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Indians artificially lowering their rape rate by not reporting as many to the United Nations, and this in your opinion proves that they are LESS backwards, not MORE.

I think your comment is further proof of the backwardness of the region.

Lolz We love see you crying when you get a pink slip and one among us get your job..If America has intelligent people then why are they kicking dickheads like you and hiring people from Pakistan,India & China.

Because they work for far cheaper wages. Also, I've never heard of a Pakistani that doesn't drive a Taxi here; Indians have that stereotype here too.

How oh how could we have possible become so prosperous before mass immigration? Are you saying that your countries are more prosperous than ours? Then WHY do you need to come to our countries in the first place?

WHY were we doing just fine before we had to import your people into our countries?

Are you able to think critically?

It's so funny! Us dim-witted Westerners can't possibly understand how lowering rape rates by refusing to report as many as Western countries, is proof of your superiority! It's just too funny!
Careful now, I contribute more in taxes in a year than your entire family has accumulated over a thousand years.

Aren't you living in Atlanta? So does that mean your retarded gene pool belongs to a state that is a welfare state?

Your ability for intellectual discourse is lacking, due to your inferior "gene pool". Indians have never been considered to be smart, and you are further proof of that.

You contribute jack, just like your family tree. Pretending that militia meth rocks is a form of currency or pimping out your girls to each other- is not a form of taxation payment. I live in Atlanta and hence I know you rednecks well. You are good when you come clean my toilets but always have to be reminded to do things multiple times because of your gene pool.
The 10 Most Redneck Cities in America
You are done away with your job and you should now take your *** out of those countries. No one want to have you in their backyard but you find a reason to pick up something. Trust me no one needs you..You yourself pose yourself as world police whereas no one gives you a damn ****.Stop picking small countries and challenge a big one then lets see how many times your external debt takes fold and you will cry to come out of it the way you are crying in Afghanistan fighting against the rag tag terrorists.America tries to shove democracy in everyone's throat..what kind of democracy you are puttin in where people does not have voice :woot: ? zzwhy your soldiers are stationed in other countries when you yourself does not want it ?

sirya is constant target, of friends of israel!
cause they are trying to establish there own, new world oder on the name of damocrazy?
from afghanistan to pakistan & iran egypt, turkey , iraq algeria, nigeria, whatever who ever is not listening them , he is dictator, he is murderer , terrorist!
& then fake regious extermism been unleashed against a established state, like sirya?
i mean its a open secret that , fighters been sent to fight against siryan state forces, on what mission, just because asad is nt ready to bow them?
well, i dont support any agerrsion against sirya, by anyone, bt there should be setlement by asad govt, to open it somewhat in his terms, the suffreings of innocents by all the parties must be stopped at all levels?
china, & russia has to create some kind of defence shield, to stop world falling under washington,s rule by force?
but i dont support any, extermism of ttp kind 8f organizations!
You just keep proving your true colors Indian. Are you one of those anti-military far-left douchebags that hates everything about my country? Why don't you take your fake American accent and fly on a plane to Bombay?

I'm sure the Founding Fathers would approve. Even these rednecks you seek to denigrate, are considered to be far more American than any other. They tend to be the most patriotic and nationalist of all Americans, and yes they serve at far higher rates than all others, including slumdog rupee-millionaire wannabe-White turds like yourself.

I'm not sure how long it will take you to understand this, but no one wants you here. We are not interested in accepting military-hating anti-White (and wannabe-White at the same time) bigots such as yourself in this country. You don't get it! If we don't want you here, stop overstaying your welcome!

This is not your country, you are here to be a welfare queen and have always been as a majority. Your founding father was your uncle( your mamma's brother). You would not know Military honor, code or conduct if it came hit you while you were busy fondling cousin Mary Beth. You are only white in color but of the worst inferior gene pool hated by majority of whites.

You rednecks wanted to secede from the america and talk about being patriotic. your family tree has been the defeated south. Y'all!

Secession petitions flood White House website - Tea Party
False flag gone crazy..... in Indo-Pak presssure lol!! :lol:

I'm pretty sure that American dude is genuine, who the heck would know that Atlanta is a welfare state but an American :lol:

That Haroon Butt guy is an Indian trying to pis off the American using a Pakistani flag. Very Chankya of you to do a double false flag :cheesy:
I'm pretty sure that American dude is genuine, who the heck would know that Atlanta is a welfare state but an American :lol:

That Haroon Butt guy is an Indian trying to pis off the American using a Pakistani flag. Very Chankya of you to do a double false flag :cheesy:

Ohh u are the one who had to retreat from the truck thread right? Trying hard again here. Anyways keep trying!! :lol:

Many here know's am a False flag or not..... so don't try to be too smart.:azn:

And don't quote me further as it won't help u! :D
Ohh u are the one who had to retreat from the truck thread right? Trying hard again here. Anyways keep trying!! :lol:

Many here know's am a False flag or not..... so don't try to be too smart.:azn:

And don't quote me further as it won't help u! :D

- What truck thread? Please link
- Among other things 1947 ensured my right to quote anyone I so desire :D
- What truck thread? Please link
- Among other things 1947 ensured my right to quote anyone I so desire :D

U still can't forget 47 pain.Pity u!! :D

Bdw u can quote but it's my choice to respond or not. Now it's upto u how u'll take that 'No response',a compliment or an ... Whatever'. So ... :lol:
Actually yes, the Libyan opposition called us to support them, a decision that was only supported by 40% of Americans... I would have said no, let them die. It's not America's problem.

