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China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

Yeah, VNese dont like fighting , we've had a very long war already . But ur corrupted Govt. is so greedy , they r trying to drive the public opinion to the conflict with China's neighbours like VN instead of focusing on their corruption.

We have many things to take care of in our lives, but SCS(east sea) is the sea where a lot of our poor fishermen earn their living, ur Govt. can not rob it . Dont forces our poor men to stand up and fight for their living.

I understand that's your side of the story, and I won't try to convince you to believe what I think. No matter our government is greedy or not, it has nothing to do with the conflict in the South China Sea. A lot of our poor fishermen also earn their living in the area, that's why our government has long suggested to "put aside the dispute, and explore the area together". And you shouldn't say it's our government robbing it before the dispute is solved, which will determine who owns the area and how much.
no worry as long as they don't fish in scs we will never force your poor fishermen fighting for their living
ah, in this new year, our fishermen catch tons of fish near Paracel and Spratly islands despite ur stupid fishing ban :pleasantry:

Coward PLA vs poor VN fishermen in disputed zone, guess who is winning now ??:sarcastic:



Fishermen hit 'jackpot' in SCS(East sea) in new year (2014)

Ships r docked with fulled of tuna, anchovies etc about a hundred million VND.

Many fishermen in Quang Ngai fishing in the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly )has returned with fish, squid full in the holds. Average catch per boat 7-10 tons of seafood, earning more than 100 million VND profit.
South China Sea News & Discussions | Page 266
哥们,说得好! 这就是我们中国人的民族气节!我们对我们自己的语言,文化,传统非常自信,我们在世界上也越来越挺胸抬头了!
I am proud of speaking elegant mandarin but writing in english which may be poor is really more proper here in the PDF forum.
I understand that's your side of the story, and I won't try to convince you to believe what I think. No matter our government is greedy or not, it has nothing to do with the conflict in the South China Sea. A lot of our poor fishermen also earn their living in the area, that's why our government has long suggested to "put aside the dispute, and explore the area together". And you shouldn't say it's our government robbing it before the dispute is solved, which will determine who owns the area and how much.
"put aside the dispute, and explore the area together" ??? No, Can not . U killed our men in 1974 , 1988 , robbed our islands and think we can "put it aside " when u didnt say Sorry ??

Say sorry for 1974 , 1988 killing and return our lost islands first, bro. Other while, just keep fishing , no exploring.

Many US veterans come back to VN and say sorry now, US govt. also help VN to clean agent orange zone while China still threatening with war .
I am proud of speaking elegant mandarin but writing in english which may be poor is really more proper here in the PDF forum.
ah, in this new year, our fishermen catch tons of fish near Paracel and Spratly islands despite ur stupid fishing ban :pleasantry:

Coward PLA vs poor VN fishermen in disputed zone, guess who is winning now ??:sarcastic:



Fishermen hit 'jackpot' in SCS(East sea) in new year (2014)

Ships r docked with fulled of tuna, anchovies etc about a hundred million VND.

Many fishermen in Quang Ngai fishing in the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly )has returned with fish, squid full in the holds. Average catch per boat 7-10 tons of seafood, earning more than 100 million VND profit.
South China Sea News & Discussions | Page 266
LMAO you are really pathetic you know, do you really need to make up a story to win an argument
"put aside the dispute, and explore the area together" ??? No, Can not . U killed our men in 1974 , 1988 , robbed our islands and think we can "put it aside " when u didnt say Sorry ??

Say sorry for 1974 , 1988 killing and return our lost islands first, bro. Other while, just keep fishing , no exploring.

Many US veterans come back to VN and say sorry now, US govt. also help VN to clean agent orange zone while China still threatening with war .

But you just said that Vietnam killed our soldiers 30 mins ago. Why should WE say sorry then??
I won't say sorry for you taking OUR islands. And we will keep controlling the area.
You see, this is why Vietnam can't become a great power, because it doesn't know its limits.
When I said sorry that I said those things, and offered to make peace in here, you didn't take the chance.
It's the same thing between our countries. You are ungrateful.
Then keep on your way.
Just remember on thing:never regard some one that never hurt you as your enemy.

