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China warns U.S. against attack on Syria


n yuk at the pics:bad:

Well look at the responses of you and your compatriots. I said I don't support US interference, and you people went crazy. One foaming-at-the-mouth Indian, judging by his response, was about to burst an artery.

The only people who keep supporting such actions are false-flaggers like JayATL. He is NOT an American, so don't think that he is actually giving you an opinion that most Americans support. He is just an Indian troll masquerading as one of us; his opinion does not count.
This is your gene pool called the Tea party baggers of america. You are white in skin tone only...

Redneck IQ TestRedneck IQ Test



hill billies as a term has been used in many movies as well..
So now a "racist" picture war? Just goes to show that even though Indians have the largest inferiority complex, always clamoring on about racism, suprecasim, bigotry, etc. they are the one's who have the most despicably hypocritical and racist minds on Earth. I rest my case.

That is not a picture war, if it were i would show your kind in its glory . Those are historical pictures and a background into your gene pool aka Hillbillies and rednecks that you tea baggers are. You are only white in skin tone and share nothing with those innovators of this country.

get out of America, you and your generation in the US has been nothing but a stain in MY countries history:P. and take your embroidered white hoods with you too!

Well look at the responses of you and your compatriots. I said I don't support US interference, and you people went crazy. One foaming-at-the-mouth Indian, judging by his response, was about to burst an artery.

The only people who keep supporting such actions are false-flaggers like JayATL. He is NOT an American, so don't think that he is actually giving you an opinion that most Americans support. He is just an Indian troll masquerading as one of us; his opinion does not count.

well i found ur post no 44 little offensive,about third worlders so i responded to that....and im not against Americans at all but their wrong policies against third world countries.....i know very well majority in the US is against these wars ....and they protest against it too publicly....
This is your gene pool called the Tea party baggers of america. You are white in skin tone only...

Hey Jay, why do you keep referring to yourself as "We Indians"???

***************** . com/forum/china/18593-indian-chinese-armies-jointly-hoists-indian-flag-indias-republic-day.html

And why do Indians themselves say:

JayATL is nothing but wanna be gringo.

JayATL = ABCD (American Born Confused Desi)

***************** . com/forum/defence-strategic-issues/32902-india-may-never-superpower-london-school-economics-5.html

So JayAtl was born in India, represents himself as Indian with his flag, uses the word "We" when referring to Indians, and hates the US military.

The conclusion of course is that Jay Atl is.... an American.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
That is not a picture war, if it were i would show your kind in its glory

The worst you have is a bunch of people shooting guns in the air and riding hogs or something. I can do a lot worse than just Indians defecating on the street.

You are only white in skin tone and share nothing with those innovators of this country.

No, I'm genetically White, as in my ancestry is German and English. I'm sorry that you are of the Indian gene pool, a people who only rape each other and defecate for a living.. oh I forgot and operate call center. That is the extent to your peoples ability.

If I am a hillbilly, then what does that make you? You wouldn't be fit scrape off the slime on my boots.

you and your generation in the US has been nothing but a stain in MY countries history

Don't worry, my English cousins left your country half a century ago. You're free to return after you've finished raping "da aryan wimminz"
India is a third world class country and your President came to India after oath to do some business s you can get some jobs.Agreed what this pics are showing about the great super power America..One of the most rich and powerful nation.

Even the poorest Americans are wealthier than the middle-income Indians. You can't even earn LOWER than $21,000 dollars in the US. It's not allowed.

What is the minimum wage in India? $100 per year? And is it even enforced?

Do you have any brain cells at all? Do you think that posting a few pictures of homeless Americans is at all representative of 315 million people?

The United States is the richest major country in the world, and BY FAR. No one comes close to us, except our European cousins (and even they are poorer).

Why the Heck would you migrate to a Western country? Because we are poorer? LOL!
You hate the US military, a Neo Nazi and one that loves to burn the US flag! you are a reject gene pool that infiltrated our beautiful country, only to dumb it down further by procreating with your siblings!

I SERVED in my nations Armed Forces you anti-American piece of sh!t. Seriously, you're starting to **** me off with your hatred of our country, while at the same time claiming to be one of us.

