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What do you mean pretend? Is it morally acceptable to compulsively lie about everything when you don't get your way? I've always accepted Blacks as true Americans, lol you are so full of schit! I've also said that I am a moderate, neither liberal or a conservative. I've actually said that over a dozen times, but your small Indian brain has been incapable of understanding such a simple statement!

I am sure you will continue to ignore that.

And yes, I'm 100% against immigration. I don't want any more new immigrants coming in, and if you look at Pew Polls, you will see that Blacks are far more against immigration than any other racial group in the country. I guess Blacks must be White Supremacist, KKK, BIGOTS!!

In fact, anyone can take a look at your previous history of posts, talking about how we are genetically inferior, of lower intelligence and IQ, and how our children will wipe your ***** for you! I have every right to respond to such disgustingly racist and obviously Indian statements.

You can continue your Lie that a person who is anti immigrant 100% as you claim here is not a racist. You can claim that such stances are even from moderates! 100% anti immigrant stance is pure Tea party right wing extremist in my country!

You can call the President half american and then say you are cool with blacks. That is Birther talk! and everyone who has an iota of knowledge of the Americana political landscape- knows birther rants is no moderates rant. You are just being called out as the bigot , racist you are and are now are back peddling...

then you come here talking about how you whites built this country and are superior- yeah that is language of a moderate , NOT!

This is your people sopund-100% like you here. and you don't have the b@lls to even stand up and not back track.

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You can continue your Lie that a person who is anti immigrant 100% as you claim here is not a racist. You can claim that such stances are even from moderates! 100% anti immigrant stance is pure Tea party right wing extremist in my country!

You can call the President half american and then say you are cool with blacks. That is Birther talk! and everyone who has an iota of knowledge of the Americana political landscape- knows birther rants is no moderates rant. You are just being called out as the bigot , racist you are and are now are back peddling...

then you come here talking about how you whites built this country and are superior- yeah that is language of a moderate , NOT!

This is your people sopund-100% like you here. and you don't have the b@lls to even stand up and not back track.

I never said that Whites built 100% of the country, you are just such a morally bankrupt excuse for a Human that you can't even tell the truth when you make a rebuttal. You have to put up false arguments that I never made, and then knock them down with simplicity, as if I had actually posited such an argument. You are a liar and a charlatan.

Nevertheless, it is a fact, whether you like it or not, that Whites did build and innovate the overwhelming majority of this nation. Every single time YOU bring this up, I say the same thing, and I do so by posting sources to support my argument.

All you do is cry racist. Is it racist to say that the inventors of the World Wide Web all happened to be White? No, it's just a simple fact that people have to get over. I'm not going to lie to comfort your lack of self-esteem.

And AGAIN YOU LIE, when you say that I said Whites are superior. You are full of SCHIT, as always. I never said that, all though you did say that Whites are INFERIOR, which by your own account should be just as racist.

Fact of the matter is, you are the biggest racist I have met here, referring to "gene pools" and "inferiority" and "lower IQ". You are not only a nasty racist, but a hypocritical low self-esteem bigoted Indian with a serious grudge against White people. Maybe it's YOU who thinks Whites are a superior race? Is that why you keep getting offended when a White guy just happens to support a restriction on immigration? When Blacks say the same thing they are not racist, they just want Americans to keep their jobs rather than importing small-minded rapist slum-dog Indians (YOUR WORDS), who only take these jobs from hardworking Americans who don't want to put up with making slave-wages!

(Lastly, you say that the Tea-Party is from your country. That's fine, India has a hell of a lot of racists then!)
I never said that Whites built 100% of the country, you are just such a morally bankrupt excuse for a Human that you can't even tell the truth when you make a rebuttal. You have to put up false arguments that I never made, and then knock them down with simplicity, as if I had actually posited such an argument. You are a liar and a charlatan.

Nevertheless, it is a fact, whether you like it or not, that Whites did build and innovate the overwhelming majority of this nation. Every single time YOU bring this up, I say the same thing, and I do so by posting sources to support my argument.

All you do is cry racist. Is it racist to say that the inventors of the World Wide Web all happened to be White? No, it's just a simple fact that people have to get over. I'm not going to lie to comfort your lack of self-esteem.

And AGAIN YOU LIE, when you say that I said Whites are superior. You are full of SCHIT, as always. I never said that, all though you did say that Whites are INFERIOR, which by your own account should be just as racist.

Fact of the matter is, you are the biggest racist I have met here, referring to "gene pools" and "inferiority" and "lower IQ". You are not only a nasty racist, but a hypocritical low self-esteem bigoted Indian with a serious grudge against White people. Maybe it's YOU who thinks Whites are a superior race? Is that why you keep getting offended when a White guy just happens to support a restriction on immigration? When Blacks say the same thing they are not racist, they just want Americans to keep their jobs rather than importing small-minded rapist slum-dog Indians (YOUR WORDS), who only take these jobs from hardworking Americans who don't want to put up with making slave-wages!