Afghanistan... we went there to destroy the POS's that attacked us. I would not have supported the rebuilding there. Just destroy them and get out.

Because this is my nation?

You seem to think that ancestry, family, heritage, etc. don't mean jack-squat.. that nation-states don't actually exist, and every one should be able to move wherever they please. No national borders!

LOL, I'm a proud American and I love my country. I am not going anywhere.

Good. Remain a proud American. Love your country. Don't go anywhere. And oh yeah, stay the f out of everybody else's rear and we frankly wouldn't give a damn whether your country remains lily white; a rainbow of colors or a bunch of savages chasing after Red Indians on a pony.

Because they work for far cheaper wages. Also, I've never heard of a Pakistani that doesn't drive a Taxi here; Indians have that stereotype here too.

How oh how could we have possible become so prosperous before mass immigration? Are you saying that your countries are more prosperous than ours? Then WHY do you need to come to our countries in the first place?

WHY were we doing just fine before we had to import your people into our countries?

Are you able to think critically?

It's so funny! Us dim-witted Westerners can't possibly understand how lowering rape rates by refusing to report as many as Western countries, is proof of your superiority! It's just too funny!

In response to the bold parts above, we must ask your White ancestors the same question. We likewise were doing quite well minus their trespass. Now we are returning the visit and you screech like a young maiden being touched for the very first time :D
I'm pretty sure that American dude is genuine, who the heck would know that Atlanta is a welfare state but an American :lol:

That Haroon Butt guy is an Indian trying to pis off the American using a Pakistani flag. Very Chankya of you to do a double false flag :cheesy:

Atlanta a welfare "state".... Wow... Butthead was right, you guys are geniuses.

This is not your country, you are here to be a welfare queen and have always been as a majority. Your founding father was your uncle( your mamma's brother). You would not know Military honor, code or conduct if it came hit you while you were busy fondling cousin Mary Beth. You are only white in color but of the worst inferior gene pool hated by majority of whites.

You rednecks wanted to secede from the america and talk about being patriotic. your family tree has been the defeated south. Y'all!

Secession petitions flood White House website - Tea Party

You hate the founding fathers too, and the people that are the majority. Your only claim to being an American is on a piece of paper somewhere.

The true citizens of this country, whether they be White, Black, or Brown, do not consider Indians to be American. Sorry, Indians are simply not part of the American culture and heritage like Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, etc.
Atlanta a welfare "state".... Wow... Butthead was right, you guys are geniuses.

You hate the founding fathers too, and the people that are the majority. Your only claim to being an American is on a piece of paper somewhere.

The true citizens of this country, whether they be White, Black, or Brown, do not consider Indians to be American. Sorry, Indians are simply not part of the American culture and heritage like Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, etc.

You can scream , shrill and Y'all your way into any conversation- but rednecks and hillbillies are not considered american. You were not when you came from your lands and immigrated here- hence pushed out to the mountains and south. You are the reason for losing the civil war because of your inferior gene pool.

I did not create the redneck class, the whites designated their inferior gene pool ALA you and your ilk as one. That's why you are looked down upon by them too. you were hated back then by other Europeans then and are still now. You are a WICO White in color only! even if you try not include blacks and brown into your mix- while cribbing about blacks here and Hispanic immigration. Blacks , white, brown and everyone call you redneck hillbillies! Aka Tea party base.

YOUR contribution to america HERE Hate Map | Southern Poverty Law Center
You contribute jack, just like your family tree. Pretending that militia meth rocks is a form of currency or pimping out your girls to each other- is not a form of taxation payment. I live in Atlanta and hence I know you rednecks well. You are good when you come clean my toilets but always have to be reminded to do things multiple times because of your gene pool.

Indians love to speak about racism, then they talk about "inferior gene pools".

Don't you guys have an IQ of 82 or something? Isn't that what people keep making fun of you for? Inferior intelligence?

Well, please take your rapist tendencies, inability to be creative, confident, or independent, and shove it where it belongs! That is, in India where all of your inferior brethren reside.

My inferior gene pool landed on the Moon, invented the internet, telephone, spacecraft, cellular phones, even modern medicine.

What has your "gene pool", that you love referring to, ever done? Other than scream at "racist Whitey" because of your jealousy and inferiority, in your lack of accomplishment? If you were so superior, you wouldn't need to move from your slumhole subcontinent to come to our nation you braindead Indian.

Unlike you Indians, I'm not ashamed of who I am! I live in Gainesville, near Riverside Military Academy, in a fairly wealthy area. You don't have the guts to mention who you are because you know you would lose all friends and acquaintances that you have ever accrued during your stay as our guest here.

Just remember this, you are SURROUNDED by Americans everywhere you go, and most of them are probably White. It must pain to have to keep your feelings compartmentalized in that iodine deficient, tiny Indian cranium of yours.
You can scream , shrill and Y'all your way into any conversation- but rednecks and hillbillies are not considered american. You were not when you came from your lands and immigrated here- hence pushed out to the mountains and south. You are the reason for losing the civil war because of your inferior gene pool.

I did not create the redneck class, the whites designated their inferior gene pool ALA you and your ilk as one. That's why you are looked down upon by them too. you were hated back then by other Europeans then and are still now. You are a WICO White in color only! even if you try not include blacks and brown into your mix- while cribbing about blacks here and Hispanic immigration. Blacks , white, brown and everyone call you redneck hillbillies! Aka Tea party base.

YOUR contribution to america HERE Hate Map | Southern Poverty Law Center
He doesn't sound like redneck, I think he is oriental. So fix your trajectory ! ;-)

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