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China & Vietnam agree to resolve maritime dispute through negotiations

A/C helps a lot. they are accompanied by a battle group that is sub specific. IN have sunk subs b4 so we have exp.

Indian army is modernising but is not a match for PLA, which i believe is the best in the world. IAF and IN are another matter however.

PS: about the video, indian media companies sensationalize everything. u should know that by now

in terms of IAF, the mere number of 3rd gen planes we can field is a total mismatch, along with assets like AWAC, SAM, and ground attack missiles.
China had hundreds of aircraft in the Korean war, Russia, on the other hand, had a mere handful but was responsible for a majority of all NATO aircraft losses.
The Korean war took place right after the Chinese civil war. At that time the PLA air force and navy were still very weak, that was the reason why they did not take Taiwan immediately. In Korean war, how could Chinese warplanes suppose to fight those new US jet fighters Saber. However, Chinese army did very well with the war on land with US army.
That Russian ace in the Korean war must be Yevgeny Pepelyayev. 60 kills should be pretty too many, many of them are failed-claim or unverified.
Russian Aces of the Korean War - MiG-15 Pilots versus USAF F-86s
You don't need an aircraft carrier to win a naval war. Especially when it can be sunk by submarines, which China have plenty of.

Indian army is rapdily modernising, but in no time are they ready for a naval war, let alone sustain and win it.

Nazi Germany also did focus on submarine when on a naval war with UK and the US.
Though their subs were limited by their range.
Modern nuclear subs are virtually unlimited but lot of them carry nuclear warhead, it's useless for a war.
Agreed that both do not want war. But the China goverment always say how different this. China's violations of international law on the sea but always get it right. Why?
If you are literate, could you please translate these words there for us? I see nowhere it says those islands (Spratly and Paracel) are yours.

“Minh Mệnh thứ 17 (1836), năm Bính thân, Thuỷ quân Chánh đội trưởng suất đội Phạm Hữu Nhật, vâng mệnh đi Hoàng Sa trông nom đo đạc đến đây lưu dấu để ghi nhớ”.
Minh Menh emperor sent Captain Phạm Hữu Nhật to Paracel (Paracel and Spartly nowaday) to survey and protect those islands in 1836.
If you are literate, could you please translate these words there for us? I see nowhere it says those islands (Spratly and Paracel) are yours.

Our friends in US already support Vietnamese sovereignty at least since 1804, do not forget it.

Greeting from the US
“Modern geography: A description of the empires, kingdoms, states, and colonies with the oceans, seas, and isles” is pulished in Philadenphia, 1804. The author is John Pinkerton. In the Volume 2, at page 178, Paracels was described as a feature of the Cochin-China kingdom.

Also Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Belgian ...
More from here #1504
after entry of india in scene, china jumped on right track,

China has been calling for negotiations since day one, India had nothing to do with it. You present India as some major power that should be feared by a nation that totally dominates it on the economic front and the military gap is so vast it is laughable.
in terms of IAF, the mere number of 3rd gen planes we can field is a total mismatch, along with assets like AWAC, SAM, and ground attack missiles.
China piracy. Tell me how China can survive or develop without Piracy, Hacking, Stealing, Spying, Copying, Counterfeiting etc etc?
China piracy. Tell me how China can survive or develop without Piracy, Hacking, Stealing, Spying, Copying, Counterfeiting etc etc?

and also tell me how vietnam is going to survive without begging, whining, stripping, cheating, lying and illegally immigrating to other 'less' developed countries to sell their bodies`?
and also tell me how vietnam is going to survive without begging, whining, stripping, cheating, lying and illegally immigrating to other 'less' developed countries to sell their bodies`?

I totally agreed with you dude, and here is my best exam for illegal by Vietnamese.

In Arizona, a Growing Stream of Illegal Chinese Immigrants - NYTimes.com


Here is a fake stuff from Vietnamese

Welcome to China's Fake Apple Store - Global - The Atlantic Wire

But sorry I don't have prove for Chinese fake stuff or illegal immigration.
and also tell me how vietnam is going to survive without begging, whining, stripping, cheating, lying and illegally immigrating to other 'less' developed countries to sell their bodies`?

It's useless to argue with the newer Chinese generation. They would never understand the true meaning of war. I'm just gonna sit back, relax and enjoy my popcorn and watch you entertain me. :pop:
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