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China trying to improve ties with India: think-tank

Don't diss him brother, the lab partner could have been the Premier or Foreign Minister of PRC in disguise, like King Henry at the Battle of Agincourt. :azn:

Except the battlefield of Agincourt in this case is replaced a college biology lab.
Sounds like a helluva a course and please tell me more about your Chinese lab partner.
Yeah, the course was a little spooky, with a professor like that.

I had a number of Chinese lab partners in several different schools. There was a sharp line differentiating those who arrived before Tianamen and those who finally came after: the ones before 1989 would talk politics, the ones after either pretended politics didn't exist or would be far more nationalist (with a small "n" :cheesy:) than their predecessors.

One of these last had been a Red Guard in his early youth, serving in a gang whose job was to take grain from peasants who tried to keep it from the state. (The Guards would seize it for their own consumption.) Once the Gang of Four was toast politics was closed to him and he pursued a science career instead.
Yeah, the course was a little spooky, with a professor like that.

I had a number of Chinese lab partners in several different schools. There was a sharp line differentiating those who arrived before Tianamen and those who finally came after: the ones before 1989 would talk politics, the ones after either pretended politics didn't exist or would be far more nationalist (with a small "n" :cheesy:) than their predecessors.

One of these last had been a Red Guard in his early youth, serving in a gang whose job was to take grain from peasants who tried to keep it from the state. (The Guards would seize it for their own consumption.) Once the Gang of Four was toast politics was closed to him and he pursued a science career instead.

I think you, think you are Henry Kissinger :azn:
Yeah, the course was a little spooky, with a professor like that.

I had a number of Chinese lab partners in several different schools. There was a sharp line differentiating those who arrived before Tianamen and those who finally came after: the ones before 1989 would talk politics, the ones after either pretended politics didn't exist or would be far more nationalist (with a small "n" :cheesy:) than their predecessors.

One of these last had been a Red Guard in his early youth, serving in a gang whose job was to take grain from peasants who tried to keep it from the state. (The Guards would seize it for their own consumption.) Once the Gang of Four was toast politics was closed to him and he pursued a science career instead.

Nice that you took the effort to chat them up. New immigrants often feel isolated in their new surroundings :tup:
Do you think Pakistan is a liability to China ? As far as my view is concerned, I believe China can get access to North Arabian sea and a land based route for an oil pipeline. Is this not a good reason why China can ignore the new-sense value of Pakistan.
Pakistan isn't a liability but China's interest is strategic, not reactive and tactical. China may supply arms and technology and will seek port access but won't allow Pakistan to pull its tail.
Yeah, the course was a little spooky, with a professor like that.

I had a number of Chinese lab partners in several different schools. There was a sharp line differentiating those who arrived before Tianamen and those who finally came after: the ones before 1989 would talk politics, the ones after either pretended politics didn't exist or would be far more nationalist (with a small "n" :cheesy:) than their predecessors.

One of these last had been a Red Guard in his early youth, serving in a gang whose job was to take grain from peasants who tried to keep it from the state. (The Guards would seize it for their own consumption.) Once the Gang of Four was toast politics was closed to him and he pursued a science career instead.

Do you have a graduate degree in the physical sciences or engineering?
Sure buddy another propaganda fed chinese.....is this the same world that knew it was Chinese evil intentions to violently and aggreesively take over TIBET? How about some advice for you think tank, less talk and more action! China messed up by giving India a heads up of their nefarious intentions, otherwise it would have been damn easy for China to overrun India's defences. Thank you comarde

Boss, I am not happy in agreeing with our chineese couterparts.
But it is India/Negru who is responsible for 1962 war.
I don't care, if it angries some of us. but Nehru wanted to do a Kargil type of thing with China by silently pushing and demarcing the border ahead.

China as such is doing what it meant to do. if we betryed them by extending our border, then they have to extend their hands to Pakistan. It is China who refused US to forward troop towards India when US send its navy decoy to Arabian sea; while we were in war with pakistan.

Why we are so much full of US? coz they made us grow economically? bull***; China is the one who got benefited by US.
We just clung to that open economy (which was imposed on us when we asked couple of billions early 90's).

No one is saint, and I don't trust them; as they also have ambitions. But to say it's their fault to loose trustworthiness is WRONG.
We made them loose faith during 62; not other way around.

Long live India and its neighbours...
China trying to improve ties with India: think-tank

are baap-re ye kab hua:alcoholic:
Your politicians are with us. :azn: They will never get rid of the trade deficit.

It is their own unique way of "bribing" us. And it only costs a few tens of billions every year.

Lets be little realistic about this statement. US today gave away free trade agreement to South Korea, while putting more regulations to China, These Dam Politicians!!!!!!!!!!

With close meeting in your communist party today, India looked good as an alternative for some income!!!!!!
Lets be little realistic about this statement. US today gave away free trade agreement to South Korea, while putting more regulations to China, These Dam Politicians!!!!!!!!!!

Did you actually read my post? :lol: I was responding to an Indian member.

Which is why I said the trade deficit was in the "tens of billions". If I was talking about the USA (no idea how the USA came in), I would have said that the trade deficit was in the "hundreds of billions".
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