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China Warns U.S. To Stay Out Of Sea Dispute

For the "most allied ally", why do you think it is a consequence of one alliance, and not the other? Or that the internal situation of a country is ever impacted that much by their alliances.

Because there are reasons. US has a vision for Pakistan after their initial blunder back in the 80s. However, Pakistan seeing that China supports it, no matter what, is under an illusion that China will stand up to US on its behalf. And that is why Pakistan is reluctant to go all out against the religious extremists thinking that they form some sort of strategic advantage against India - which co-incidently China covertly supports!!

Except for its anti-India stance and its resource rich Baluchistan, China sees nothing in supporting Pakistan. Show me evidence for the contrary.

This sense of false security under China's pseudo, visionless support is pushing Pakistan down a self-destructive path.
Because there are reasons. US has a vision for Pakistan after their initial blunder back in the 80s. However, Pakistan seeing that China supports it, no matter what, is under an illusion that China will stand up to US on its behalf. And that is why Pakistan is reluctant to go all out against the religious extremists thinking that they form some sort of strategic advantage against India - which co-incidently China covertly supports!!

Except for its anti-India stance and its resource rich Baluchistan, China sees nothing in supporting Pakistan. Show me evidence for the contrary.

This sense of false security under China's pseudo, visionless support is pushing Pakistan down a self-destructive path.

Why don't you check the polls, and see who the Pakistanis blame the most?

If America truly is looking out for Pakistan's best interests, they don't seem to have done a good job in convincing the Pakistani people. And as for their views on India... well, no need to say really.
Why don't you check the polls, and see who the Pakistanis blame the most?
They are delusional. They are in denial. You need to learn to separate the riff raff from substance.
If America truly is looking out for Pakistan's best interests, they don't seem to have done a good job in convincing the Pakistani people. And as for their views on India... well, no need to say really.
Pakistani people are blinded by the false aura of how awesome their army is. There is a reason why they hold their army in such high esteem and it has nothing to do with its actual fighting prowess!! Anything which negatively affects that illusion pushes the majority into a denial mode and they cannot see who actually their well wishers are.

Doing the good work is one thing and convincing them is another. China does actually nothing for Pakistan and yet majority of Pakistanis hold China in high regard!! Explain THAT!

About India, you need to learn more.
They are delusional. They are in denial.

LOL, I can't say that I buy this explanation. It's more of an ad hominem attack than an explanation really.

Doing the good work is one thing and convincing them is another. China does actually nothing for Pakistan and yet majority of Pakistanis hold China in high regard!! Explain THAT!

Firstly, we are doing a lot of investment and construction work in Pakistan. Just recently we announced a nuclear deal with Pakistan, as well as helping them to build mega-dam projects, for the purposes of both flood control and their power needs.

Secondly, even IF we were doing nothing as you say, then why look a gift horse in the mouth?
LOL, I can't say that I buy this explanation. It's more of an ad hominem attack than an explanation really.

Firstly, we are doing a lot of investment and construction work in Pakistan. Just recently we announced a nuclear deal with Pakistan, as well as helping them to build mega-dam projects, for the purposes of both flood control and their power needs.

Secondly, even IF we were doing nothing as you say, then why look a gift horse in the mouth?

fair enough , let's speak the truth . The real truth to what China is doing to Pakistan's economy as written by Pakistani and as Pakistanis own reputable economists confirm.

Dumping ground Pol Eco, NOS, The News International

By Shahzada Irfan Ahmed
LOL, I can't really say that I buy this explanation. That doesn't explain why the majority of Pakistanis regard the US and India as their greatest threat.
Please explain, then, what other explanation there is.
Firstly, we are doing a lot of investment and construction work in Pakistan. Just recently we announced a nuclear deal with Pakistan, as well as helping them to build mega-dam projects, for the purposes of both flood control and their power needs.

Secondly, even IF we were doing nothing as you say, then why look a gift horse in the mouth?
All the work China does in Pakistan actually benefits the Chinese companies. In the process Pakistani construction companies suffer. The nuclear deal is to spite US and a consequence of the Indo-US nuclear deal! A knee jerk reaction, again without any vision. The whole world rejected Pakistan's request for a similar nuclear deal and yet China proposed its own deal? What do you make of it?

About your second question, it again boils down to Pakistanis being in denial. And looking for solace towards anyone sympathetic to their point of view.
Doing the good work is one thing and convincing them is another. China does actually nothing for Pakistan and yet majority of Pakistanis hold China in high regard!! Explain THAT!

Just to provide a quick link, this was posted recently in the Economy subforum.

Financial Times - China proposes $15bn Indus dam scheme in Pakistan

It is true, we don't give "direct aid" in the levels that the USA does to Pakistan. However, I think the Pakistanis will be happy that we are investing in their country as a business strategy, and not being patronizing to them by using aid as a means of getting political concessions.

The "aid" strategy that the West has been using towards developing countries, has led to mixed results in Africa and the Middle East. Whether or not their strategy works, is up to your interpretation. But China's strategy is to "invest" in developing countries, rather than to supply aid.

China is not yet rich enough to just give out aid to whoever asks for it, so we invest.
The nuclear deal is to spite US and a consequence of the Indo-US nuclear deal! A knee jerk reaction, again without any vision. The whole world rejected Pakistan's request for a similar nuclear deal and yet China proposed its own deal? What do you make of it?

It was not out of spite, it was actually a great opportunity for us. China has been thinking about exporting nuclear plants to other countries, so having Pakistan as a first customer, helps enormously.

Same thing for military hardware, if we can show that we already have a major customer (Pakistan) then it makes it a lot easier for us to get further deals.

It was also of course a political opportunity, but that is the obvious point.

And the USA knew about this of course. Why do you think they didn't try to stop the Sino-Pakistani nuclear deal? You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
Just to provide a quick link, this was posted recently in the Economy subforum.

Financial Times - China proposes $15bn Indus dam scheme in Pakistan

It is true, we don't give "direct aid" in the levels that the USA does to Pakistan. However, I think the Pakistanis will be happy that we are investing in their country as a business strategy, and not being patronizing to them by using aid as a means of getting political concessions.

The "aid" strategy that the West has been using towards developing countries, has led to mixed results in Africa and the Middle East. Whether or not their strategy works, is up to your interpretation. But China's strategy is to "invest" in developing countries, rather than to supply aid.

China is not yet rich enough to just give out aid to whoever asks for it, so we invest.
If that is a joke, it is not a good one. Heck...It is not even a poor one. Whether it is cash, business investments, or a trade agreement, any time a deal can benefit two parties, political concessions can be extracted for and from either side.
If that is a joke, it is not a good one. Heck...It is not even a poor one. Whether it is cash, business investments, or a trade agreement, any time a deal can benefit two parties, political concessions can be extracted for and from either side.

business is business. china has a track record of providing investment and financing with no strings attached.
business is business. china has a track record of providing investment and financing with no strings attached.

No strings attached, I dont think so .

The investment that China does in Pakistan is by mainly buliding infra .
The strings attached for taking soft loans is that Pakistan should use Chinese companies and chinese engineers for projects .

Although Pakistan's infra develops which helps them in long terms how come this things help Pakistanis as Pakistani companies suffer and Pakistani engineers have virtually none.
i dont understand, if SCS is historically a part of china then why cant they get it?

jews got israel, US didnt say a sh*t! why do they say something to this, if it is historically china's then they have the right of it, the same applies for taiwan, if it is historically a part of china then they have all the right to have it!

why isn't USA supporting china in this problem?
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