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China warns U.S. against attack on Syria

He doesn't sound like redneck, I think he is oriental. So fix your trajectory ! ;-)

A wannabe white redneck oriental ? He does sound like a redneck. Perhaps he's a great imitator ..like Russell Peters :undecided:
Indians love to speak about racism, then they talk about "inferior gene pools".

Don't you guys have an IQ of 82 or something? Isn't that what people keep making fun of you for? Inferior intelligence?

Well, please take your rapist tendencies, inability to be creative, confident, or independent, and shove it where it belongs! That is, in India where all of your inferior brethren reside.

My inferior gene pool landed on the Moon, invented the internet, telephone, spacecraft, cellular phones, even modern medicine.

What has your "gene pool", that you love referring to, ever done? Other than scream at "racist Whitey" because of your jealousy and inferiority, in your lack of accomplishment? If you were so superior, you wouldn't need to move from your slumhole subcontinent to come to our nation you braindead Indian.

Unlike you Indians, I'm not ashamed of who I am! I live in Gainesville, near Riverside Military Academy, in a fairly wealthy area. You don't have the guts to mention who you are because you know you would lose all friends and acquaintances that you have ever accrued during your stay as our guest here.

Just remember this, you are SURROUNDED by Americans everywhere you go, and most of them are probably White. It must pain to have to keep your feelings compartmentalized in that iodine deficient, tiny Indian cranium of yours.

Your gene pool did contribute to jack on any of those accomplishments . Your inferior gene pool was always the ones bringing down america. A double wide trailer maybe posh in a single wide trailer park. But to the rest it is what it is...

White majority look down upon you- and hope that you follow up, every time you lose an election, on the threat about seceding from america. Go away HillBilly leave america. remember you are surrounded by all races that look down upon you.

THIS IS YOUR gene pool in the US.

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And what about our motherland? When will our spineless leaders stand up and demand the neutral truth ? Or will we remain the lapdogs of "we will follow whatever the UNO majority says". ?

We don't need to take a stand and alienate either side of the conflict. India needs to speak against is the Al Qaeda influence in this conflict, but that is about it. The only reason China has so called balls in this issue is because they are part of the security council.
Your gene pool did contribute to jack on any of those accomplishments . Your inferior gene pool was always the ones bringing down america. A double wide trailer maybe posh in a single wide trailer park. But to the rest it is what it is...

Whites majority look down upon you and hope you follow up every time you lose an election about seceding from america.

The White majority looks down upon the White majority? Huh?? Indian logic 101.

And what's with the insta-responses? I log in and post a response, and you respond within literally 30 seconds! Are you on this site literally 24/7? You do know that Taxi drivers should not be on their cell phones while driving us around, right?

This isn't India, we actually have laws we follow here.
A wannabe white redneck oriental ? He does sound like a redneck. Perhaps he's a great imitator ..like Russell Peters :undecided:

Since when rednecks are so interested in China, see the posts, all are in China related threads. Heck there was even a German who would only post on China INDIA topic. What was his name guttergibon or something.

Have you ever seen a redneck to measure IQ of other people ? :p:
The White majority looks down upon the White majority? Huh?? Indian logic 101.

And what's with the insta-responses? I log in and post a response, and you respond within literally 30 seconds! Are you on this site literally 24/7? You do know that Taxi drivers should not be on their cell phones while driving us around, right?

This isn't India, we actually have laws we follow here.

Only rednecks don't get why the white majority designate their inferior gene pool as rednecks. :rofl:

Remember it also against the law to procreate among siblings - laws of nature!

Indian immigrant group which earns the highest in this nation- will be happy to help you with your welfare checks , as long as you promise not procreate a sustained generation of retards because of your propensity to in-breed.

Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider
stop posting the same sh@t again and again brain dead

He's an Indian; no creativity, no independence, and most certainly no self-confidence.

Take a look at some of his previous posts. I've found that when copy-pasting it into Google Search, most of it comes up from blogs, Amnesty International, etc.

He doesn't even have the intellect to post his own material. Again, like a typical Indian.

Only rednecks don't get why the white majority designate their inferior gene pool as rednecks. :rofl:

Remember it also against the law to procreate among siblings - laws of nature!

Indian immigrant group which earns the highest in this nation- will be happy to help you with your welfare checks , as long as you promise not procreate a sustained generation of retards because of your propensity to in-breed.

Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider

I didn't know that Whites who live in the South magically transform into a new race of people. Do you have a scientific study backing up your claim? Or is this more low-IQ Indian propaganda?

Get my taxi ready boy! You should not be on the internet!
He's an Indian; no creativity, no independence, and most certainly no self-confidence.

