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China to provide unconditional support to Pakistan: Ambassador

so does it affect the warfare capability?
i know where u r heading now. :lol:.
ask this same question to pakistan :rofl:.
does it mean that only self made rifle will fire in war??
leave pakistan,ask this to urself..
u r not producing indigeneous weapons from ur birth

War-fighting ability is determined by a large part your ability to produce weapons in both quality and quantity.

Impossible when you have to rely on foreign ToT
War-fighting ability is determined by a large part your ability to produce weapons in both quality and quantity.

yes i know,
now more stress is given to produce weapons at home.
now authorites have started work on them,with govt backing.
its giving fruits slowly.
in past,there was no govt backing to developers,but know they have.
and with this,they introduced tejas prototype with in one year.
yes i know,
now more stress is given to produce weapons at home.
now authorites have started work on them,with govt backing.
its giving fruits slowly.
in past,there was no govt backing to developers,but know they have.
and with this,they introduced tejas prototype with in one year.

Good to hear about that, hopefully you will able to see the "Fruits" within your long life-span:lol:
Good to hear about that, hopefully you will able to see the "Fruits" within your long life-span:lol:

satisfy ur self watever tool is available :azn:
i wrote clearly by giving an example of tejas and mentioned the need of govt backing.
btw who cares whether simple things are understood or not:lol:
So basically, you agree that China won't do anything to help Pakistan in an actual war?

What a long post to say that.

China is willing to fight India to the last Pakistani.

Where did i say that China wont help Pakistan? China is our 'war reserves', this is exactly what we want from them. If a war breaks out between Pakistan and India, expect the Chinese to immediately provide Pakistan with whatever she needs. China opening up a front risks crossing the nuclear threshold because the overwhelmed Indian forces cannot fight off both Pakistan and especially the might of China. Your argument of China not being there for Pakistan is absolutely flawed and i am yet to see you actually back it up with any evidence or logic, so stop trolling.
again the same question,how many wars india started?
and who have made SA dangeorus place?

1965: Pakistan
1971: India starts the war by supporting a proxy.
1984: India initiates the skirmish in Siachin
1999: Pakistan initiates the skirmish in Kargil

Stop it with this self righteousness, learn to accept the facts and own up to your actions.
indian trolls please stay away , this thread is about pakistan and china friendships, nothing to do with you india so stay away ,dont turn it into another india vs china thread.
Where did i say that China wont help Pakistan? China is our 'war reserves', this is exactly what we want from them. If a war breaks out between Pakistan and India, expect the Chinese to immediately provide Pakistan with whatever she needs. China opening up a front risks crossing the nuclear threshold because the overwhelmed Indian forces cannot fight off both Pakistan and especially the might of China. Your argument of China not being there for Pakistan is absolutely flawed and i am yet to see you actually back it up with any evidence or logic, so stop trolling.

It's all nice that the Chinese are willing to provide Pakistan with whatever outdated weapons they want (getting F-7s in 2002, lol), but unless China opens a second front, it won't matter.

Any future Indo-Pak war will be concluded within a week. Two weeks at most. If Pakistan has to rely on foreign supplies just to fight a war for one or two weeks, I'd say its chances of winning aren't very high. Last time I checked, Pakistan's wastage reserves were sufficient to sustain 45 days of conflict, which is longer than any potential war would last.

So, as I said before, China is willing to fight India to the very last Pakistani, but not India directly.

The only thing that can save Pakistan in a future conflict is a direct foreign intervention, which China is unlikely to do unless India attacks the KKH in Pakistan's Northern Areas (that would be a direct attack on China's interests, as China wants to use Pakistan as a means to control Arabian Sea trade).
1947: Pakistani tribesmen and army-men invade Kashmir.

1965: Pakistan


1971: India starts the war by supporting a proxy.

No. Pakistan starts flooding India with refugees. Indian economy can't take it. India retaliates.

1984: India initiates the skirmish in Siachin


1999: Pakistan initiates the skirmish in Kargil


Stop it with this self righteousness, learn to accept the facts and own up to your actions.

Pakistan a future economic power: Chinese envoy

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is a gifted nation that fulfils all the prerequisites to become an economic power, ambassador of China to Islamabad Liu Jian said Friday. The current bilateral trade volume is $8.7 billion, up by $2 billion from last year, which is unsatisfactory as it can be increased manifold. Speaking to FPCCI business community he said China would continue to provide unconditional support to Pakistan and expand cooperation in various fields including energy. Improved law and order coupled with continuity of enabling economic policies can attract huge investment in this great business destination, he said. staff report

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

China should help Pakistan economically, but should not help the Pakistanis expand their nuke arsenal.
China should help Pakistan economically, but should not help the Pakistanis expand their nuke arsenal.

That would be against China's interests...

China wants a neo-colonialist relationship with Pakistan, just like it does with other failed states around the world.
It's all nice that the Chinese are willing to provide Pakistan with whatever outdated weapons they want (getting F-7s in 2002, lol), but unless China opens a second front, it won't matter.

