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China warns Philippines, Japan: ‘We won’t compromise on territory’

Better to ask the US military if they will enter a conflict with China over Diaoyu & those shaols in SCS, you will get an honest answer rather than a "political statement" from Mr Hagel. :D
you dont have to bring in 3rd party in,my question is if you already have a set mind then whats the point of having even a bilateral negosiation.

Has any pinoy fisherman or others die in the dispute so far? What is your point of trying go prove we do not seek peaceful resolution if you already set the mindset China will always be the aggressor? Fancy saying others while u yrself is the guilty one.

I remember the casualty is in fact a Taiwan fisherman killed by piniy coast guard. See who is the aggressor?
you dont have to bring in 3rd party in,my question is if you already have a set mind then whats the point of having even a bilateral negosiation.

Did you see me accusing anyone,i asked a simple question.
Yes, u quote a post defending China peaceful resolution while to paint her as aggressor with twisted facts and one sided explanantion. Let me ask u again. Has any pinoy killed by China so far from this issue? And I can tell you pinoy has killed an unarmed Taiwan fisherman. So who is the aggressor?
you dont have to bring in 3rd party in,my question is if you already have a set mind then whats the point of having even a bilateral negosiation.
A bilateral negotiation consists of making deal or an agreement to share the resources and demarcation boundary in the dispute area so that Filipino fishermen and Chinese fishermen can freely fishing in according to the agreement without harassment from either sides. The territorial right or ownership can be kept in the back burner as these are uninhabited rocks with no EEZ right. We made this same agreement with the Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin. Now because of the US pivot to Asia, the Phillipines instigated and escalated the dispute in hope that with the US backing, they will gain leverage and seek a bigger share of the pie. Unfortunately, they do not have the firepower to make us commit to what they want which is multilateral negotiation and trying to internationalizing the incident in hope they can kick our navy out of South China Sea. Good luck with that. LOL
Just relax, the US just wanna "talk" with these babies, while they didn't promise to do anything for Japs and Pinoys.

The Japanese and Filipino think they can outmuscle us. Then show us!
Yes, u quote a post defending China peaceful resolution while to paint her as aggressor with twisted facts and one sided explanantion. Let me ask u again. Has any pinoy killed by China so far from this issue? And I can tell you pinoy has killed an unarmed Taiwan fisherman. So who is the aggressor?
Havent they already apoliogised to the tiwaneise about the incident.have i said you are the aggressor,but wont the statemntslike these make you look like one.
A bilateral negotiation consists of making deal or an agreement to share the resources and demarcation boundary in the dispute area so that Filipino fishermen and Chinese fishermen can freely fishing in according to the agreement without harassment from either sides. The territorial right or ownership can be kept in the back burner as these are uninhabited rocks with no EEZ right. We made this same agreement with the Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin. Now because of the US pivot to Asia, the Phillipines instigated and escalated the dispute in hope that with the US backing, they will gain leverage and seek a bigger share of the pie. Unfortunately, they do not have the firepower to make us commit to what they want which is multilateral negotiation and trying to internationalizing the incident in hope they can kick our navy out of South China Sea. Good luck with that. LOL

Do you see anything wrong with this image.
If taiwanese what to join china no one can stop it,its up to the people of taiwan to decide.if you force the issue,it will be like eating the not fully cooked food,you wont be able to digest and create complications depending on what and how much you eat.
That's why we do not use military now.

We are not strong enough , so we use economic and political weapon first .

But it does not mean we do not have the ball to use military force in the future .

We just want to solve problem with the lowest cost.
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Long springroll are less, medium or short springrolls are more ...

Medium and short springrolls surround China at most ...


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On one hand I don't want the CCP to take over Taiwan, but on the other hand I really hate the "Green Party" always defaming China with rumors and nonsenses.
That's why we do not use military now.

We are not strong enough , so we use economic and political weapon first .

But it does not mean we do not have the ball to use military force in the future .

We just want to solve problem with the lowest cost.
China is strong enough, but they want to settle it in a peaceful manner before using force.

On one hand I don't want the CCP to take over Taiwan, but on the other hand I really hate the "Green Party" always defaming China with rumors and nonsenses.
I want DPP to win the election and declare independence so I can see some Chinese firework over Taiwan and see many Taiwanese with Canadian passport coming back in droves.
April 10, 2014


WASHINGTON – Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan has warned the Philippines and Japan not to test China’s resolve to safeguard its national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, saying the Chinese military can be assembled quickly to fight and win any battle.

The Chinese official raised the warning in a joint press conference in Beijing with US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.

Chang said territorial sovereignty was a core Chinese interest on which “we will make no compromise, no concession, no trading.”

“Not even a tiny bit of violation is allowed,” he said.

A transcript of the Tuesday conference was released by the Pentagon in Washington.

For his part, Hagel, who is on a three-day visit to China, said the Philippines and Japan were long-time allies of the United States.

“We have mutual self-defense treaties with each of those two countries and we are fully committed to those treaty obligations,”
he said.

Chang accused the Philippines and Japan of stirring up troubles for China. He said the Philippines did its math the wrong way.

Manila earlier submitted a memorial or written pleading to a United Nations tribunal in The Hague on its territorial disputes with Beijing when “the fact is that it is the Philippines who illegally occupy part of China’s islands and reefs in the South China Sea.”

China has made clear on several occasions that it does not accept and will not participate in the international arbitration initiated by the Philippines but stands ready to resolve the issue through bilateral negotiations, Chang said.

On the dispute between China and Japan over islands in the East China Sea, Chang said China has indisputable sovereignty over Diaoyu Islands (called Senkaku by Tokyo), Nansha Islands, and their adjacent waters.

China created an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) over the East China Sea in November 2013, particularly over an area that includes islands at the heart of a bitter dispute with Japan.

There are fears in Manila and Washington that Beijing, which claims almost all of the South China Sea at the expense of the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia, among others, may be poised to also create a similar ADIZ over the South China Sea.

Referring to the ADIZ at the press conference, Hagel said every nation has the right to establish air defense zones, but not unilaterally with no collaboration or consultation.

“That adds to tensions, misunderstandings and could eventually add to and eventually get to dangerous conflict,” he said.

In later remarks at a the People’s Liberation Army National Defense University in Beijing, Hagel said America’s rebalance in the Asia Pacific was a reaffirmation of its long standing bonds of history, commerce and friendship throughout the region.

“That is not – must not be, nor will be – at the exclusion of strengthening our relationship with China,” he said.

Referring specifically to the Philippines and Japan, he said both were long-time allies of the United States.

“We have treaty obligations with those two nations and we will honor our treaty obligations. But make no mistake that disputes need to be resolved peacefully, diplomatically, within the framework of international order based on international law,”
he said.

China warns Philippines, Japan: ‘We won’t compromise on territory’

Seems this guy is shameless when talking about so-called "national sovereignty" over SCS, which China's greedy claims based on a "nine dash line" map was drawn arbitrarily and vaguely after WW 2 by Chiang.
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