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China warns U.S. against attack on Syria

Yeah there will be. You after all will find the costs of maintaining that cheap pc of yours to post cr@p here beyond your affordability :D

Yeah it will. It will give us much more credibility than we have now in the global village

Oops I meant Asia

yeah true! ... Asia has only one country that has the power to go against US and that's Russia.
The comments section of this article is more interesting - most people actually agree the communist China this time.
China getting worried that just like in Libya, their OIL supply will be hit. But as we all know China has zero power to do anything other than keep blocking the steps in the UN to end the gassing of these below and that will still NOT work:

Looks like the US has grown a conscience suddenly -

From when have the US actually started worrying about piling up of Muslim bodies?
yeah true! ... Asia has only one country that has the power to go against US and that's Russia.

What capabilities does Russia have? No, they really don't compare. Most of there equipment is obsolete. Even the Chinese have a better chance than the Russians.
Hello. All the perpetrators and the organisers of 26/11 were Pakistani extremists. Intelligence info from India points the origin of the attack as being Pakistan. When did your "intelligence" provide any credible evidence that the massacre of those civilians was the work of the Syrian government ? All that they claimed was that it was the work of a Syrian leadership. Man, the international community got hoodwinked when it came to Iraq. The USA held our sympathy then because of 9/11. I suggest that you guys accept the message the world is passing on when it comes to Syria. Back off. Leave them alone

U.S intelligence was the one who deciphered the intelligence info for India. What good for 26/11 is not good now? So get off your high horses mate.
What capabilities does Russia have? No, they really don't compare. Most of there equipment is obsolete. Even the Chinese have a better chance than the Russians.

And your great USA will not go to war in Syria unless they have an alliance ? Why do you guys always insist on an alliance when you want to go to war ? Cant you fight a battle alone ? Give credit to the Russian and the Chinese..at least they take a solitary stance yeah ?
Hello. All the perpetrators and the organisers of 26/11 were Pakistani extremists. Intelligence info from India points the origin of the attack as being Pakistan. When did your "intelligence" provide any credible evidence that the massacre of those civilians was the work of the Syrian government ? All that they claimed was that it was the work of a Syrian leadership. Man, the international community got hoodwinked when it came to Iraq. The USA held our sympathy then because of 9/11. I suggest that you guys accept the message the world is passing on when it comes to Syria. Back off. Leave them alone

Th US has put out an intelligence dossier. Just like you guys did for 26/11. Iraq war has nothing to do with it. It would be akin to Pakistanis saying, your samjotha express was first blamed on Pakistan but col purhoit was caught as the perpetrator. since you were wrong about that--- all future claims are automatically wrong. and Oh! to claim it was a US operation possibly is pure lunacy.

secondly, the US has been very reluctant to do anything, the administration and the public ( majority) are against it. Not sure where you see the benefit in us then lying about it.

Sarah Palin: 'Let Allah Sort It Out' In Syria

Rand Paul: Assad 'Protected Christians' in Syria, Rebels 'Attacking Christians'
U.S intelligence was the one who deciphered the intelligence info for India. What good for 26/11 is not good now? So get off your high horses mate.

And where did you get that from ? Let me guess...the recently released CIA files yeah ? :D
What capabilities does Russia have? No, they really don't compare. Most of there equipment is obsolete. Even the Chinese have a better chance than the Russians.

Which equipment's are you speaking about? If you say military, then they are number 2 after US.

Well I don't want to start a Russia, US spat here... as I like both.

You bet I like to squatting on my wife's face.

I bet you don't even know how it feels but in your dreams.

If you can demean your wife on a public forum then you must either be a juvenile retard or a mofo. As I pointed out to you before..I don't debate with retards. Now fcuk off and go mow your boss's lawn
I feel you don't know what zero power means. On the one hand we are blocking UN to attack syria, but on the other hand, we have zero power.

No, people outside the Security council have zero power. And I'm not sure you know what not work means, but so far no attacks.

Anyways, I don't suggest an attack. Syrian people have to work this out themselves. It's terrible, but it is what it is. Syria is broken right now, taping it back up isn't going to be good in the long run. Something new should emerge or else this be for nothing.

Also US cannot win in middle east, much like Napoleon's war against spain, he can't image someone else loving their country as he does his own.

Same deal here, the Arab people may not be able to win, but they won't give up. To the last man.

Zero power in terms of if we decide to do it . Just like in Libya, your and Russian vetoes meant jack.

The only power to stop it is by Americans now... since Obama has asked the congress to approve it.

Which is further evidence that he is personally reluctant to do it.
And where did you get that from ? Let me guess...the recently released CIA files yeah ? :D

Go google on how the Indian intelligence sought FBI help wrt VOIP proof. Not the CIA files which will get released after 30 years which will state the details. Go find out how the Indian authorities themselves lauded FBI help.

Nikam said that Kasab and his friends had even tried to destroy the data in the global positioning system (GPS), but with the help of the FBI experts the prosecution was able to retrieve the missing data.

Nikam said it was with the co-operation of the FBI that the prosecution was able to wrap up the trial in a record time of seven months (discounting many holidays and gaps during the period from the appointment of the special judge Jan 13, 2009).

"Even David Headley, the Lashkar-e-Taiba operative currently in a US jail, had mentioned the names of some high ranking people in Pakistan in the Mumbai terror attacks. On the basis of this and other evidences recorded before the special court, besides Kasab's statements, we were able to conclude that the LeT and Pakistan Army officials were linked to the attacks," Nikam explained.

Which equipment's are you speaking about? If you say military, then they are number 2 after US.

Well I don't want to start a Russia, US spat here... as I like both.

He's a KKK azzh..le who believes that anything that ain't whitey USA made or European Aryan descendant made isn't worth its salt. He thinks that the slav Russians ain't worth their mettle since they don't fit his profile of ubbermenchen :)

Go google on how the Indian intelligence sought FBI help wrt VOIP proof. Not the CIA files which will get released after 30 years which will state the details. Go find out how the Indian authorities themselves lauded FBI help.

Subsequent CIA limited assistance. Please don't give your intelligence too much credit. They have proven themselves to be ******** in the past. Our intelligence agencies have independently earned their own international credits mate ;)
He's a KKK azzh..le who believes that anything that ain't whitey USA made or European Aryan descendant made isn't worth its salt. He thinks that the slav Russians ain't worth their mettle since they don't fit his profile of ubbermenchen :)

Subsequent CIA limited assistance. Please don't give your intelligence too much credit. They have proven themselves to be ******** in the past. Our intelligence agencies have independently earned their own international credits mate ;)

You can cry hoarse but Indian government authorities have given more credit - go look up my edited post.
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