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Featured China vs India Standoff Deepens as Pullback Hits Roadblock

This is something that worries me deep down under, the whole nation unanimously agreed to extend his tenure for three years solely for one purpose. I am although still hopeful, maybe the sweat and blood of the poor Pakistani taxpayer will weigh more than the hefty US perks!
By the grace of Allah 99.9% of our armed forces share the same sentiments as us, and want to liberate Kashmir and other territories as soon as possible.
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Take your own time to take kashmir back.we are ready .

We are waiting for India still. Ready they say they are and continue making noise like this but on the ground everything is the same. Disengagement according to Chinese demands and IAF saying full readiness of pilots and fighters. No war is happening and Indians will use no war to say Chinese backed off again. Same losers, same message, different day.
We take pakistan seriously .
The Americans are known for fighting their battles on other nations soil and preferably with other nations soldiers, therefore making it easy to walk away when things start to go the wrong way.
I'm surprised the Indians, whom previously I've credited with a modicum of intelligence, are falling for it.
All this could have been so different for India and the whole region.

In which case Pakistan's future would be very bleak indeed.
This is a decisive moment in the history and future of Pakistan and this whole region.
Nerves of steel are required to see it through to a favourable conclusion.

We know how to take on invaders from thousands of years , we dont need any america , we are sufficient to take on invaders .

I had said it weeks ago. This is what exactly is going to happen.

China knew, Pakistan knew.
Everyone should be certain that China acted in Ladakh with planning and intentions.
It would take care of India in the Ladakh and Kashmir so, India is licking its wounds and internal rifts starts.
Then China would take care of USA shenanigans in SCS.

Enjoy your daydreams .
who thought the push back will be all smooth? and who said India start believing chinese so easily?

lots of pakistani posters are jumping but new source is Indian

its so boring that all those posters who went into hiding suddenly came back with just one news coming from Indian media...
following theories will make another round of pdf now

calling same names...
delusional Indians
tea is ready
weak Indian military positions
how India will lose in 5 mins
how china will capture Mumbai and Chennai in 15 mins :lol::lol::lol:
how pakistan will help chinese
how India lost 20 but chinese resurrected its dead soldiers from earlier wars :lol::lol::lol:

each point above was answered in detail....

but but butttttt... we will have same set of people.... same fools nightmare... same chinese taunting and getting some pleasure out of such crap :lol::lol::lol:

not a single worthwhile post to read.... lets see how long this goes
The Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has given the IAF orders to be ready for any eventuality on a short notice. This came as the dis engagement has hit a deadlock as no movement has taken place in the last ten days by the Chinese.

The new command will be headed by none other than great Abhi-None-Done, who has been training his command on sir-jee-kal (sir tomorrow as I am shi**ing my pants today) and the brave tactics to be employed after getting captured by enemies, the fantastic tea and of course the designer suit all free.

Most probably it will be the other way round.

They will most likely be bending over backwards.
we will have same set of people.... same fools nightmare... same chinese taunting and getting some pleasure out of such crap
The problem is not us its your own media which i quote, even that seems harsh to you. You should be aware that we care about our Chinese friends more as there is no ISSUES between us and they have always helped us in our difficult times. Regarding India we still have a lot of PENDING issues with you, so please dont expect us to display pleasantries . As a human being every person is respectable and should not be ridiculed.
who thought the push back will be all smooth? and who said India start believing chinese so easily?

lots of pakistani posters are jumping but new source is Indian

its so boring that all those posters who went into hiding suddenly came back with just one news coming from Indian media...
following theories will make another round of pdf now

calling same names...
delusional Indians
tea is ready
weak Indian military positions
how India will lose in 5 mins
how china will capture Mumbai and Chennai in 15 mins :lol::lol::lol:
how pakistan will help chinese
how India lost 20 but chinese resurrected its dead soldiers from earlier wars :lol::lol::lol:

each point above was answered in detail....

but but butttttt... we will have same set of people.... same fools nightmare... same chinese taunting and getting some pleasure out of such crap :lol::lol::lol:

not a single worthwhile post to read.... lets see how long this goes
Actually, the Chinese casualty list put out by Indians were a list of former PLA generals during WWII.

Indians should worry about that it’s begging Chinese to withdraw back to the former LAC. So if India won the engagement, why is India doing the begging, not the other way around.
We are waiting for India still. Ready they say they are and continue making noise like this but on the ground everything is the same. Disengagement according to Chinese demands and IAF saying full readiness of pilots and fighters. No war is happening and Indians will use no war to say Chinese backed off again. Same losers, same message, different day.
We are ready.
Since when you have started trusting Indians.

