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"China was a part of India" - Indian education textbook

This explains why majority of the Indian members on this forum are... well, just stupid.

Most Indians have been brainwashed to the extent that they strongly believe that in a conventional war, India would single handedly destroy both Pakistan and China in a few days if not in hours. :what:

A small correction;
Hours: Pakistan
Days: China
Indians have too many fantasies about cows, white servants and this. That's why the country never progress despite its falsified GDP 'growth'.

A chinese accusing others of falsifying data ........... :lol:

Pretty much the current land of India belongs to the Persians.

Pretty much the current land of china belongs to Mongolia.
Now China is terrorised with India's Akhand Bharat Plan:omghaha:
Now we have one more state, so 29 state boards capable of howlers!!!

Thankfully most state boards are totally sane and no such rubbish is peddled there. The best way to control quality is to enforce central curricula.

BTW I was not able to find anything on the weird karnataka textbook mentioned, can some kannadiga confirm and if possible reporduce the said part? No better man than @Bang Galore for a thorough job.

You really don't want to go there. What is not covered by political/ideological deviousness is covered by absolute stupidity.

Indian schools are becoming laboratories of disaster with children being fed inaccurate information : The Big Story - India Today
Cow's song is in news again in Karnataka - The Times of India


The conclusive lines of the poem had been changed. As per the changed version, the tiger says, "Using cow as food is a wicked thought. So I pledge that I will not eat any cows here after..."


The tigress's cub asks the mother to let the cow go to feed her calf. When the cow returns, the tigress changes her mind and says: both of us are mothers. You go back.'' The tigress moves towards the top of the hill with its cub. Cowherd Kalinga wants to end the tiger menace and save his cows. So, he shoots the tigress down. Seeing the tigress fall, the cow thinks that she had sacrificed her life out of guilt. Before breathing her last, the tigress advises its cub not to show any mercy when it comes to hunting. The cub seeks answers: is the death justified? Didn't I become an orphan? If meat-eating is wrong, then let God create grass-eating tigers.

...and this over a beautiful, pognant, haundingly rendered folk song.......:hitwall:



Punyakoti by Kannada Sangha of Sacramento kids - YouTube
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India's school and college education system should be fully privatized. People think privatization will make education costly but they don't understand it will bring about some quality at least!

As for govt run schools, there should not be any exam up to class X for subjects apart from science. No necessity!

Even when I was in school in the 90s - my school did not bother with the Government text-books till the year of the board exams - a completely different set of texts were used for language and Math.

Never had this in my syllabus. This is what happens when uneducated idiots are asked to write textbooks. And we had no mention of any Hindu God or any other God for that matter in any of the 'social sciences' books. What was taught was what the basic tenets of each religion were. That's the maximum there was ever in my entire educational experience in India.
Indian school history has always been deliberately altered to suit political necessities. All Indian textbooks for nearly 50 years deliberately underplayed any violence by Muslim rulers & where it could not be brushed under the carpet, was santisied by according different reasoning. The same was done with how caste is referred to. It did serve a purpose of preventing bad blood but then ran into the....intenet. The internet is not just a place for the truth but somewhere where one can indulge their basest selves. It is the reason why so many people believe so much nonsense, the internet feeds you whatever you are already prediposed to hear. Textbooks on history etc have no longer the same relevance as before. However it must be remembered that the children most targetted for this are the poor who go to government schools & have no easy access to other sources.
I guessed this thread already a derailed one at the moment I came in and it should be.
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