(Lastly, you say that the Tea-Party is from your country. That's fine, India has a hell of a lot of racists then!)

Same delusional birther, tea party bagger and KKK followers lies- is what you promote here. You keep talking about whites being superior and when called out about your claim you never said it.

You think by claiming whites did this and that vs others every time here- you somehow think your racist intent is not crystal clear here? :lol:

I have never ever said that whites were not among those who built this country. If anything this country was built on the backs of slaves, and the whites who are the innovators were not of your kind. A lot of them great innovators being jews too.

Your kind gave us the KKK, Terrorists, drug dealers, pedophiles, mass murders ,serial killers in-breeding, rapists ( NO 1 ranking in the world because of you and your ilk!) etc. yes that is the stained pool you come from.

You are a birther and have openly claimed to be one. and that itself is proof positive of being a tea party bagger.
Same delusional birther, tea party bagger and KKK followers lies- is what you promote here. You keep talking about whites being superior and when called out about your claim you never said it.

Because I never said it Indian. I've asked you like 100000000000000000000000 times to just quote me ONCE, and yet you don't have the balls to. You know why? Because I never said it Mr. "Aryan". Maybe due to my genetically inferior race, I'm simply incapable of understanding what I said.

Can your supeeerrioor gene pool collect itself and just tell me where is the comment in which I declared superiority? Thanks Mr superior IQ douche.

You think by claiming whites did this and that vs others every time here

My sincere apologies. I forgot in this far-left turd-world nation you would have us believe America is, White people have not done ANYTHING but rape, kill, and pillage. The internet was actually invented by Indians, not Whites. Any other argument is racist, and probably the reflection of inferior geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeene poooollss! :rofl:

I have never ever said that whites were not among those who built this country. If anything this country was built on the backs of slaves, and the whites who are the innovators were not of your kind. A lot of them great innovators being jews too.

How did the genetically inferior Whites build such a magnificent country? I thought our racist minds were due to our INFERIOOOOOOOOORR GEEEEENE POOOOOLS!!? Ain't that right, Indian?

And yes, I am White, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say they were "not of my kind". You know nothing about me, so please showing us your "superior" IQ by making claims on my genes you imbecile. The only one that is inferior here is YOU, plaguing me on every single thread with your claims of genetic inferiority, genetic superiority, gene pooooools, and your awesome Aryan myths. What are you compensating for? Your own inferiority? And what's with separating Jews from Whites? They are one of the most accomplished Whites in the world today, if not the most accomplished. I have nothing against Jews, who in my opinion are the most strong-willed and intelligent people in the world. Go and ask them; they'll tell you they are of the inferior geeeeeennee poooooolllsss of the genetically inferior White race.

You are a birther and have openly claimed to be one

I think you've made, and I'm not exaggerating, over 50 false claims today. You can't even argue with me on MY OWN merit. You have to make stuff up to feel that you've won.

It just shows, I've beat you. I said Obama is half-American, which he is. His mother was American and his father was a Kenyan. You knew exactly what I meant, yet you knew you could use the ambiguity in such a statement against me. Just more proof of your emotional inferiority.
Because I never said it Indian. I've asked you like 100000000000000000000000 times to just quote me ONCE, and yet you don't have the balls to. You know why? Because I never said it Mr. "Aryan". Maybe due to my genetically inferior race, I'm simply incapable of understanding what I said.

Can your supeeerrioor gene pool collect itself and just tell me where is the comment in which I declared superiority? Thanks Mr superior IQ douche.

My sincere apologies. I forgot in this far-left turd-world nation you would have us believe America is, White people have not done ANYTHING but rape, kill, and pillage. The internet was actually invented by Indians, not Whites. Any other argument is racist, and probably the reflection of inferior geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeene poooollss! :rofl:

How did the genetically inferior Whites build such a magnificent country? I thought our racist minds were due to our INFERIOOOOOOOOORR GEEEEENE POOOOOLS!!? Ain't that right, Indian?

And yes, I am White, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say they were "not of my kind". You know nothing about me, so please showing us your "superior" IQ by making claims on my genes you imbecile. The only one that is inferior here is YOU, plaguing me on every single thread with your claims of genetic inferiority, genetic superiority, gene pooooools, and your awesome Aryan myths. What are you compensating for? Your own inferiority? And what's with separating Jews from Whites? They are one of the most accomplished Whites in the world today, if not the most accomplished. I have nothing against Jews, who in my opinion are the most strong-willed and intelligent people in the world. Go and ask them; they'll tell you they are of the inferior geeeeeennee poooooolllsss of the genetically inferior White race.

