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China-US Geopolitics: News & Discussions

Goes to show which direction the US is heading. Agree 100%.

Fascism in foreign diplomacy cannot be sustained without fascism at home. This is the particular Western crisis. For a while, the monetary interests kept fascism at home at bay while it was raining free across the globe.

But now, the US and its allies are feeling monetary/financial constraints; hence, neo-fascist tendencies are becoming more visible.

Trump will utilize similar tactics. He will demonize half to keep the other half solidified. He will continue to have mass rallies. We have been seeing a similar practice in a particular country in the Middle East.

US is just another failing polity.
Bro, concentrate on fake news CNN. China is beyond US scope.
But CNN was just banned from attending White House press briefing (24 Feb) for it's labeled as Fake News (TM) manufacturer by Trump administration.

JUST BEWARE OF FAKE NEWS!!! There are overwhelmingly many.
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On a side note, if the US regime does not allow CNN and the likes to participate White House press briefings, I guess China has every right to kick them out of the country.
would love to see that happen.

Trump will utilize similar tactics. He will demonize half to keep the other half solidified. He will continue to have mass rallies. We have been seeing a similar practice in a particular country in the Middle East.
which country ?
I wonder what is really "flexing" here. There is really no flexing, but only showing-off behind the glass with no real-time on the ground impact.

The US uses the existing capacity. China, on the other hand, build up extra capability in the SCS. So, this arrangement is not really innovative for the US especially in the medium to long run. But, what to expect from a polity that has been going down in intellectual and strategic quality for a long time.

Taking a dump in the toilet is flexing muscle too. Cheap journalism and fanboy love to flex bowel muscle.
Freedom of navigation is the only excuse the US government can come up with. Patrolling in SCS so China does not control it is nothing more than a fabricated lie to justify US Naval presence. Now he's adding China's militarization is proof to this so called theory.


What were NUKES doing on Okinawa then? I bet they are still there to this day.

US is legendary for fabricating lies, building missile shield in Europe to defend against Iranian ballistic missiles, invading Iraq because of WMD (yeah Yankees are seeing things which aren't there). Now there's solid proof DPRK has been testing nukes why isn't US flexing her muscles in front of the world audience? :lol:

Someone here has a weird definition for flexing muscles :disagree:
. .
But CNN was just banned from attending White House press briefing (24 Feb) for it's labeled as Fake News (TM) manufacturer by Trump administration.

Thank you, Trump! I appreciate your efforts. You give us a lot of ammunition to be used in the future.

Fake News Outlets Like CNN, New York Times ‘Danger to Our Country’ - Trump

  • FAKE NEWS media knowingly doesn't tell the truth. A great danger to our country. The failing @nytimes has become a joke. Likewise @CNN. Sad!

Next time US regime cries over how China handles neo-fascist news outlets like CNN (unlikely under Trump, though), we will say that even Trump considered them a danger to the US.

If these are a danger to the US, the country to which they pay their corporate tax, imagine the danger they pose for the rest of the developing world。

which country ?

Better not to name to prevent a flame-war.
Thank you, Trump! I appreciate your efforts. You give us a lot of ammunition to be used in the future.

Fake News Outlets Like CNN, New York Times ‘Danger to Our Country’ - Trump

  • FAKE NEWS media knowingly doesn't tell the truth. A great danger to our country. The failing @nytimes has become a joke. Likewise @CNN. Sad!
Next time US regime cries over how China handles neo-fascist news outlets like CNN (unlikely under Trump, though), we will say that even Trump considered them a danger to the US.

If these are a danger to the US, the country to which they pay their corporate tax, imagine the danger they pose for the rest of the developing world。

Better not to name to prevent a flame-war.

It is irony all over again. Today, Trumpland has transformed into a dictatorship. The media is gagged, the judiciary is threatened, people are mass banned and the list of mediocrity goes on and on. The entire world is holding its breath and laughing at the same time. This is the same country that goes around labelling other nations, but today it has become a victim at the hands of an orange dictator.

It is beyond hilarious to see some Americans fantasize about flexing their muscles against China. These Americans are living in a different universe. Completely ignorant and oblivious of their domestic challenges.
That's pure BS. Freedom of Navigation was never an issue. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
And we will make sure it will never become an issue. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. :enjoy:
Thank you, Trump! I appreciate your efforts. You give us a lot of ammunition to be used in the future.

Fake News Outlets Like CNN, New York Times ‘Danger to Our Country’ - Trump

  • FAKE NEWS media knowingly doesn't tell the truth. A great danger to our country. The failing@nytimeshas become a joke. Likewise@CNN. Sad!

Next time US regime cries over how China handles neo-fascist news outlets like CNN (unlikely under Trump, though), we will say that even Trump considered them a danger to the US.

If these are a danger to the US, the country to which they pay their corporate tax, imagine the danger they pose for the rest of the developing world。



. . .
And we will make sure it will never become an issue. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. :enjoy:
Sir with all due respect to you as a person ,,, US needs to behave ,,, US needs to accept power of other countries and should stop poking his nose in every other matter ...

Why the heck is freedom of navigation ,, what US has to do in SCS sea ,,, thousands of miles away from home ??? at least have guts to speak truth it is to compete with China ...

If freedom of navigation is the issue and every country has right to chose its own weapon then what the hell was Cuban missile crisis ??? Cuba was an independent nation and Russia was having a legitimate deal ... haven't US has nuclear weapons in Europe ... You have one rule for yourself and different for others ...

US is no more sole super power and the earlier US accepts this fact the better will be for US and for other nations of the world ... If US want to maintain itself as the most mightiest military power then he should do it on its own without bullying others ...

In order to contain China, US is pushing the world to a dangerous corner ,,, giving so much favours to India is increasing risks of nuclear war in south asia ...
Go ahead and build your islands. The US cares more about freedom of navigation, and denying China the capability to control their nearby sea's. An with these deployments, the US is doing just that.

How lovely...US can only afford to patrol few times a year in SCS and just a quick pass by, the remaining of other 365 days of the year, 24/days, it was under Chinese control and you call that as "denying the capability of control their sea? :rofl: and those so call US patrol ships have always been received with a warm welcome from our navy there and immediately have to leave that area.

Americans face saving as world sole superpower is nothing but to add insult to injury to themselves:p: : not only wasting tax payers money to show off US military power in SCS but get no any tangible result such as making China back down from further reclaim these islands nor deter China military activities there.
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