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China to provide unconditional support to Pakistan: Ambassador

Pakistan is not an aggressive power like India is. Number of nations occupied by Pakistan: zero. Number of insurgencies: 1

Number of nations occupied by India: 1 Number of insurgencies: 30+

First of all why r u tap dancing for Pakistani's,let them speak for themselves

Secondly both the number of insurgencies in Pakistan and India r wrong,infact u fabricated it to suite ur taste.

I have seen the so called list of insurgency movement,each of the action involved is counted as an insurgency movement(in which half of the groups r extinst now).

And when it came to Pakistan u choose to show the number of area affected rather than showing the number of groups,in this count also that is more than 1(2 actually) and in case of India that is only 3.
You are the one who brought all this up and have failed to prove how China has not been there for Pakistan which is the relevant topic, since you had no evidence to back up that premise you engaged in your usual trolling.

Did you even read my original post?

I said that China has never supported Pakistan in an actual war.

History speaks for itself, I don't need to prove anything. It was you who brought up the crap about China giving weapons to Pakistan. What's the point of having outdated weapons if you still lose the war.

Find me a single article that states that US Government has labelled Pakistan a 'failed state'. Stop trolling and show me some hard evidence. The rest of your post, i have answered it in the relevant thread for it.

Not the American government obviously, but American think tanks have labelled Pakistan a "failed state"
Here is the list, knock yourself out:
2010 Failed States Index - Interactive Map and Rankings | Foreign Policy

Link doesn't work
Did you even read my original post?

I said that China has never supported Pakistan in an actual war.

I have said it before and i will say it again, Pakistan does not need China to open up a front to fight of India. Pakistan feels confident that it can handle India on its own, last two times the two sides stood eye ball to eye ball, it was India that blinked first not Pakistan. That should go to tell you that Pakistan's beliefs are not far fetched, it is just India's empty chest thumping that makes the Indians feel invincible. If China's relations with Pakistan was not a problem for India, your country wouldn't be crying about our relation in the media.

History speaks for itself, I don't need to prove anything. It was you who brought up the crap about China giving weapons to Pakistan. What's the point of having outdated weapons if you still lose the war.

And how was i wrong, China has provided to Pakistan with whatever it needs and this is what has kept India at bay. Its a shame that India has been unable to teach Pakistan a lesson and force it into a submission with Pakistan having all those outdated weapons :rofl:, real shame on you guys lol.

Not the American government obviously, but American think tanks have labelled Pakistan a "failed state"
Here is the list, knock yourself out:
2010 Failed States Index - Interactive Map and Rankings | Foreign Policy

You clearly said America, i thought the US Government was the representative of the American Nation and not these so called Think Tanks. But it seems that you appear to be under the belief that these Think Tanks are representatives of the American people, i dont think i can help you here because you clearly are choosing evidence that suit your self deluded thinking.

Link doesn't work

India is much more aggressive now than it was back in Kargil conflict. China recognizes India as an evil enemy. If India makes a military move, China will air strike and missile strike New Delhi from our new airbases in Tibet. Then India will split into multiple states.

A military move by India will be a good thing for Pakistan in the long run.
India is much more aggressive now than it was back in Kargil conflict. China recognizes India as an evil enemy. If India makes a military move, China will air strike and missile strike New Delhi from our new airbases in Tibet. Then India will split into multiple states.

A military move by India will be a good thing for Pakistan in the long run.

Salvia effect!!!
I have said it before and i will say it again, Pakistan does not need China to open up a front to fight of India. Pakistan feels confident that it can handle India on its own, last two times the two sides stood eye ball to eye ball, it was India that blinked first not Pakistan. That should go to tell you that Pakistan's beliefs are not far fetched, it is just India's empty chest thumping that makes the Indians feel invincible. If China's relations with Pakistan was not a problem for India, your country wouldn't be crying about our relation in the media.

Well, I can't make you believe something you don't want to. If you think Pakistan can handle India fine in a conventional war, good for you. Keep on believing that :wave:

And how was i wrong, China has provided to Pakistan with whatever it needs and this is what has kept India at bay. Its a shame that India has been unable to teach Pakistan a lesson and force it into a submission with Pakistan having all those outdated weapons :rofl:, real shame on you guys lol.

Do you really think your Chinese weapons are what prevented India from beginning a war? There are a million political and diplomatic factors to consider before starting a war. In 2002, we were not prepared from a strategic standpoint. In 2008, it was not in our interests to start a conflict. And I support the GoI's decision to avoid a conflict in 2008; the strategic and geopolitical situation was far too fragile at that time, with so many other elements at work.

You clearly said America, i thought the US Government was the representative of the American Nation and not these so called Think Tanks. But it seems that you appear to be under the belief that these Think Tanks are representatives of the American people, i dont think i can help you here because you clearly are choosing evidence that suit your self deluded thinking.

I said "Americans", not "American Government". The particular Think Tank that makes the Failed States Index (Foreign Policy) is highly reupted. It certainly has a lot more credibility than some random kid from Lahore.

But again, I cannot make you believe anything. You are free to believe anything you want :wave:

Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan:
Pakistan can handle against Indian alone, but it would be better that China to assist Pakistan to develop the economy and the technology.
More accurately, he was trolling.

I guess even so-called "senior members" like to troll sometimes. After all, trolling can be fun, when you're not the victim.

Some Indian members did the same in every China-related topic, when they cross the borderline, they got banned. The mod would take care of it.

No need to get fussed over this.
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