I think you've made, and I'm not exaggerating, over 50 false claims today. You can't even argue with me on MY OWN merit. You have to make stuff up to feel that you've won.

It just shows, I've beat you. I said Obama is half-American, which he is. His mother was American and his father was a Kenyan. You knew exactly what I meant, yet you knew you could use the ambiguity in such a statement against me. Just more proof of your emotional inferiority.

shrilling here, pounding your keyboard claiming you never said is not going to work. You may have not come out outright under this account and said you believe whites are superior. But every-time there is a discussion is place , you KEEP BRINGING HOW WHITE ( RACE) built this country , HOW EUROPEANS grew this country when arguing against people of other races!

This does not fool anyone you tea bagger.

At no point do I not give those innovators , all Americans their due. But I don't bring their Race into the equation, because it circumstances and the brilliancy of their minds that made this country great ( all of the immigrants that came here) not just white!

You however NOT A PART OF THAT GENE POOL! You are Birther racist bagger , the Dixiecrat and KKK lovechild in this country that has contributed jack to this country! If obama is half american then you are a product of what? your gene pool probably does not who dad is in your family tree.

This country is going to be a minority majority in a few decades and you can't handle that or stop that! Procreating with siblings , you only produce retards as a majority and that means you will continue to be a stain on this country.

Immigrant population is already showing its worth in being great citizens, innovative, successful , rich , educated and law abiding ( everything you rednecks weren't or will be )
shrilling here, pounding your keyboard claiming you never said is not going to work. You may have not come out outright under this account and said you believe whites are superior. But every-time there is a discussion is place , you KEEP BRINGING HOW WHITE ( RACE) built this country , HOW EUROPEANS grew this country when arguing against people of other races!

LOL, I wasn't lying when I said you spend more than 12 hours a day on this site. What a loser... no wonder you're not very smart; this site is your entire life.

And for the 1 trillionth time, actually QUOTE me where I said all of the bullchit you continue to spout. EVERYTIME I SAY QUOTE ME YOU DO NOT.

So tell me, who do you think based on such a simple request, is lying? The trashy Indian belonging to the superior geeeeeeene pooool and the high IQ? Or the genetically inferior "white trash", who, despite all of the most disgustingly racist things said against him, MUST be a racist?

I know you have literally all the time in the world to keep insta-responding to me, but I unfortunately don't. Please go find a job, 'redneck'!! And before that, take a look at your disgusting supremacist mind.

Indians are known to be the most racist in the world, and you are a testament to that.

India and Jordan by far the least tolerant. In only two of 81 surveyed countries, more than 40 percent of respondents said they would not want a neighbor of a different race. This included 43.5 percent of Indians and 51.4 percent of Jordanian.

A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries
LOL, I wasn't lying when I said you spend more than 12 hours a day on this site. What a loser... no wonder you're not very smart; this site is your entire life.

And for the 1 trillionth time, actually QUOTE me where I said all of the bullchit you continue to spout. EVERYTIME I SAY QUOTE ME YOU DO NOT.

So tell me, who do you think based on such a simple request, is lying? The trashy Indian belonging to the superior geeeeeeene pooool and the high IQ? Or the genetically inferior "white trash", who, despite all of the most disgustingly racist things said against him, MUST be a racist?

I know you have literally all the time in the world to keep insta-responding to me, but I unfortunately don't. Please go find a job, 'redneck'!! And before that, take a look at your disgusting supremacist mind.

Indians are known to be the most racist in the world, and you are a testament to that.

A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries

You must be kidding me LOL. the Redneck grand wizard of the KKK gene pool is producing links of whom " opines" about what race could be next door? You guys created the KKK, you lynched blacks, you slave owners, you bombed little children. ... are YOU are showing me a link about peoples opinion as to show who is racist! :rofl:
Yawnnn @JayAtl I believe that forum rules prohibit the posting of pictures of American Bumpkin and his family. Please refrain from doing so :D
You must be kidding me LOL. the Redneck grand wizard of the KKK gene pool is producing links of whom " opines" about what race could be next door? You guys created the KKK, you lynched blacks, you slave owners, you bombed little children. ... are YOU are showing me a link about peoples opinion as to show who is racist! :rofl:

Well, you have been banned, good.

Your talk of Aryan supremacist, inferior IQ, inferior gene pools, and different White "races" has shown you for what you really are! :omghaha:

:usflag: :usflag: :usflag:

Bye bye JayAtl! The most anti-racist, pro-KKK Aryan Indian douche on this forum!

Btw, Moderators should check his TRUE location; I doubt he is actually in the United States.

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