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China to have 4 aircraft carriers, 18 Type 055 destroyers, and 300 J-20 by 2025

You mean you the clown who spew nonsense? LOL..

We never claim to come here to make decision but discuss. If you think here is a place for joke. Please go some other places to waste the bandwidth. :enjoy:
Talking of wasting bandwidth
Is this forum not forbidden in china?
You are a joke!
China will not fight an infantry war with Vietnam, it will be drones n cruise missiles, precision warfare. We just aim your critical infra from Hainan, use drones to kill off your defenses. Naval blockade you till your trousers drop. This is the future warfare, it won't be mass numbers crossing the border and invsde. It will be crippling your civillian economy and infrastructure until you surrender.
Major ground opreation is not needed but Special opreation is defintely an option, sending in units consist of JTACs, FACs opreators to conducts special reconnaissance,sabotage mission, with the coordination of airforce,navy,army.
Like how Russian sso assists the Syrian.
The Chinese Navy has the ability to naval blockade Vietnam. The Yakhont missiles cannot reach any Chinese warships while doing so and Vietnamese Navy is helpless in the South China Sea against the numerical and advanced ships advantages of the Chinese. Vietnam import and export will be hit hard now think about the economic impact on a poor country like Vietnam. The Chinese could be sending their stealth planes and the upcoming stealth bombers destroying Vietnamese coastal defense. World War 2 equipment, Yakhont and Russian frigates cannot protect Vietnam. Is Vietnam going to retaliate by sending land troops crossing the border or firing missiles on Chinese soil? That will be fun to watch how the Chinese will respond to this type of action.
The Chinese Navy has the ability to naval blockade Vietnam. The Yakhont missiles cannot reach any Chinese warships while doing so and Vietnamese Navy is helpless in the South China Sea against the numerical and advanced ships advantages of the Chinese. Vietnam import and export will be hit hard now think about the economic impact on a poor country like Vietnam. The Chinese could be sending their stealth planes and the upcoming stealth bombers destroying Vietnamese coastal defense. World War 2 equipment, Yakhont and Russian frigates cannot protect Vietnam. Is Vietnam going to retaliate by sending land troops crossing the border or firing missiles on Chinese soil? That will be fun to watch how the Chinese will respond to this type of action.
It would be suicidal, imagine how long does it take for their bloated structure army with almost zero understanding of modern warfare to gather up, be prepared for a major offensive, our quick response force would be tired of waiting and tens of thousands sorties of airforce, artillery strikes alone with non stop electronic attacks would be launched way before their misadventure.
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Lol @ Chinese pdf posters talking about non-existent Type-095SSNs in service and putting J-20s in South China sea Islands!

We are talking about an open ocean battle where only the current assets of the UK and Chinese Navies are available.

There is no empirical evidence of whether the ASBMs will be effective at all and so we need to discount this.

Fact is that China will have no air-cover and submarine cover as the UK has aircraft and submarines one generation ahead in these two areas. All Chinese J-15 aircraft will be shot down on the first day and the submarines will last a bit longer but sunk they will be.

Then it is just a case of how many weeks the large Chinese surface fleet can last against the F-35Bs and the Astute class SSNs. UK will pick the time and place of attack of their choosing and all the Chinese can do is to wait for the attacks to come and try to defend themselves.

As an example of how deadly the Astute class is, check out it's torpedo specs:

Name: Spearfish
Max Firing Range: 54km
Speed: 148km/h

Each Astute can carry 38 Torpedos and the 3 will have over a hundred to deal with the 50 or so Chinese surface combatants available. Of course the F-35Bs will swoop in from low level and using their stealth to drop Spear 3(120km range) missiles and they can carry 4 missile per bay for total of 8 - these are small missiles and will take out the radars of the Chinese surface combatants and their size and numbers will make sure that many get through to turn the Chinese ships blind.

In contrast the Type-054As that are supposed to be hunting the Astutes(in reality the F-35Bs and Astutes will be hunting them) have torpedos with a range of 14km and so the Astute will fire out of range and sink the 054As.

As long as the Chinese do not have the Type-095 SSN deployed and the navalised FC-31 on their carriers then they are no match for the likes of a small but highly advanced Navy like the UK Royal Navy.

PS - UK will be able to sail a 4th Astute SSN as that is nearly ready for service anyway but I don't even think they will need it.