Then keep on your way.
Just remember on thing:never regard some one that never hurt you as your enemy.
LMAO you are really pathetic you know, do you really need to make up a story to win an argument
Our fishermen is winning with tons of fish in Paracel and Spratly islands now. Time for u to throw ur fishing ban paper to the toilet and of course, time to question the 'power', and the morale of ur cheap army in enforcing to 'rules' ,too :pleasantry:
But you just said that Vietnam killed our soldiers 30 mins ago. Why should WE say sorry then??
I won't say sorry for you taking OUR islands. And we will keep controlling the area.
You see, this is why Vietnam can't become a great power, because it doesn't know its limits.
When I said sorry that I said those things, and offered to make peace in here, you didn't take the chance.
It's the same thing between our countries. You are ungrateful.
I didnt say VN killed ur men, pls read the link again : China officer believed that 11 Chinese troops 'were killed' by VNese for retaliation. But they dare not open a full investigation to find out Who were the true perpetrator. So we dont need to say sorry coz ur officer dare not find out the perpetrator.

Okay, u dont say sorry, then , let the things go its way. We will protect our sea, people around the world come to support us, China corrupted leaders happy coz their people keep arguing with their neighbours instead of focusing on the corruption , only Chinese poor people lose coz they gain Nothing.

hahaha dumbass US VETERANS SAID SORRY DONT MEAN SH@T get us governemt to say it if you can :omghaha:
At least US govt. , some of US senators r helping VN now, they help VN to fish in Paracel and Spratly to deface ur stupid ban :pleasantry:
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For China to build a massive military base in Mischief is a stones throwaway from mainland Philippines. Once the base is completed, it will be a death blow for the Phillipines.

This would be like the United States building the Guantanamo Bay Gulag in Cuba.
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Actually that's not offensive language. He's not cursing anybody.

Yeah, I don't say any bad thing to him, just remind him to use the right language here. If not the Admin or Moderator would ban his account.

For China to build a massive military base in Mischief is a stones throwaway from mainland Philippines. Once the base is completed, it will a death blow for the Phillipines.

This would be like the United States building the Guantanamo Bay Gulag in Cuba.

a Massive base could make the area more peaceful ? We don't believe it, Chinese pal !!!
I think the best thing for the world is going to be for China to meet the same fate that Soviet Union (SU) met 20+ years ago. I hope my government is secretly working on such a plan. Tibet is NOT yours, neither is the western province of Xinjiang. Once those two break away, the others will party to become their own countries. SU met this fate as it was expansionist like Chinaand we do not appreciate that trait.
Chinese know western power lead by US is trying to breakup China in the past and present and it's going to fail again.

Latinized characters r easier to use, Chinese characters r hard to remember. We r poor and dont have much chance to learn a proper English from school. Even our E teacher speak E very bad, too.
Hard for you not for Chinese. Not everyone is uneducated like you.
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Our fishermen is winning with tons of fish in Paracel and Spratly islands now. Time for u to throw ur fishing ban paper to the toilet and of course, time to question the 'power', and the morale of ur cheap army in enforcing to 'rules' ,too :pleasantry:

Yeah, because China authorities know well that Paracels belong to Vietnam before they rob it by force ...
So until now, our fishermen still could harvest something around Triton island, and Paracels islands itself with only some bothering acts of China. Our fishboat even could attempt to enter Paracel islands as needed, but China once robbed it from Vietnam, avoid to let them in even in emergency case
I think the best thing for the world is going to be for China to meet the same fate that Soviet Union (SU) met 20+ years ago. I hope my government is secretly working on such a plan. Tibet is NOT yours, neither is the western province of Xinjiang. Once those two break away, the others will party to become their own countries.

SU met this fate as it was expansionist like China and we do not appreciate that trait.
I agree. Economic sanction is the key to stop commie China from expansionism.
America, Japan, India, Australia and ASEAN should begin to slow low trade with China. Let them feel the pain.

Yeah i must agree with Genesis, the Chinese right now is the most cohesive ones ever. It's conditions is very different with the Soviet State 20 years ago.
said the Ming itself before it collapsed, and the Qing, and so on...
hubris and arrogance seldom lead to success.

China is the best. very good
maybe China is your best friend, but even Pakistan does not support the claim of the Chinese, or I´m wrong. lol
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