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China warns Philippines, Japan: ‘We won’t compromise on territory’

Seems this guy is shameless when talking about so-called "national sovereignty" over SCS, which China's greedy claims based on a "nine dash line" map was drawn arbitrarily and vaguely after WW 2 by Chiang.
YEah, as a general, he should show to people how strong and how well trained China army is instead of keep crying over the media :pop:
Like how US treat Ukraine and Georgia? :lol: US dare not even send delta forces to hunt down the terrorist who killed their US ambassador in Libya. Fancy talk about standing up for Japan and Pinoy for few pieces of rock? US now is the number one big talker and do nothing.

Have you notice none of those countries are part of NATO? Oh and by the way Osama was killed. Sure it took awhile but he was finally found and killed. If you have any info on the terrorists, the U.S.govt. will find them.

Just relax, the US just wanna "talk" with these babies, while they didn't promise to do anything for Japs and Pinoys.


Talk to 24 of these babies.

Or in this case talk to these SSGNs that can still be equipped and armed with more than a hundred special weapons.

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PLA Navy vessels still pale in comparison to US ships: admiral
  • Staff Reporter
  • 2014-01-09
  • 11:19 (GMT+8)

Although the number of ships built by the Chinese military outnumbered the United States last year, their weight and quality cannot be compared with US ships, reports the state-run People's Daily, citing admiral Yin Zhuo of the People's Liberation Army Navy.

China built 18 new ships last year, including two 052C destroyers, three 054A corvettes, nine 056 light corvettes, two replenishment oilers and two minesweepers, according to Russian military news portals.

The country's ship building industry has grown rapidly and has focused on multi-functional submarines and ships. If China continues on at this speed, the number of Chinese military vessels is likely to surpass the US and the country will own the highest number of military ships in the world by 2020, according to Japanese magazine Wedge.

The magazine reported that China is set to become the world's second largest builder of large military vessels and produce the highest number of submarines, military ships and other types of vessels by 2015. Its shipbuilding power aims to catch up with that of Russia and the US by 2020 and 2030, it added.

Admiral Yin Zhuo said the PLA Navy's rapid growth in recent years was contributed by economic growth. However, the quality of its facilities and its ability to protect its forces remains in question and is not as impressive as other countries.

China has built numerous military ships but their quality and weight are lower than those built by major countries in the West, the admiral added. The US Gerald R Ford-class aircraft carrier, for example, which entered service last year weighs more than 110,000 tonnes and is heavier than all the Chinese ships in service and under construction, the admiral said.


Yin Zhuo  尹卓
PLA Navy vessels still pale in comparison to US ships: admiral
  • Staff Reporter
  • 2014-01-09
  • 11:19 (GMT+8)

Although the number of ships built by the Chinese military outnumbered the United States last year, their weight and quality cannot be compared with US ships, reports the state-run People's Daily, citing admiral Yin Zhuo of the People's Liberation Army Navy.

China built 18 new ships last year, including two 052C destroyers, three 054A corvettes, nine 056 light corvettes, two replenishment oilers and two minesweepers, according to Russian military news portals.

The country's ship building industry has grown rapidly and has focused on multi-functional submarines and ships. If China continues on at this speed, the number of Chinese military vessels is likely to surpass the US and the country will own the highest number of military ships in the world by 2020, according to Japanese magazine Wedge.

The magazine reported that China is set to become the world's second largest builder of large military vessels and produce the highest number of submarines, military ships and other types of vessels by 2015. Its shipbuilding power aims to catch up with that of Russia and the US by 2020 and 2030, it added.

Admiral Yin Zhuo said the PLA Navy's rapid growth in recent years was contributed by economic growth. However, the quality of its facilities and its ability to protect its forces remains in question and is not as impressive as other countries.

China has built numerous military ships but their quality and weight are lower than those built by major countries in the West, the admiral added. The US Gerald R Ford-class aircraft carrier, for example, which entered service last year weighs more than 110,000 tonnes and is heavier than all the Chinese ships in service and under construction, the admiral said.


Yin Zhuo  尹卓

Lol. Nice made up article nam man.
Yin Zhuo Thought?
Posted: September 25, 2013 | Author: Andrew Chubb

CPPCC member Yin Zhuo at the 2013 ‘Two Meetings’ in Beijing, where he hosed down talk of war with Japan

The answer is PLA Navy Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo 尹卓, at least according to someone who claims to have taken notes at his closed lecture in Chongqing on July 20. In addition to those admittedly rather more eye-catching claims, the translation appended below has raised once again (if only in my mind) the question of what the PLA’s appointed propaganda experts might really think about war, peace and strategy.

