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China to US: India a 'lesser power', not an equa

Götterdämmerung;2340946 said:
I know Japanese love curry, they even have their version of curry, called Japanese curry.

I love Malaysian curry. It is not as smelly as Indian curry.
What role has China played uptill now?

Well, let's see:
1. Largest contribution to world economy growth (No PPP BS. Using current exchange rate)
2. A currency policy that affects the world economy
3. Largest trade partner of most countries
4. UN security council veto power

and many more. What does India have?
i agree. but remember, indians are like children. they are innocent but easily corrupted as it is clear for all to see. it is simply impossible to argue with fools using words. a fool will not understand you, just like a dog will not understand you. but they will understand the sound coming from the barrel of a gun. and that is all that is needed to make them hear you loud and clear.

Post like this and call others fool. Stop deaming about threatning with gun, gone are the days.
This is another fake source, wise up, don't take an uncited anonymous source, especially an American anonymous source at it's face value and then start a pointless c*ck match over it like immature little kids. This sort of attitude is only going against the current trend of positive events.
Pride comes before fall. An isolated China considering itself as an equal to the United States is even more hilarious.

China has made great strides. Yet, there is still a long way to go. Pre-mature pride has the same effect as pre-mature ejaculation. You will just end up disappointed and humiliated.
It is not my fault that the US considers India to be below many sub-Saharan African nations and North Korea (with a lower visa rejection rate) in terms of civil quality. Take it up with the cousins of your former colonial masters, not us. They are the ones who are ridiculing the growing numbers of illegal Indian immigrants, not us.

Yeah illegal Indian immigrants...read below the news item in Herald Sun, you nut

VICTORIANS have every right to be concerned about the fact there are now almost 60,000 foreign citizens living illegally in Australia.
That is enough illegal immigrants to outnumber the regional populations of Mildura or Shepparton.
As revealed in the Herald Sun today, more than half the illegal immigrants have been here for five or more years and 20,000 of them have lived here a decade or more.
This highlights a systemic failing by successive governments to correctly handle problems caused by foreign citizens who illegally remain in Australia.
These illegal immigrants pay no tax and yet are availing themselves of services that should be used by Australian citizens.
They are hurting everybody, including legitimate migrants and asylum seekers, by taking jobs and housing and using a wide array of public services.
Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria chairman Sam Afra is right to say more should be done to round up illegal immigrants and send them home.
While it is asylum seekers who pay people smugglers for boat trips to Australia that get most publicity, they actually represent only a small proportion of the problem.
Seventy-five per cent of illegal immigrants currently in Australia arrived by plane on tourist or temporary work visas and then simply overstayed.
Chinese citizens are the biggest group, followed by Americans, Malaysians, Britons and South Koreans.
It would be expensive to track down the illegal immigrants and send them home, but doing so would send a vital message that while Australia is willing to accept genuine refugees, it is not prepared to tolerate freeloaders who think they can just stay here without permission.

Illegal immigrant crisis needs fixing | Herald Sun
@pax sinica china needs nuts down their to use its missile on india.... What the use of having big army when nuts are missing down there?.... Why beg anurachal pradesh? Come and take it (thats if u got guts). 1962 is past. 2 incident after 1962 must have shown china what india is.... Even in 1962 we had better kill ratio.... infact to kill one indian soldier china needed 9 chinese soldiers. Why wait more? Waiting for AGNI-5?.... Stop talking.... come and launch attack on india. By the way whats this indian curry thing? Don't have anything else to say so taking cheap shot?.... Curry is far better then tasteless noodles.... Open a seprate thread on curry. Dont try cheap shot here....
@pax sinica china needs nuts down their to use its missile on india.... What the use of having big army when nuts are missing down there?.... Why beg anurachal pradesh? Come and take it (thats if u got guts). 1962 is past. 2 incident after 1962 must have shown china what india is.... Even in 1962 we had better kill ratio.... infact to kill one indian soldier china needed 9 chinese soldiers. Why wait more? Waiting for AGNI-5?.... Stop talking.... come and launch attack on india. By the way whats this indian curry thing? Don't have anything else to say so taking cheap shot?.... Curry is far better then tasteless noodles.... Open a seprate thread on curry. Dont try cheap shot here....


like i said. in around 2012 india will put to sleep for good. the western lap dog will keep barking until then i suppose.
arrogance leads no where,even america never said a country is not its equal just because it is a below it in development,they should remember the were in the same place just over a decade ago

---------- Post added at 07:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:38 AM ----------


like i said. in around 2012 india will put to sleep for good. the western lap dog will keep barking until then i suppose.

dont brain fart :rofl:

like i said. in around 2012 india will put to sleep for good. the western lap dog will keep barking until then i suppose.

2012 is just around the corner, could you be so kind enough to tell us your strategy you may have to put 1.21 Billion Indians in India & approx 30 million Indians abroad to sleep? Do you have a strategy or just sleep talking?
2012 is just around the corner, could you be so kind enough to tell us your strategy you may have to put 1.21 Billion Indians in India & approx 30 million Indians abroad to sleep? Do you have a strategy or just sleep talking?

They will bore us to death with "warnings" and newspaper articles. Silly chinese...:lol:
Well, let's see:
1. Largest contribution to world economy growth (No PPP BS. Using current exchange rate)
2. A currency policy that affects the world economy
3. Largest trade partner of most countries
4. UN security council veto power

and many more. What does India have?

That is not political role but economic..infact most of your economic policies are counterproductive to world growth....your artificial currency manipulation is a legend ..your trade balance with most the countries is heavily tilted in your favour...ie in short you have been global menace.

Your role in UN or other international forums is minuscule compared to other permanent members..you have almost no influence on your neighbors much less the world affairs ..almost all of your neighbors(barring North Korea and Pakistan) openly defy you..countries like Philipines, Taiwan, Vietnam openly embarrass you.

And you think you are equivalent to United States(a country which has been the most dominant and influential power on the face of this Earth for last one and half century.)

You sir have counted your chickens way too early.

India is to China what China is to US ..ie "a lesser power"..No wonder the Americans were surprised at your arrogance.
the report didnt say who said that and the credibility is very dubious,wether Chinese official said that is still in question,but that comment is not new,didnt Indian army chiefs say that first years ago?
New Delhi, August 11, 2009
Navy chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta publicly admitted on Monday that India was no match for China and there was no way New Delhi could bridge the yawning gap in its capabilities against China. He said it would be foolhardy to compare the two nations as equals.
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