F7 at the time was the only plane that China could provide, you cant possibly ask them to provide something which they cannot, what world do you live in. Our F7PG's are more advanced than the F7's Chinese had in their own inventory, at that time we needed an excellent point defence fighter and F7 filled that role up exceptionally well. We are in 2011 now, gone are the days when the Chinese used to provide us with outdated weapons. Now the Chinese provide us with the latest top of the line weapons they have, we have already neutralized your MKI's in the air, Smerch and T90's on the battle field. We dont need China to open up another front because we can fight India on our own.

Any future Indo-Pak war will be concluded within a week. Two weeks at most. If Pakistan has to rely on foreign supplies just to fight a war for one or two weeks, I'd say its chances of winning aren't very high. Last time I checked, Pakistan's wastage reserves were sufficient to sustain 45 days of conflict, which is longer than any potential war would last.

I am not saying that Pakistan needs to rely on foreign supplies, but if Pakistan needs supplies China will always be ready to provide them. After the Mumbai attacks, China on emergency basis shipped C803 and C602 Anti Ship Missiles to Pakistan.

So, as I said before, China is willing to fight India to the very last Pakistani, but not India directly.

Indeed, either way the looser is India. If we reach a point where Pakistan is down to its last citizen, we will ensure that India suffers the same fate too by pressing the nuclear button.

The only thing that can save Pakistan in a future conflict is a direct foreign intervention, which China is unlikely to do unless India attacks the KKH in Pakistan's Northern Areas (that would be a direct attack on China's interests, as China wants to use Pakistan as a means to control Arabian Sea trade).

:what:, What fantasy world are you living in. Pakistan does not need China's intervention to thwart any aggression from the Indian side, we can fight off and thwart an attack from India on our own. We have been buying exactly the weapons that are needed to make the so called Cold Start Doctrine ineffective, and last i checked it is ineffective as it has failed to materialize beyond the drawing board. After the Mumbai Attacks, India growled but never bit because they knew that they did not have the capabilities that were required to pull off a politically acceptable win against Pakistan. So its all good for chest thumping that India will clobber Pakistan in a military fight, facts on the ground speak otherwise. Your Cold Star doctrine has failed because we have made it ineffective by buying exactly the weapons we need to pin down your IBG's at the border.
F7 at the time was the only plane that China could provide, you cant possibly ask them to provide something which they cannot, what world do you live in. Our F7PG's are more advanced than the F7's Chinese had in their own inventory, at that time we needed an excellent point defence fighter and F7 filled that role up exceptionally well. We are in 2011 now, gone are the days when the Chinese used to provide us with outdated weapons. Now the Chinese provide us with the latest top of the line weapons they have, we have already neutralized your MKI's in the air, Smerch and T90's on the battle field. We dont need China to open up another front because we can fight India on our own.

You have neutralized MKI? Smerch? T-90?

I don't wan't to get into a pissing contest about different weapons systems, but you need to recheck basic facts.

I am not saying that Pakistan needs to rely on foreign supplies, but if Pakistan needs supplies China will always be ready to provide them. After the Mumbai attacks, China on emergency basis shipped C803 and C602 Anti Ship Missiles to Pakistan.

Pakistan would be much better off developing domestic industries, like India has begun to do, than rely on China or any other country.

Indeed, either way the looser is India. If we reach a point where Pakistan is down to its last citizen, we will ensure that India suffers the same fate too by pressing the nuclear button.

Actually, I like the present scenario. If our only security threat was Pakistan, our politicians would get lazy and complacent. But with China also as a potential enemy, our military is recieving plenty of funds. We have made more progress in the past 20 years in defence industries than in the 40 years before that.

It's always good to be on your toes.

:what:, What fantasy world are you living in. Pakistan does not need China's intervention to thwart any aggression from the Indian side, we can fight off and thwart an attack from India on our own. We have been buying exactly the weapons that are needed to make the so called Cold Start Doctrine ineffective, and last i checked it is ineffective as it has failed to materialize beyond the drawing board. After the Mumbai Attacks, India growled but never bit because they knew that they did not have the capabilities that were required to pull off a politically acceptable win against Pakistan. So its all good for chest thumping that India will clobber Pakistan in a military fight, facts on the ground speak otherwise. Your Cold Star doctrine has failed because we have made it ineffective by buying exactly the weapons we need to pin down your IBG's at the border.

The Indian Army has already conducted numerous exercises to demonstrate Cold Start capability, starting in 2005. Right now the only thing we lack for COld Start are sp artillery; currently we have to rely on towed artillery and air support to support armored offensives, which is not as effective as having organic mobile artillery. But I am sure the Indian Army can still conduct an effective offensive with its present arsenal and capability.

And btw, which weapons has Pakistan procured to "pin down" India's IBGs?
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