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China to US: India a 'lesser power', not an equa

2012 is just around the corner, could you be so kind enough to tell us your strategy you may have to put 1.21 Billion Indians in India & approx 30 million Indians abroad to sleep? Do you have a strategy or just sleep talking?

This is what Zhou Enlai said to Nehru, leader of India, "If I wanted to destroy India, I would march 100 million Chinese to the edge of the Tibetan plateau and order them to piss downhill. We would wash you into the Indian Ocean."

That statement was said nearly 60 years ago but still holds true today. we have missile launch silos all over the tibean plateau, which is the highest region in the world. instead of washing you into the indian ocean, we would blow you off the face of the earth. remember, the capital of india is only minutes away from thermal nuclear missiles which is more powerful than all of india's nuclear power combined.
This is what Zhou Enlai said to Nehru, leader of India, "If I wanted to destroy India, I would march 100 million Chinese to the edge of the Tibetan plateau and order them to piss downhill. We would wash you into the Indian Ocean."

That statement was said nearly 60 years ago but still holds true today. we have missile launch silos all over the tibean plateau, which is the highest region in the world. instead of washing you into the indian ocean, we would blow you off the face of the earth. remember, the capital of india is only minutes away from thermal nuclear missiles which is more powerful than all of india's nuclear power combined.

you know what they say about barking dogs
They just seem to be a frustrated lot...cannot bear India's rise.

India's rise?

At the start of the decade, China’s gross domestic product (GDP) was 2.5 times India’s. Today, it is 3.8 times as large. Foreign exchange reserves were 4.4 times India’s in 2000; in 2010, they were nine times the size. Exports of goods and services were 2.4 times that of India in 2000. Ten years later, they are 3.4 times bigger
India's rise?

i know right, those pesky indians are a peanut. they still have the audacity to drill in your naval territory and continue controlling arunachal pradesh.
damn those fools

---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 PM ----------

you know what they say about barking dogs
why dont you tell me? you're the indian. :coffee:

i would have to, since that's an extinct species in the middle kingdom
i know right, those pesky indians are a peanut. they still have the audacity to drill in your naval territory and continue controlling arunachal pradesh.
damn those fools

---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 PM ----------

i would have to, since that's an extinct species in the middle kingdom

that's OK, we are still using your country to dump toxic waste and forcing you to be manual shipbreakers that salvage broken ships for scrap metal to sell back to us.
This is what Zhou Enlai said to Nehru, leader of India, "If I wanted to destroy India, I would march 100 million Chinese to the edge of the Tibetan plateau and order them to piss downhill. We would wash you into the Indian Ocean."

That statement was said nearly 60 years ago but still holds true today. we have missile launch silos all over the tibean plateau, which is the highest region in the world. instead of washing you into the indian ocean, we would blow you off the face of the earth. remember, the capital of india is only minutes away from thermal nuclear warheads which is more powerful than all of indians nuclear power combined.

This shows how like most Chinese even the Chinese leaders are dumb that they do not even know their own borders!!
At the edge of Tibetan Plateau lie the mighty Himalayas..It will be like hundred million Chinese peeing against a wall...it is all going flow back into China.

And capital of China and most of your cities from Shanghai to Hongkong are with in range Indian themonuclear warheads.

Yes India Capital is five minutes flying time from Chinese border whereas Chinese capital is 20 minus flying time from India border ..even though 15 minutes late the end result will be the same.
that's OK, we are still using your country to dump toxic waste and forcing you to be manual shipbreakers that salvage broken ships for scrap metal to sell back to us.

its pure business, no hard feeling mate. :tup:
more business and trade is always welcome
you really talk big
In strategic nuclear defence and delivery systems China’s PLA is miles ahead of India’s nuclear forces. China’s nuclear arsenal which started stockpiling in 1964, contains more than 210 nuclear warheads. The most powerful ones among China’s nuclear arsenal have yields of over 4 megatons. In comparison, India’s strategic nuclear force which started stockpiling after the 1998 Shakti tests, has about 50-70 warheads at present. The most powerful among India’s nuclear warheads has an yield of 0.05 megatons which is minuscule, compared to China. India’s nuclear delivery system consists of bombers, supersonic cruise missiles and medium range ballistics missiles. Agni 2, India’s longest range,deployed ballistic missile is capable of a range of 2500 km, carrying a single nuclear warhead of 1000 kg. In stark contrast, China’s nuclear delivery system is far more advanced than India’s, with multi-warhead MIRV capable ICBMs like DF-5A [12000+ km] and DF-4 [7500+ km]. It also possesses submarine launched SLBMs like JL-1 [4500+ km] and strategic fighter bombers in its nuclear weapons delivery arsenal.
you really talk big

And you really need to check your sources..perhaps you need a sources which is not half a decade old

...India has already deployed 200 Kiloton thermonuclear warheads ..200 kilotone yield is enough to completely decimate a medium size city such as Shanghai or Beijing.

3- 4 megaton warheads are useless in today's scenarios because they are too heavy for missiles to carry ..and too dangerous for slow speed Bomber to carry(As Bombers can easily be intercepted).

India has now long deployed Agni 3 missiles(3500 Km) ..which cover each and every of city of China barring the northern most ones
At least people don't die every day from eating sewer oil, more than I can say for being the dumpsite for toxic trash.
you would definitely know how many people die from toxic trash...
even though people dont die from sewer oil, pdf is quite familiar with the effects.
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