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Featured China vs India Standoff Deepens as Pullback Hits Roadblock

What was likely happening is China was moving some troops around, and India was interpreting it as a "pullback" and the pliant media in India was celebrating a Modi victory. Now that that movement has concluded, the same pliant media is selling it as a "road block"

Reality probably is China never agreed to any of India's demands.
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bro, at least troll with some dank meme. not some lame joke. indians, you, us alike, Chinese racial hierarchy puts us all below whites and them. If you think they differentiate between South Asians, you are dumb.
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I had said it weeks ago. This is what exactly is going to happen.

China knew, Pakistan knew.
Everyone should be certain that China acted in Ladakh with planning and intentions.
It would take care of India in the Ladakh and Kashmir so, India is licking its wounds and internal rifts starts.
Then China would take care of USA shenanigans in SCS.
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It is not his Oxford education that will be decisive.
It will be his resolute character that will be evident.

A river does not cut through rock because of it's power but because of it's persistence.

Ofcourse brother but my point was PMIK lived in UK and knows how these firangi minds work while chai wala thinks that he can please my giving a hug.
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It's silly for India to join the containment policy.
  1. All other players are far far away, at least there is a sea or ocean to safe guard their national interest. While India is the only one has land dispute with China.
  2. So India join in the QUAD, using South Asia subcontinent to safe guard Japan, Australia, US sea route. It's all 4 countries interest, but guarded by India. India pay, other 3 benefit from it.
  3. While India's core interest is in Kashmir, where is the other 3 parties' shared responsibilities? India pay huge price on Kashmir, while the other 3 sell weapons, Russia is beneficiary as well.
All in all, cannon fodder identified. Fools are played around.

India should mend relationship with both Pakistan and China.
Still remember Imran Khan's olive branch in 2018? BJP/Modi rejected.
Still remember Brics Bank, SCO, AIIB? Opportunities is there. BJP/Modi missed.
Still remember Wuhan spirit? Modi go to Wuhan to seek peace after Doklam standoff. Gone with the wind.

When strong man image ruined, can BJP/Modi keep popularity? Questionable.
Ofcourse brother but my point was PMIK lived in UK and knows how these firangi minds work while chai wala thinks that he can please my giving a hug.

Congress might have used their political acumen to placate, convince Chinese and get them to the discussion table and do it successfully...but thank God India has Modi and the extremists at the helm of affairs.

India is ruled by a mob now, mob has many heads but no brains.
It is quite obvious that (and through recent policy announcements by the West + USA ) that they have flushed the Kashmiris down the toilet and relegated it to Indian terrority. I wont give the full list, but most members here are away of the change of tone over Kashmir for the last 3 years from the West and USA.

It serves their strategic interest of cutting off China from Pakistan which is what they want, if that is at the cost of muslim lives in Kashmir then all the better for USA / UK / EU ...

This has been in the planning for quite some time, and involved attempting to degrade both Pakistan economy and military capability so that Pakistan could not resist India's moves in Gilgit-Balistan.

It is why India has started talking about Gilgit-Balistan with full encouragement from the USA / UK / EU..

Both Pakistan and China disagree, and here we are. Lets see what comes of this.
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Bro, which poster was recently arguing with you when he claimed that China had ALREADY pulled back to pre-April 2020 LAC positions?............................................:lol:
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