Chinese are in fact helping our economy. So Indian planners are in no hurry. At this moment, World opinion is not favoring China and this incident certainly will not help China in anyway

Which "world" you live in? Chinese are making pacts and agreements with nations and groupings all over! They just signed agreement with Iran and EU in the matter of weeks.
You know what time is it in New Delhi?

Weapons shopping time lmao

Not like they weren't doing that already.
It's silly for India to join the containment policy.
  1. All other players are far far away, at least there is a sea or ocean to safe guard their national interest. While India is the only one has land dispute with China.
  2. So India join in the QUAD, using South Asia subcontinent to safe guard Japan, Australia, US sea route. It's all 4 countries interest, but guarded by India. India pay, other 3 benefit from it.
  3. While India's core interest is in Kashmir, where is the other 3 parties' shared responsibilities? India pay huge price on Kashmir, while the other 3 sell weapons, Russia is beneficiary as well.
All in all, cannon fodder identified. Fools are played around.

India should mend relationship with both Pakistan and China.
Still remember Imran Khan's olive branch in 2018? BJP/Modi rejected.
Still remember Brics Bank, SCO, AIIB? Opportunities is there. BJP/Modi missed.
Still remember Wuhan spirit? Modi go to Wuhan to seek peace after Doklam standoff. Gone with the wind.

When strong man image ruined, can BJP/Modi keep popularity? Questionable.
From a Chinese perspective a containment of China is foolish. But you are looking at this from China's viewpoint.
India does what she believe is the best road forward. Who are we to criticise.
The problem is not us its your own media which i quote, even that seems harsh to you. You should be aware that we care about our Chinese friends more as there is no ISSUES between us and they have always helped us in our difficult times. Regarding India we still have a lot of PENDING issues with you, so please dont expect us to display pleasantries . As a human being every person is respectable and should not be ridiculed.

yes you care about your frandszzz china.... but banning their apps left right and center.... Bigo, pubg and tik tok.... good frandsship :lol::lol::lol:

ask your politicians or militery for any terms of cpec, no one will ever tell you that its not investment but loan... its actually good for us though we are very happy that pakistan will never make progress and will only need more money to pay the interest amount of the original loan...

Actually, the Chinese casualty list put out by Indians were a list of former PLA generals during WWII.

Indians should worry about that it’s begging Chinese to withdraw back to the former LAC. So if India won the engagement, why is India doing the begging, not the other way around.

chinese never lose soldiers, in each war they resurrect old soldiers.... its in chinese movie actually...:lol::lol::lol:

Indian begging :lol::lol::lol: successfully pushed back the chinese after they resurrected 1000 soldiers from dead ... dont resurrect more :lol::lol::lol: there is limit to every joke....

and when you guys start making news out of everything even a small quote and talk pages after pages on pdf.... but but buttttt :lol::lol::lol:.... you still end up losing, why?

and dont go crazy on me.... like that chinese went yesterday we had to let him rest for few mins before he can post again.... :lol::lol::lol:

pdf is very bad place for chindrens to be in... dont reply too much:lol::lol::lol:

You know what time is it in New Delhi?

Weapons shopping time lmao

Not like they weren't doing that already.

4 positive rating :lol::lol::lol:

weapons purchase will happen when its required.... why pakistan worried? you can just buy more .... but but butttt :lol::lol::lol: you need to pay the interest first on the loan and then guy more weapons.... do that first....

one more Indian source... dont you guys have any credible news source in pakistan? last 70 years went in vain i suppose..... next time quote pakistani media and then talk
4 positive rating :lol::lol::lol:

weapons purchase will happen when its required.... why pakistan worried? you can just buy more .... but but butttt :lol::lol::lol: you need to pay the interest first on the loan and then guy more weapons.... do that first....
Zyada positive rating hoti to didi ka rishta dena tha kya? lmao Ajeeb :lol:

We don't need additional weaponry to feel good. India comes under radar of every weapon in our inventory. :pakistan:

one more Indian source... dont you guys have any credible news source in pakistan? last 70 years went in vain i suppose..... next time quote pakistani media and then talk
indian problem par Pakistani source? Sathya gaya hai kya? Ro to nahiin raha kone main Beth Kar?:lol:

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