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China warns U.S. against attack on Syria

you claimed

- where is your evidence? I'm asking you to show me the same standards you have asked of us. You put out dossiers on 26/11 and that is good , but when we do it - it is bad. You use our intelligence to collaborate 26/11 , and that is good. But our intelligence in this matter is not.

again just throwing anything and hope it sticks. This is does not strengthen your position, it weakens.

Nope. Just to strengthen our desire to fire shells at our neighbor Pakistan we claimed that men dressed in their military color fatigues crossed the LoC and killed our men. Our claim is discredited since we made the same claim a few years ago and invaded Pakistan. Now hold on. We are both confusing India with the USA. In a nutshell, you lost your credibility after Iraq. Hence my suggestion that you keep your nose out of Syria

Well, haroon butt

I think countries are like families.

Things happen behinds behind closed doors.

Some of those things may not be pleasant. It is family business regardless.

I don't necessary condone it. It don't condemn it.

Each and every country has its own problems.

Who is to say what or who is right or wrong?

It is nobody's business. It is only the busybody and the special interest that yell the loudest.

Things will sort it out in the end.

It is the flow of nature.

As usual you spew cr@p
Nope. Just to strengthen our desire to fire shells at our neighbor Pakistan we claimed that men dressed in their military color fatigues crossed the LoC and killed our men. Our claim is discredited since we made the same claim a few years ago and invaded Pakistan. Now hold on. We are both confusing India with the USA. In a nutshell, you lost your credibility after Iraq. Hence my suggestion that you keep your nose out of Syria

huh? re: Pakistan. you are only further strengthening my argument that you either did actions or claimed actions done upon you- without any evidence, up to the standards you have established here. why is, what is good for goose not good for the gander?

I could also say- You lost every credibility after claiming terrorists attacks in India were Pakistan's doing, when it was found out to be Indian colonel's. so taking up YOUR LOGIC again--- everything India claims as being done by pak in future has NO credibility.

I know you are of that thinking that a mistake made in the past = every time in future it will be a mistake again.

Then you seem to glaze over the fact that the US president, majority of the US people are against any action. How do you think then, us lying about it- helps america? What part of Obama does not want to go there are you not understanding?

Further proof of his reluctance ? OBAMA just asked congress to approve it, knowing quite well it has a great chance of failing!
:lol: Fake @ss Chinese American and a Chinese Canadian running crazy on this thread.
Time to burst bubble. No one want to have leechers like you in their country..You are oppressors..Did Iraq,Libya,Afghanistan called you ? Is Syria calling you ? Mercernaries paid by you are fighting in syria and when they are ganged banged up by Assad Army.You came up with chemical weapons OMG we witnessed them so much in Iraq.No one needs you and get the guck out of Aghan and Syria now.Leechers.

now that is what i call Comment of The Day!:tongue:
Oh gawd, more of that emotional Indian tirade. Angry that your British masters left so soon? Do you dream of them coming back to you?

Lol, I don't want to intervene in your countries, and neither do most Americans. It's you 3rd worlders that are always begging for our intervention.

Why don't you intervene in Syria they say? They got no oil? Why did you intervene in Libya, they say? Cause they got Oil?

Damned if you do, damned if you don't... 3rd worlders simply have an inferiority complex, which is why so many Syrians are protesting at our lack of intervention.

Well your stupid economy runs on us Third Worlders by interfering unnecessary into our matters and poking noses where its non of your bizniz.....in the end only these Third Worlders suffer the most while you enjoy living in your cozy homes after starting stupid wars everywhere in the Third World Countries....
This is one warning :usflag: won't listen to.
Angry at the brits leaving us so soon ? Jeez dude. You seem to harbor this innate reasoning that the rest of the world demands USA (whitey) interference. My message is simple to all you Yankees. Leave the Muslims alone. Leave the Blacks alone. Leave the yellow people alone. Leave the brown people alone. In a nutshell, everybody is getting sick and tired of your country poking its nose up the rear of everybody else's business

LOL, America has more Blacks than any non-African country in the world. They are tired of their children dying in foreign lands too.
I see them as children being gassed.

There's an estimate that says that if AQ became successful in prevailing over Syria, then 90% of Non Sunni's and Non Muslim Syrian's - (an estimated 2 million) would be butchered by these Wahhabi terrorists.

AQ will have a country of it's own - just like the Taliban had one for itself - and we all know how that ends up.

and that my friend is what's the bigger worry besides the genocide of 2 million non sunni/non muslim Syrians.

Besides the UN team still haven't presented the findings of their investigations.
Time to burst bubble. No one want to have leechers like you in their country..You are oppressors..Did Iraq,Libya,Afghanistan called you ? Is Syria calling you ? Mercernaries paid by you are fighting in syria and when they are ganged banged up by Assad Army.You came up with chemical weapons OMG we witnessed them so much in Iraq.No one needs you and get the guck out of Aghan and Syria now.Leechers.

