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China to Build Second Foreign Naval Base, This Time in Pakistan

No war is coming my friend. China will not invest $60 billion in a country that was about to be attacked.

JUst remember this name Jiwani wait and watch.
Don't get me wrong my friend.. I wish so.. but will Pakistan' politics and politicians allow it? What is the official Pakistani stance on foreign bases on its land?
A foreign naval base on Pakistani soil is not an option in near future. The only facility Pakistan can provide them with is ship docking and resupply of food and feul.

Why do people forget PN is buying 8 attack submarines for a reason.
Don't get me wrong my friend.. I wish so.. but will Pakistan' politics and politicians allow it? What is the official Pakistani stance on foreign bases on its land?

Which politician will stop it my friend. Nawaz is still asking "Why you threw me out". Zardari is some where in a gulf country enjoying his hard earned cash. Imran Khan and Sheikh Rashid are busy on how to throw Shahbaz out. Public is all good. Who is there to oppose it?

Pakistan is deep state we have a code that runs the countries strategic interests. Rest is all a political TV show that you see every day.

USA spent $800 billion in Afghan war to get to Gawadar, China did it with $60 billion.

A foreign naval base on Pakistani soil is not an option in near future. The only facility Pakistan can provide them with is ship docking and resupply of food and feul.

Why do people forget PN is buying 8 attack submarines for a reason.

Why is it out of option and 8 Subs are not for Gawadar they are for far out missions.
Which politician will stop it my friend. Nawaz is still asking "Why you threw me out". Zardari is some where in a gulf country enjoying his hard earned cash. Imran Khan and Sheikh Rashid are busy on how to throw Shahbaz out. Public is all good. Who is there to oppose it?

Pakistan is deep state we have a code that runs the countries strategic interests. Rest is all a political TV show that you see every day.

USA spent $800 billion in Afghan war to get to Gawadar, China did it with $60 billion.

Why is it out of option and 8 Subs are not for Gawadar they are for far out missions.
I understand all that but what is the official Pakistani legislature about foreign military bases on the Pakistani soil? this is my main question.. I know that Egypt or Saudi Arabia and most North African countries do not allow foreign military bases, while UAE and Qatar for example allow them..
I understand all that but what is the official Pakistani legislature about foreign military bases on the Pakistani soil? this is my main question.. I know that Egypt or Saudi Arabia and most North African countries do not allow foreign military bases, while UAE and Qatar for example allow them..
Legislature cannot effect National security as it takes priority over everything else.
I understand all that but what is the official Pakistani legislature about foreign military bases on the Pakistani soil? this is my main question.. I know that Egypt or Saudi Arabia and most North African countries do not allow foreign military bases, while UAE and Qatar for example allow them..
I have a simple question where do you think China will dock it Air ship carrier. Gawadar is a trade Hub. This will be a joint operations base for both PLA Navy and P Navy. A Naval Base is needed If USA tries to block China from Taiwan and Japan and South Korea. China will simply block Harmos strait.

Pakistani legislature about foreign military bases on the Pakistani soil?
No problem with Law USA made it easy when USA needed Air base in Jacababad.
Why is it out of option and 8 Subs are not for Gawadar they are for far out missions.

What do you mean by far out missions? Those are diesel electric subs but not some nuclear subs. Those have to come over surface for resupply of food and fuel and I think those will be unfit for far away missions.

Inaddition, PN is not a blue water navy, and have shown no militiary interests outside Arabian sea. For sure, those 8 subs will be there to safegaurd Pakistani ports and as an option for 2nd strike capability.
What do you mean by far out missions? Those are diesel electric subs but not some nuclear subs. Those have to come over surface for resupply of food and fuel and I think those will be unfit for far away missions.

Inaddition, PN is not a blue water navy, and have shown no militiary interests outside Arabian sea. For sure, those 8 subs will be there to safegaurd Pakistani ports and as an option for 2nd strike capability.
Subs are not defensive weapons they are offensive weapons and those subs can be resupplied at Djibouti, Sri Lanka, Maldives, SCS and through Chinese floating supply docks.
The current US leadership doesn't have the intellectual capability to wage a successful war....
My friend Turkey is coming to Djibouti soon so I don't see USA in any effective position.

First Djibouti ... now Pakistan port earmarked for a Chinese overseas naval base, sources say
The facility would be similar to one in operation in African nation, offering logistics and maintenance services to PLA Navy vessels


It is coming in the head lines on every News in the world.
It means the stake are even higher now for India if they want to directly disrupt CPEC and other related projects. As any stupid move could put it in direct confrontation with China.

When you say “directly disrupt”, what action are you referring to? Like a missile strike?
Disruptions of the nature you speak of are usually done through proxies, which can easily be disowned.
How exactly do you see China pressuring India either way? Through war?
When you say “directly disrupt”, what action are you referring to? Like a missile strike?
Disruptions of the nature you speak of are usually done through proxies, which can easily be disowned.
How exactly do you see China pressuring India either way? Through war?

India gets it oil from the place where China is going to sit so you tell me how China will disrupt.
India gets it oil from the place where China is going to sit so you tell me how China will disrupt.

China is going to blockade the strait of hormuz is it? Where the US has a MASSIVE presence in terms of man and material?
Secondly, how are they going to stop oil that’s specifically coming to India? Are they going to stop every tanker that goes out of Hormuz to check the destination?! Do you know the volume of oil that is shipped from Hormuz?!
You can blockade a country, NOT a trade route. Blocking a trade route means you piss off the Arabs and all other countries whos Oil supply is disrupted. Do you not think the Arabs care about the massive oil payments from India?!

And do you not think that an equal Check mate can happen on the mallaca strait where we already sir with our natural aircraft carrier..where China gets its oil from among other trade?

So again, how do you plan to blockade a country as massive as India?
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