Take a look at some of his previous posts. I've found that when copy-pasting it into Google Search, most of it comes up from blogs, Amnesty International, etc.

He doesn't even have the intellect to post his own material. Again, like a typical Indian.

I didn't know that Whites who live in the South magically transform into a new race of people. Do you have a scientific study backing up your claim? Or is this more low-IQ Indian propaganda?

Get my taxi ready boy! You should not be on the internet!

ask the whites in america why they designate you as rednecks.

your contribution to america, is one of losers.

your proud people brought us this...


you were know as the Dixiecrat in this country- those who switched over to the republican party after civil right laws were passed. Embarrassing other whites ( majority), in this nation- to coin terms as hillbilly and rednecks to disassociate you from them.

You can't afford a car we get that, because your DL# has been confiscated with all that " beaaaarrrr" drinking. But this is the " innovation" from your brethren and it will work for you.

and Upgrade by you innovators being this

ask the whites in america why they designate you as rednecks.

you contribution to america, is one of losers.

your proud people brought us this...

Funny how you have to keep bringing up the past.

Shall I bring up the India of today?


Anti-African Racism in India | Black Agenda Report

Anyway, I'll ask again. I know that your tiny cranium makes it difficult for you to take on more than one question at a time:

Do you have a scientific study backing up your claim, that White people magically transform into a different race of an "inferior gene pool", you racist Indian supremacist trash?

Yes or no?

So much casual racism here...
Gene pools? **** me, grow up.

The funny thing is, this piece of cr@p has been calling me a racist, bigot, supremacist, and far more, even though I've expressed my indifference to people of different races, and how I welcome everyone, Black, Brown, or White, to be an American.

On the other hand, he now talks proudly of how White people are of an "inferior gene pool" to everyone else, and how we are "rednecks and KKK bigots" at the same time.

I'm telling you, they are the most racist and hypocritical people in the world, mostly against Blacks (as you can see below), but also against Whites when they don't get their way.
JayAtl;4721411 You can't afford a car we get that said:

and Upgrade by you innovators being this



Like the 5th time I have caught you lying. Typical Indian! Apparently those are Gypsies, descended from India. Buuuuurn!


Funny how you have to keep bringing up the past.

The funny thing is, this piece of cr@p has been calling me a racist, bigot, supremacist, and far more, evne though I've expressed my indifference to people of different races, and how I welcome everyone, Black, Brown, or White, to be an American.

On the other hand, he now talks proudly of how White people are of an "inferior gene pool" to everyone else, and how we are "rednecks and KKK bigots" at the same time.

I'm telling you, they are the most racist and hypocritical people in the world, mostly against Blacks (as you can see below), but also against Whites when they don't get their way.

Balooney! you are pretending now to include blacks and Hispanics ( some of them as you called welcoming). you have espoused your anti immigration views here, you have called the president half american... and now that I have shown you to be the Racist, bigot tea party bagger. you are claiming to be accepting of others.

YOU LIE about how I call " all white people" KKK etc- I call you the inferior gene pool among them- whom they ( other whites)themselves too call you Racist, bigoted rednecks.

The white superiority is another meme you have here but Oh nooos - you are not a racist.


Like the 5th time I have caught you lying. Typical Indian!



Boo hoo. I typed 'red neck transportation' it showed that image too... oh wow it turned out to be from Romania. Okay... more for you then :

Balooney! you are pretending now to include blacks and Hispanics ( some of them as you called welcoming). you have espoused your anti immigration views here, you have called the president half american... and now that I have shown you to be the Racist, bigot tea party bagger. you are claiming to be accepting of others.

What do you mean pretend? Is it morally acceptable to compulsively lie about everything when you don't get your way? I've always accepted Blacks as true Americans, lol you are so full of schit! I've also said that I am a moderate, neither liberal or a conservative. I've actually said that over a dozen times, but your small Indian brain has been incapable of understanding such a simple statement!

I am sure you will continue to ignore that.

And yes, I'm 100% against immigration. I don't want any more new immigrants coming in, and if you look at Pew Polls, you will see that Blacks are far more against immigration than any other racial group in the country. I guess Blacks must be White Supremacist, KKK, BIGOTS!!

In fact, anyone can take a look at your previous history of posts, talking about how we are genetically inferior, of lower intelligence and IQ, and how our children will wipe your ***** for you! I have every right to respond to such disgustingly racist and obviously Indian statements.

Boo hoo. I typed 'red neck transportation' it showed that image too... oh wow it turned out to be from Romania. Okay... more for you then :

Wow, what an amazing pic BTW. Two fat guys standing in front of an old and rusty car.

There is NOTHING comparable to that in India!


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