Admiral Yin is one of the most prominent PLA experts in the Chinese media, whose notable comments have included declaring the need for overseas PLA bases, sanctioning “violence” against the Philippines, arguing a Diaoyu war would be fought (and presumably won) in a “very short” space of time, and speculating about the prospect of Japanese warning shots over Diaoyu leading to military conflict.

At other times, however, such as during this year’s CPPCC, he has refused to speculate on future potential conflicts. He publicly refuted the idea of Japan and China inevitably fighting a war, echoing the argument General Liu Yuan was propounding at the time by stating that “only America would benefit” from such an occurrence. He has even been labeled “traitorous” after expressing disapproval of the idea of a more assertive stance in the South China Sea.

He is a princeling, the son of revolutionary hero Major-General Yin Mingliang, who held numerous positions in the PLA General Political Department’s political commissar system after 1949. Interestingly, he studied in France and returned in 1968 at the height of the Cultural Revolution to join the PLA. Aside from his membership of the CPPCC, he is the Director of the PLA Navy’s Informatized Warfare Experts Committee, and a member of the whole-army version of the same body. A recent provincial party magazine article stated that Admiral Yin has “participated in evaluation work for important national military strategy decision-making”.

All up, he is a relatively credible PLA policy voice compared to, say, Dai Xu.

He started appearing on CCTV in 1999, and in 2004 the PLA gave him the task of hosting a new CCTV military affairs program Military Picture Matching 军情连连看. Then, with the approval of the CCP Central Propaganda Department and GPD Propaganda Dept, Yin Zhuo obtained the titles of “CCTV special commentator” and “executive external propaganda expert” — the latter issued by then-GPD Director Gen Li Jinai.

So here, it seems, is a genuine PLA military thinker, a princeling thoroughly plugged into the policy-making system — who also just happens to be one of its most experienced and trusted propaganda operators.

Based on the following summary of his lecture, presented in the form of 30 points, it was quite a tour-de-force, with a broad scope, insight, inside knowledge and nuance (though my rough, cursory translation may obscure that).

On July 20, under invitation from China Mobile, Yin Zhuo came to Chongqing for a lecture titled ‘China’s security circumstances and the Diaoyu Islands issue’. The weather was favourable for Yin Zhuo’s two-day visit, as the temperature happened to drop from around 38C to 30C, and the air quality improved somewhat. In addition, the venue was at the foot of Jinyun Mountain, in nice surrounds with plenty of foliage, giving Yin Zhuo a good impression.

I was fortunate enough to be there. Because no recordings or video were allowed, I used a pen and paper to record the following main points, which I present as follows:

1. . . . America’s top priority in its quest to stay world hegemon is to disintegrate Sino-Russian relations.

2. America is extremely strong and China will be in a position of weakness until at least 2030. To escape the US’s pressure China must avoid its strengths and attack its weaknesses. . . .

3. America faces 3 problems, which are its weaknesses: declining politico-economic status, reduced ability to control the world geopolitically, and weakening alliances esp. in Asia-Pacific.

4. China was planning to attack Taiwan in 2006.

5. America and China have competition and confrontation, but confrontation is the main part . . .

6. China’s national strategy is to dig deeply to undermine the US, store up grain, and slowly seek to be king [modifying Mao Zedong's 1970s dictum, "Dig deep holes, store up grain, do not seek hegemony 深挖洞,广积粮,不称霸].

7. . . . Some within the state and within the military think China can fight a war for the Diaoyu Islands and South China Sea to break out of America’s blockade, but [Yin Zhuo thinks] China should never underestimate America’s desire to attack us. . . . China can’t rely on America not wanting to get involved, we can’t even rule out the US using nukes.

8. Productive forces are still the element driving historical development. . . .

9. The wars of the 20th century and the Cold War caused a great deal of military technology to be converted to civilian use, spurring the information industries. . . .

10. Combined together, points 8 & 9 mean have led to America’s realignment towards the Asia-Pacific. As a capitalist country its national strategy must serve domestic economic development. Therefore, America’s strategic realignment is an inevitable trend, and one borne of the need to lead the Asia-Pacific, and is not directly aimed at China.

11. The PLA’s construction programme is geared towards winning a high-intensity conventional war under informatized conditions. This is an excellent approach but has its limitations.