Neo Nazis? Is that why my great-grandfather was an officer which lead in the Italian Campaigns against Hitler? How did your worthless Hindu family contribute? By raping White women? By defecating on the street? Your people don't know what it is to be an American. You don't deserve to be here. You haven't sweated for this country, you just care about taking advantage of all we've built over the centuries. Screw off, no one will ever consider an Indian to be an American, no matter how much you disassociate yourself from that slum of a subcontinent that your genetic pool descends from.
Even the poorest Americans are wealthier than the middle-income Indians. You can't even earn LOWER than $21,000 dollars in the US. It's not allowed.

What is the minimum wage in India? $100 per year? And is it even enforced?

Do you have any brain cells at all? Do you think that posting a few pictures of homeless Americans is at all representative of 315 million people?

The United States is the richest major country in the world, and BY FAR. No one comes close to us, except our European cousins (and even they are poorer).

Why the Heck would you migrate to a Western country? Because we are poorer? LOL!

careful now - you Redneck, retarded gene pool get welfare checks from the rest of us... poorest of Americans which your gene pool is as a majority makes nothing while it lives off our tax dollars.

Red States Are The Real Welfare States -
We are coming here because we are getting opportunities ? You people are not good for nothing that is why we are being hired, We are more intelligent and smart than you..Why does the American going to China if these countries offer 100$ per year :smitten:

Is that why your countries are just one large slum? Your opportunities consist of Europeans feeling sorry for your pathetic lives and importing you to feel better about themselves.

Tell me this Butt, if Europeans refused to import you like they do toilets from China, would you still be "smarter" and "more intelligent" than us? Or would you be scrumming through a trash can looking for left-overs in some alleyway in Islamabada$$.

Your society is a reflection of your intelligence.
I SERVED in my nations Armed Forces you anti-American piece of sh!t. Seriously, you're starting to **** me off with your hatred of our country, while at the same time claiming to be one of us.

Neo Nazis? Is that why my great-grandfather was an officer which lead in the Italian Campaigns against Hitler? How did your worthless Hindu family contribute? By raping White women? By defecating on the street? Your people don't know what it is to be an American. You don't deserve to be here. You haven't sweated for this country, you just care about taking advantage of all we've built over the centuries. Screw off, no one will ever consider an Indian to be an American, no matter how much you disassociate yourself from that slum of a subcontinent that your genetic pool descends from.

You did not serve jack clown. wearing a militia camouflage clothing running in your back woods- is not called serving. You guys use our flag as something to **** on when drunk. Your gene pool in america are No 1 criminals here. Leading people in white hoods to burn cross is not " I- talina campaign" bagger boy!
careful now - you Redneck, retarded gene pool get welfare checks from the rest of us... poorest of Americans which your gene pool is as a majority makes nothing while it lives off our tax dollars.

Careful now, I contribute more in taxes in a year than your entire family has accumulated over a thousand years.

Aren't you living in Atlanta? So does that mean your retarded gene pool belongs to a state that is a welfare state?

Your ability for intellectual discourse is lacking, due to your inferior "gene pool". Indians have never been considered to be smart, and you are further proof of that.
You did not serve jack clown. wearing a militia camouflage clothing running in your back woods- is not called serving. You guys use our flag as something to **** on when drunk. Your gene pool in america are No 1 criminals here. Leading people in white hoods to burn cross is not " I- talina campaign" bagger boy!

You just keep proving your true colors Indian. Are you one of those anti-military far-left douchebags that hates everything about my country? Why don't you take your fake American accent and fly on a plane to Bombay?

I'm sure the Founding Fathers would approve. Even these rednecks you seek to denigrate, are considered to be far more American than any other. They tend to be the most patriotic and nationalist of all Americans, and yes they serve at far higher rates than all others, including slumdog rupee-millionaire wannabe-White turds like yourself.

I'm not sure how long it will take you to understand this, but no one wants you here. We are not interested in accepting military-hating anti-White (and wannabe-White at the same time) bigots such as yourself in this country. You don't get it! If we don't want you here, stop overstaying your welcome!

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