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China to Build Second Foreign Naval Base, This Time in Pakistan

So the basic answer is, you have no idea!
You’re going to harass every ship through mallaca? How do you identify what’s going to india? Do you know the amount of resources required on the chinese side to carry out a 24-7 harassment as you state?
How many ships does China plan to operate here?

It’s easier said than done! Even easier if it’s in your mind than in reality @SOUTHie
It's easy playing that game on a map. In reality, it's hundreds of miles of wide ocean, where mil ships travel, and usually, the oil shipping companies are not always Indian. Remember how US was drawn into world war by the Germans during the U boat campaign.

Anyway, blockades are not so easy in the straight of Hormuz. And India has strategic reserves across the coun y, and in Sri Lanka. While India has a Naval base in Oman.
well . heard the nearly same news from two different sources . Chinese media & Russian media .
Both of these media are mouthpiece of their governments . Something is Happening .
It's easy playing that game on a map. In reality, it's hundreds of miles of wide ocean, where mil ships travel, and usually, the oil shipping companies are not always Indian. Remember how US was drawn into world war by the Germans during the U boat campaign.

Anyway, blockades are not so easy in the straight of Hormuz. And India has strategic reserves across the coun y, and in Sri Lanka. While India has a Naval base in Oman.

Short of declaring war, little else the chinese can do to pressure india.
If Pakistan feels threatened they probably will allow China to build a naval base to safeguard CPEC,CPEC is something the Indians and Americans cant digest, on a side note I fully support this idea.
Did you miss the US base in Djibouti, Diego Garcia, Afghan, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Oman? And interestingly, Turkey hosts two US bases in Incirlik and one more (Forgot). Words are that they store their TNW's there. :pop:

Afaik Incirlick and Diyarbakir are NATO AFB's, not american. :coffee:
Don't get jumpy. The ships transporting oil to India is identifiable very easily every ship has a unique name and designation. About how many China plans to operate is unknown because it is just the start of the idea. USA is there for self interests not Indian interests.

I’m not getting jumpy, but you’re making a lot of assumptions here.
And the database for where the ships are going have to be divulged to the chinese. The assumption you make is that the exact same ships are used for every transport to and from India. Certainly not true.
Pray tell, why would European and American owned companies do this?
Strait of Hormuz is massive, even if it looks like a sliver on a map.
Secondly, why would a distribution company such as say maersk divulge this information to the chinese?

Another point to note is the amount of resources required to blockade the Hormuz. China will need an entire fleet to engage in such a manner. Not taking into account the wrath of Arabs who’s revenues will be affected by such a move.
And I’m not even getting into the freedom of navigation clause that the US will be happy to shove down China’s throat.

Like I said, it’s easier said than done. You can blockade a country, not a trade route.
We should take in the context it was presented in by our friend, that in case the US tries to blockade China in South Asia, then China will blockade the strait of Hormuz.. both are easier said than done.. so these are mere speculations now..
Short of declaring war, little else the chinese can do to pressure india.

ikr, the Chinese are not stupid to let emotion run diplomacy. A Chinese base in Pakistan is within both of their interest, but as a measure to have future blockades on India is simply a wet dream.
If Pakistan feels threatened they probably will allow China to build a naval base to safeguard CPEC,CPEC is something the Indians and Americans cant digest, on a side note I fully support this idea.
I think they will start with an agreement to resupply, maintain and offer some other logistics to the PLN.. and if things go or seem to go really bad with the US then they will allow not only one Chinese base but many..
If Cold War 2.0 starts it'll end in a similar way for the US.
Last I checked, the US won the Cold War.

The playground will be Afghanistan in which much like the USSR the USA will taste the humiliation of defeat and disintegration. I assure you.
My friend, why are you worried about what happens to the US?
My reference to Afghanistan was to point to what happened to afg post the Cold War. If Pakistan is the next staging ground, are you willing to handle the mess that will ensue? More than what’s already happening in pak without the Cold War 2.0?

The Americans have targetted us for decades. This is nothing new. They are panicked because for the first time we've actually said 'no, you know what US, you lying b@stards how about you f*ck off?' and they don't like it. Oh yeah? Well tough sh!t.

Well right now we are at the threat stage. The US outside of withholding aid hasn’t even used its cards. So I would be careful what you wish for.

Nevertheless, I’m happy that Pak is sticking to its guns. Hopefully it ends well for Pak.
As an Indian and naturalized American, i certainly don’t want another war, esp not in India’s neighborhood.
Last I checked, the US won the Cold War.

My friend, why are you worried about what happens to the US?
My reference to Afghanistan was to point to what happened to afg post the Cold War. If Pakistan is the next staging ground, are you willing to handle the mess that will ensue? More than what’s already happening in pak without the Cold War 2.0?

Well right now we are at the threat stage. The US outside of withholding aid hasn’t even used its cards. So I would be careful what you wish for.

Nevertheless, I’m happy that Pak is sticking to its guns. Hopefully it ends well for Pak.
As an Indian and naturalized American, i certainly don’t want another war, esp not in India’s neighborhood.
Yes I know US won the cold war but a second one will lead them to the same fate as the USSR. Pakistan is not the next staging ground even though they have tried their best to make it so. The fact that Pakistan hasn't completely collapsed is what pisses them off. I want the US to use their cards. Pakistan will never gain freedom from those idiots until they stand up for themselves. That's the truth. And nor will the region.
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I’m not getting jumpy, but you’re making a lot of assumptions here.
And the database for where the ships are going have to be divulged to the chinese. The assumption you make is that the exact same ships are used for every transport to and from India. Certainly not true.
Pray tell, why would European and American owned companies do this?

I have a simple question and it is very easy to answer. why is china going for so many bases in Indian Ocean. I know you don't like this news and you should not because it is point of concern for you. Lets understand some thing here harassment is what super powers do, just like Trump harassed Pakistan with a Tweet and China harassing back with a News of a base but Indian is just a small country in this big game I will agree with you that this more concerns USA and Europe.
US burying hatchet with Iran is next to impossible. It is much easier for US to do business with Pakistan.
anything is possible, here is a hypothetical scenario. Impeach trump install a new face to resume negotiations from obama days.
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