12. In the Asia-Pacific region America lacks staunch allies, its military actions rely on NATO or itself.

13. The Snowden affair shows that freedom, democracy and human rights count for shit with the American people when faced with actual threats.

14. There are many East Turkestan [Xinjiang] terrorists fighting with Al-Qaeda, with around 1400 having received training. This is a threat to China domestically.

15. America is being opposed on a global scale by Islamic organizations. This will continue because the US is controlled by Israel [at least, on the Palestinian issue], so that problem can never be solved.

16. The US deliberately left Diaoyu to Japan in order to maintain Sino-Japanese enmity, “like Kashmir”.

17. The Japanese are increasingly right wing . . . they blame China for their prolonged recession.

18. Japan’s political system is gridlocked . . . under those circumstances we cannot rule out extremists taking control.

19. Economics is the best area for China to oppose the US. Make free trade agreements with neighbouring countries . . .

20. [Yin Zhuo is] unhappy with the feeble behaviour of the Department of Selling Out the Country [ie. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs]

21. Prepare to deal with Japan two-handed, we will not actively provoke armed confrontation but if Japan does then we will take a hardline stance and make them feel more pain than us in order to avoid an even greater conflict.

22. This year there have been marines on board CMS Haijian [now China Coast Guard] boats on patrols to Diaoyu, making contingency plans for landing on the islands. Also, there are a great many officers and men 官兵 applying to transfer 专业 to join them [I'm not sure if he means the Coast Guard or Marines?].

23. The [indigenous] large transport [plane] is progressing smoothly, design may be complete by 2015.

24. The C-Shaped Encirclement of China that gets hyped up online is nonsense. During the Cold War the US network of alliances, that was a real C-shaped encirclement. Nowadays the circle simply does not exist.

25. The ‘String of Pearls’ plan in the Indian Ocean is also nonsense. . . . China’s ports in the Indian Ocean are for civilian use.

26. Gwadar is an excellent port, but not suitable for building a military base due to the militant extremists in the area. We would be sending our troops there to serve as hostages.

27. China’s Indian Ocean strategy is focused on East Africa. It’s basically a blank slate out there.

28. The success of the Western development strategy depends on it being self-supporting, the Eastern provinces cannot support it long-term. The keys to making this happen are the sea links out of Yunnan and Tibet, and linking Xinjiang with Central Asia . . .

29. Our military modernization is progressing smoothly.

30. In the drawing of maritime boundaries with neighbouring countries [Vietnam and South Korea?] we have lost out badly.

I am inclined to think the above summary of his lecture is quite accurate. The lecture really happened, apparently in front of a businesslike audience of China Mobile VIP customers 全球通VIP客户, and the summary was posted online on July 21, the following day.[1]

Surprisingly perhaps, given the flagrant attack on Colonel Dai Xu’s flagship C-Shaped Encirclement thesis (Point 24), Dai Xu’s portal Hainan-sponsored website HaijiangZX.com posted the summary on July 26 under the headline, ‘Rare statement from Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo: Do not underestimate America’s determination to use force against China.

That could be explained as a result of HaijiangZX.com’s greediness for content (maybe Colonel Dai’s employees don’t bother to read the content of the articles they post). Or could it have been that Yin Zhuo knows C-Shaped Encirclement to be mere propaganda, irrelevant to policy? The fact that Yin described C-Shaped Encirclement as mere internet hype suggests he doesn’t consider it a serious analysis. On the other hand, it might have been a veiled putdown of a militant policy rival.

Interesting too that in Yin Zhuo’s speech the US is the main threat to China, but not because it has evil intentions, rather, because their interests are opposed. Does this imply Yin Zhuo is taking a kind of Yan Xuetong-style realist position, to respectfully disagree with the likely consensus behind General Qi Jianguo’s Study Times article in January, which argued that “points of common interest” between China and the US were likely to increase over the long term?

Some points in the speech seem to contradict what Yin Zhuo has said in the Chinese media. For example, in 2012 he wrote off nuclear weapons development as useless to China, yet here he talks about how the US might use them on China — thus rendering them crucial. He has also previously claimed that the US military is vulnerable to the PLA, stating for example that a US aircraft carriers can “definitely be sunk”. But in this lecture he emphasizes China’s weakness in comparison.[2]

What do you think — is this the capital-T Thought of a PLA princeling strategist, or is it more likely to be expertly delivered propaganda designed to look like “leak“, in order to influence what Chinese and foreign audiences believe about how the PLA sees the world? Or is it something else entirely?


