinese brothers. They have never attacked another nation. Chinese empire has never tried to take advantage of other people.

I wish I could say the same about India, but unfortunately they are the legacy of the British. Whether they realize it or not. If Indians could understand Pakistani position on Kashmir then we can be very close, but they don't want to. They prove that they are an aggressive state. Why? I have no clue.

One thing Pakistan don't understand that Kashmir is an integral part of India,

it can't be taken by anyone, until a single Indian is alive, i even dare US to take it from us, China I think is balloon, big outside but only air inside, nobody knows if the numbers they give are for real or only propaganda to save their *** from western Powers, and Pakistan I don't even count them in race!

Kashmiris neither want to go with Pakistan nor with India!!

Lets have Status Quo on Kashmir, we are Happy with that!! you mind your side of Kashmir which is highly under-developed and we would mind ours and develop it!!!

But no ISI and Army won't let happen this, otherwise their pie would be loosed to civilian causes in Pakistan!! Spends on ISI and Army is only the tip of ice, GOP spends 10 times more to finance secessionists and propaganda war in Kashmir!!

Pallywood is revealed soon Pakiwood be revealed too!!

Other than Kashmir Pakistanis have a lot to worry about, Taliban, Crumbling economy, corruption, radicalization etc, its insane to claim a territory which was never a part of them, and letting thousand die in this ego fight!!
A very interesting post indeed.

I read India's China War a long time back. It was a fascinating reading then and the new edition would be even more fascinating - I am sure.

This post lays out some very important aspects and clearly highlights a bit of India's and Nehru's state of thinking in those days.

An interesting quote about BN Kaul, the newly appointed Indian Intelligence Bureau Director that Nehru told him almost on the eve of independence that India has two enemies, Pakistan and China.

How did Nehru in a state of dictating mind decided that here lies India's borders because he said so, is indicative of the Indian thinking of the time. Nehru said in 1936 that India stands in line with the great powers of the world like USA, China, Britain, France and Germany etc. He as the PM of a supposed great power wanted to dictate to other sovereign powers what India thought was a fait accpmpli for them. And he got a bloody nose and lost an opportunity to become friendly to a rising world power that China is.

The legacy that he left is being faced by the Indians now and also the whole region.

India does not have any friendly neighbours and is almost isolated in the whole region. It is surrounded from three sides by powerful countries and the smaller neighbours are earnestly seeking an alternative to India. Sea is the only outlet that remains for India.

The irony however is that 1962's thinking has still not left India and it still want to dictate to her neighbours like a hegemonic power.

Though India owns powerful armed forces now, it unfortunately has weakened itself even more than it was in 1962. Now, it is in no position to repeat what it could in 1962.
China has left India far far behind.

And for India to catch up now, she will have to sell herself pretty cheap to the US demands.

Don't worry about Indian and keep your crap with yourself and give some GAYAN to PAKISTAN.....

"she will have to sell herself pretty cheap to the US demands" Your country is already sold to US....Drones are one of the example..... :wave:
Don't worry about Indian and keep your crap with yourself and give some GAYAN to PAKISTAN.....

"she will have to sell herself pretty cheap to the US demands" Your country is already sold to US....Drones are one of the example.....:wave .....

Why do you have to counter the argument with going after Pakistan.

We are discussing India and China and the Indian hiding at the hands of Chinese in 1962.
Why do you have to counter the argument with going after Pakistan.

We are discussing India and China and the Indian hiding at the hands of Chinese in 1962.

You have used these lines in to other threads too....So come up with something new....Yes, we are discussing Indian & China, 1962 War in this Thread (every other day there is a new thread for this :undecided:). You should have refrained yourself from Bringing your Master US & A.....:wave:
Why do you have to counter the argument with going after Pakistan.

We are discussing India and China and the Indian hiding at the hands of Chinese in 1962.


when did we hide or surrender to the chinese?
What do you think Indian government is doing already - selling India at a higher price to the US in order to counter China or what.

Apparently, you are on some low quality Weed :eek: Can you explain how India is Selling Itself to US..... Give Facts......:argh::no::agree::mod:
What do you think Indian government is doing already - selling India at a higher price to the US in order to counter China or what.

India does not need to Sell itself to Anyone Nor it ever Has . How Many times Have India Allowed Foreign Forces( Read U.S.A) to Use It's Country as a Springboard to Launch Attack on Neighbors( Read Afghanistan) or On its own People .

Answer is a Big Fat Zero .

Meanwhile .... Lets Leave it unsaid .
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