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China to Build Second Foreign Naval Base, This Time in Pakistan

Please correct me if I am wrong but isn't all the equipment stationed at these afb assigned to NATO? Is US allowed to use it outside NATO operations?
The US clearly cannot use it against any country to start a war unilaterally. But, if any country (in NATO) is threatened entire NATO supply can be used by that country. That's how the US projects its power.
A capable Chai Wala is on any given day a better option than an Economist who turns a blind eye on loot. Rather my intellect has enabled you to ponder deep inside you, as far that as I consider it a success.

Chai wala is neither capable nor better than any economist. Your ponder deep inside is limited to stupid lists since that is your auqat being a low life troll on a Pakistani forum.

I would have had the same prescribed for you had that not been said already !! But since you seem to know quite a lot about Aukaat, You probably should teach that your kind and get a dash for yourselves first, or it'll all turn out to be all hat and no cattle

As i said. Try to be "insan ka bacha" for once. I know it isn't easy. But then you are on a Pakistani forum hence you would have to do that. Your auqat whatever it is, at least deserves you to change yourself to something better sometimes.
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