PSS - It will not be just the 6 Type-45 destroyers that will be defending the fleet but also the 13 Type-23 frigates. The Type-23 frigates have been upgraded with the new Artisan 3D radar (200km range)and the 32-VLS Sea-Ceptor missile that can fire at targets more than 25km away. When combined with the 3 CIWS carrier has the chances of any Chinese missile getting through and hitting the UK carrier will be very slim.

LOL? It is you who is funny here .. :lol:

I've told ya ..F-35 can't do anything to cover Royal fleet against DF-21/DF-26/YJ-12.
F-35 is stealthy, but HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales are not. Besides stealthyness of F-35 wont be so much effective in war theater where there are numeruous radar and sensors from different angles.

It wont happen J-15 vs F-35 as in your delusion. Do not assume chinese will be stupid applying stupid strategy by sending J-15 to intercept F-35.
The battle will be Royal Fleet vs DF-21/DF-26, and F-35 vs HQ-26 from numerous PLAN ships or vs J-20.

Tell me: how UK fleet will intercept DF-26? or supersonic skim with terminal zigzag maneuver YJ-12?

I bet UK only 2 carriers will survive less than 1 hours.

Yes there is as an aircraft with less RCS is a known to be much more difficult to detect. Multiple exercises have proved this with both US and Chinese air-forces.

You know if the UK wanted to it could spend a little bit more on defence(raise from 2.1% to 2.5% of GDP) and funnel all this extra money into the Navy and have a fleet like below:

4 70,000 tonne aircraft carriers - able to carry 150 F-35Bs
12 Type-45 destroyers
14 Astute Class SSNs
24 Type-26 frigates

This would mean that it would be able compete with Chinese Navy up to say year 2030. Food for thought for those dreaming of Chinese world domination there as if the rest of the world will not react as China builds up it's military.

IF UK wanted?

Boy ..by the time UK have other 2 carriers, PLAN will have 6 carriers with J-20. So the situation will be more dangerous for UK fleet in spite of F-35.

The question: by that time will there be any effective way to intercept DF-26?
LOL? It is you who is funny here .. :lol:

I've told ya ..F-35 can't do anything to cover Royal fleet against DF-21/DF-26/YJ-12.
F-35 is stealthy, but HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales are not. Besides stealthyness of F-35 wont be so much effective in war theater where there are numeruous radar and sensors from different angles.

It wont happen J-15 vs F-35 as in your delusion. Do not assume chinese will be stupid applying stupid strategy by sending J-15 to intercept F-35.
The battle will be Royal Fleet vs DF-21/DF-26, and F-35 vs HQ-26 from numerous PLAN ships or vs J-20.

Tell me: how UK fleet will intercept DF-26? or supersonic skim with terminal zigzag maneuver YJ-12?

I bet UK only 2 carriers will survive less than 1 hours.

IF UK wanted?

Boy ..by the time UK have other 2 carriers, PLAN will have 6 carriers with J-20. So the situation will be more dangerous for UK fleet in spite of F-35.

The question: by that time will there be any effective way to intercept DF-26?
Exactly, carriers are used for power projection against weaker countries. Its useless in a real war.
The Chinese Navy has the ability to naval blockade Vietnam. The Yakhont missiles cannot reach any Chinese warships while doing so and Vietnamese Navy is helpless in the South China Sea against the numerical and advanced ships advantages of the Chinese. Vietnam import and export will be hit hard now think about the economic impact on a poor country like Vietnam. The Chinese could be sending their stealth planes and the upcoming stealth bombers destroying Vietnamese coastal defense. World War 2 equipment, Yakhont and Russian frigates cannot protect Vietnam. Is Vietnam going to retaliate by sending land troops crossing the border or firing missiles on Chinese soil? That will be fun to watch how the Chinese will respond to this type of action.
Actually I don’t want to mention it but as you started it with aggressive rhetoric.
Do you know what Vietnam and Japan in common? Both armies attacked and captured Nanjing! Certainly in two different time period. Think before do something stupid! Although I don’t believe we will launch a preemptive strike on the PLA similar we did the preemptive strike on the Song army.

Actually I don’t want to mention it but as you started it with aggressive rhetoric.
Do you know what Vietnam and Japan in common? Both armies attacked and captured Nanjing! Certainly in two different time period. Think before do something stupid! Although I don’t believe we will launch a preemptive strike on the PLA similar we did the preemptive strike on the Song army.