Yin Zhuo interviewed
Sure, General Yin definitely has said something like that, because he is pressing China to also build the supercarriers like the Gerald Ford class as soon as possible.
Sure, General Yin definitely has said something like that, because he is pressing China to also build the supercarriers like the Gerald Ford class as soon as possible.

To Chinese people, is he a credible admiral ?
One of the most credible military experts from China.

Yeah. He's wiser than Gen. Luo Yuan.
China failed to push neighbors in bilaterial discussion.

Kyodo News International April 12, 2014 12:09am
Japan, Philippines agree to boost cooperation in maritime security

Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario agreed Friday to strengthen bilateral cooperation in maritime security, the Japanese Foreign Ministry said, a reference to the two countries' territorial disputes with China.

Meeting in Hiroshima on the sidelines of a ministerial meeting on nuclear disarmament, Kishida expressed Japan's support for the Philippines' recent filing with a U.N. tribunal of a maritime case against China.

The case disputes China's wide-reaching territorial claims over shoals and atolls in the South China Sea, some of which are claimed by the Philippines.

Kishida told reporters, "The Philippines' pursuit of a peaceful resolution to the dispute...by filing the case is grounded in the rule of law."

Maritime security cooperation has become a priority for Japan and the Philippines as Tokyo also is at odds with Beijing over Japanese-controlled islets in the East China Sea.

Kishida also met separately with Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa and agreed to strengthen strategic partnership between the two countries.


Japan, Vietnam agree to boost maritime security cooperation
Tue, 18th Mar 2014 13:48

Tokyo (Alliance News) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and visiting Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang agreed on Tuesday to enhance their maritime security cooperation amid tensions over territorial disputes with China.

Japan is expected to provide patrol boats to Vietnam to counter China's increased activity in regional waters.

The two leaders also called for freedom of flight above open waters, in an apparent criticism of China's air defence identification zone (ADIZ) declaration, which stipulates that aircraft flying into another country's ADIZ are required to identify themselves and provide flight data.

The comments come in reference to China's increased claim over the Senkakus, a group of disputed islands in the East China Sea. The Japan-administered islands are also claimed by China and Taiwan, where they are known as Diaoyu and Tiaoyutai, respectively.

China has indicated it may create such a flight zone over the South China Sea, most of which the country claims as part of its territory. However, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and Brunei have competing claims with Beijing.

"The two sides affirmed that peace and stability at sea were in the common interest of both countries as well as of the international community," the leaders said in a joint statement.

The leaders also agreed to boost cooperation in the field of nuclear power generation and to work to achieve the goal of doubling two-way trade and investment by 2020, the statement said.

Vietnam is to start constructing an atomic power station this year with the assistance of Japan, Sang said in an interview with the Nikkei business daily published on Tuesday.

Sang brushed off speculation that the construction of the plant in Ninh Thuan would be delayed due to financing difficulties and legislative hurdles.

Critics oppose Japan's exports of nuclear technology as the country continues to struggle with the fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of 2011.

"In the development of atomic energy, the first priority is given to state-of-the-art technology and safety," Sang said.

April 3, 2014 5:23 am JST
Japan, US to help Southeast Asia with maritime security
TOKYO -- Japan and the U.S. will likely agree to enhance cooperation in supporting Southeast Asian nations in sea surveillance and other areas when their leaders meet later this month.

U.S. President Barack Obama is slated to visit Japan from April 23-25, with a meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe likely to be set up on April 24.

Obama will use the first leg of his Asian tour, which will also take him to South Korea, the Philippines and Malaysia, as an opportunity to keep a check on China's growing assertiveness in the South China Sea.

The two leaders will seek to work closely to address security concerns among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The Philippines and Vietnam, for instance, are at loggerheads with China over claims on islands in the South China Sea. Japan has decided to provide 10 patrol vessels to the Philippines. Now, the U.S. and Japan are both considering providing patrol vessels to Vietnam.

Disaster relief is another area in which the two nations seek to strengthen joint support. They will build on the collaboration between Japan's Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. military after a typhoon in the Philippines last year.

Obama decided to extend his stay in Japan from the originally planned two days, based on a request from Japan, which sought to host him as a state guest.

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I personally would like to see China in action. But Philippines is hardly a worthy adversary.
"nam man", or "nan man" means you are a primitive man living in the south.

You said "made up article" ... what do you means by using that phrase ? "
I am asking bolo not you, but you want to define, so I presume that you were bolo , multi account
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