Actually yes, the Libyan opposition called us to support them, a decision that was only supported by 40% of Americans... I would have said no, let them die. It's not America's problem.

Afghanistan... we went there to destroy the POS's that attacked us. I would not have supported the rebuilding there. Just destroy them and get out.

Why don't you move back to China or to Europe or to Greenland or to mofoland or to wherever you originated from if that is your attitude ?

Because this is my nation?

You seem to think that ancestry, family, heritage, etc. don't mean jack-squat.. that nation-states don't actually exist, and every one should be able to move wherever they please. No national borders!

LOL, I'm a proud American and I love my country. I am not going anywhere.
you keep calling it your country. It is not your country. You are not even of the same gene pool of the whites you claim to be innovators Flat_top56 bagger boy. just because you share a skin tone does not make you of the caliber of those you always cite here. In fact you are the tainted gene pool that even lost the civil war in this country.

Now we are talking about gene pools Indian-supremacist?

Actually, we are of the exact same gene pool. I am of German and English ancestry, two ethnic groups that are far more American than the tainted and lower gene pool of you sub-Humans. OH! IS THAT RACIST!? Well, don't talk about inferior gene pools slumdog rupee-millionaire.

Go back home before someone outs you BASED on your skin color.

Also, what are you waiting for? Why have you yet to alert the Mods to your conclusion that I actually own 30 different accounts here? Come on PlanetWarrior, we are waiting for you.
Because this is my nation?

You seem to think that ancestry, family, heritage, etc. don't mean jack-squat.. that nation-states don't actually exist, and every one should be able to move wherever they please. No national borders!

LOL, I'm a proud American and I love my country. I am not going anywhere.

Now we are talking about gene pools Indian-supremacist?

Actually, we are of the exact same gene pool. I am of German and English ancestry, two ethnic groups that are far more American than the tainted and lower gene pool of you sub-Humans. OH! IS THAT RACIST!? Well, don't talk about inferior gene pools slumdog rupee-millionaire.

Go back home before someone outs you BASED on your skin color.

Also, what are you waiting for? Why have you yet to alert the Mods to your conclusion that I actually own 30 different accounts here? Come on PlanetWarrior, we are waiting for you.

This is your gene pool called the Tea party baggers of america. You are white in skin tone only...

Redneck IQ TestRedneck IQ Test



You are done away with your job and you should now take your *** out of those countries. No one want to have you in their backyard but you find a reason to pick up something. Trust me no one needs you..You yourself pose yourself as world police whereas no one gives you a damn ****.Stop picking small countries and challenge a big one then lets see how many times your external debt takes fold and you will cry to come out of it the way you are crying in Afghanistan fighting against the rag tag terrorists.America tries to shove democracy in everyone's throat..what kind of democracy you are puttin in where people does not have voice :woot: ? zzwhy your soldiers are stationed in other countries when you yourself does not want it ?

How many times must I repeat this Islamabada$$??

I do NOT support our country getting involved in the Middle East. That's it, stop lecturing me on my country interfering in your internal affairs when I HAVE ALREADY SAID I DON'T CARE FOR SUCH INTERFERENCE.

Capiche? Look at opinion polls. Americans don't want to so much as lift a finger in Syria; nor did we want to do so in Libya. The only wars America supported were in Afghanistan (and rightfully so), and the huge mistake in Iraq (which Americans have not supported since 2006).

So stop repeating yourselves, all of you. You seem to hate Western interference in your countries, yet when I support non-interference you go crazy! Haha, a little bit of cognitive dissonance here? BTW, I'm sure the Danish love your hatred of 'Western interference'. Do you lecture them on the sins of Christianity and homosexuality?
This is your gene pool called the Tea party baggers of america. You are white in skin tone only...

So now a "racist" picture war? Just goes to show that even though Indians have the largest inferiority complex, always clamoring on about racism, suprecasim, bigotry, etc. they are the one's who have the most despicably hypocritical and racist minds on Earth. I rest my case.

Here is some of your own medicine troll:

Your people






How many times must I repeat this Islamabada$$??

I do NOT support our country getting involved in the Middle East. That's it, stop lecturing me on my country interfering in your internal affairs when I HAVE ALREADY SAID I DON'T CARE FOR SUCH INTERFERENCE.

Capiche? Look at opinion polls. Americans don't want to so much as lift a finger in Syria; nor did we want to do so in Libya. The only wars America supported were in Afghanistan (and rightfully so), and the huge mistake in Iraq (which Americans have not supported since 2006).

So stop repeating yourselves, all of you. You seem to hate Western interference in your countries, yet when I support non-interference you go crazy! Haha, a little bit of cognitive dissonance here? BTW, I'm sure the Danish love your hatred of 'Western interference'. Do you lecture them on the sins of Christianity and homosexuality?


n yuk at the pics:bad:

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