Let me quote something that defines you perfectly-"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."
There is nothing preemptive in modern warfare, even US prepared months before entering Iraq let alone the bloated structure viet armed forces, your army has lost the ability to launch an attack unless a deep restructure and reform takes in place but this is too much for you to comprehend, since your only knowledge on military is to count the numbers of Yakhont, T62, M102 mounting on a truck.
Actually I don’t want to mention it but as you started it with aggressive rhetoric.
Do you know what Vietnam and Japan in common? Both armies attacked and captured Nanjing! Certainly in two different time period. Think before do something stupid! Although I don’t believe we will launch a preemptive strike on the PLA similar we did the preemptive strike on the Song army.

You idiot is beyond saving...
You slaves for 2000 years has nothing in common with others but slaves...
You sneaked into Nanning in neighboring Guangxi (the only time in your 2000 years history of slavery by us that you managed to sneaked in), not Nanjing in Jiangsu... Even though, you got your punishment with your capital Hanoi captured and your prince killed, your head begged for our mercy during that war...And sure, you slave land did tribute lots of concubines to Nanjing for our emperors...
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You idiot is beyond saving...
You slaves for 2000 years has nothing in common with others but slaves...
You sneaked into Nanning in neighboring Guangxi (the only time in your 2000 years history of slavery by us that you managed to sneaked in), not Nanjing in Jiangsu... Even though, you got your punishment with your capital Hanoi captured and your prince killed, your head begged for our mercy during that war...And sure, you slave land did tribute lots of concubines to Nanjing for our emperors...
Ok my mistake
But come on, nanning and nanjing are not too far way, people can slur them together.

Let me quote something that defines you perfectly-"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."
There is nothing preemptive in modern warfare, even US prepared months before entering Iraq let alone the bloated structure viet armed forces, your army has lost the ability to launch an attack unless a deep restructure and reform takes in place but this is too much for you to comprehend, since your only knowledge on military is to count the numbers of Yakhont, T62, M102 mounting on a truck.
Think of Israel’s preemptive strike on the combined Arab armies in the 6 day war. A masterpiece in modern warfare. By the way I never say expert in military stuffs I comment here for fun. Ask me anything about Internet, computer networking and encryption. fyi: I am engineer.
Ok my mistake
But come on, nanning and nanjing are not too far way, people can slur them together.

Think of Israel’s preemptive strike on the combined Arab armies in the 6 day war. A masterpiece in modern warfare. By the way I never say expert in military stuffs I comment here for fun. Ask me anything about Internet, computer networking and encryption. fyi: I am engineer.
Yes, they spell similar, but are 2,000 km apart...

Isreal??? preemptive strike??? You compare you WWII soviet junk army in 2019 to Isreal??? and campare the world top 3 military power with numerous megatons to Arab armies??? You idiot are too hilarious...

Preemptive strike, just try it, we will spare no mercy to wipe you jungle out of the map this time...
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The mongrel avoid sharing his solution to a Chinese naval blockade against Vietnam means he knows there is nothing Vietnam can do to break free. The blockade will devastate the Vietnamese economy and basically the Vietnamese can only watch. If the Chinese wanted it could send in the air assault as the Vietnamese have no means to detect the stealth bombers destroying airbase, ground defense and even naval assets . Sending in a few Russian frigates to fight the Chinese Navy is just a suicide mission. The only option is land war but you know how that will end fighting the world's biggest land force.
The mongrel avoid sharing his solution to a Chinese naval blockade against Vietnam means he knows there is nothing Vietnam can do to break free. The blockade will devastate the Vietnamese economy and basically the Vietnamese can only watch. If the Chinese wanted it could send in the air assault as the Vietnamese have no means to detect the stealth bombers destroying airbase, ground defense and even naval assets . Sending in a few Russian frigates to fight the Chinese Navy is just a suicide mission. The only option is land war but you know how that will end fighting the world's biggest land force.
Ok lets assume the PLA imposes a total naval blockade against Vietnam. How many ships are required?
Take the war against the US. The US once imposed a total naval blockade against half of Vietnam: the northern part. They had 20 aircraft carriers, hundreds of frigates and destroyers.

If the PLA does the same, you need at least similar in number of aircraft carriers and warships.

We have 3.300 km long coast line along the mainland, in addition we have 50 outposts in the Sc sea. I would think you need a lot of ships. Thousand? I don’t know.

But ok, I know china shipyards can make ships much quicker than the US, so we must calculate with the worst scenario.

However you forget once you impose a blockade, other countries will not sit idle.
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