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China to Build Second Foreign Naval Base, This Time in Pakistan

My friend Turkey is coming to Djibouti soon so I don't see USA in any effective position.

Did you miss the US base in Djibouti, Diego Garcia, Afghan, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Oman? And interestingly, Turkey hosts two US bases in Incirlik and one more (Forgot). Words are that they store their TNW's there. :pop:
My friend Turkey is coming to Djibouti soon so I don't see USA in any effective position.

First Djibouti ... now Pakistan port earmarked for a Chinese overseas naval base, sources say
The facility would be similar to one in operation in African nation, offering logistics and maintenance services to PLA Navy vessels


It is coming in the head lines on every News in the world.
I dont know why are you so happy with this news. IMO, a Chinese naval base in Jiwani will be an invitation to hostile agencies, and to counter Chinese threat, they may try to target CPEC supply routes or further destabilised an already upset Baluchistan through terror funding.
Inadditon, the presence of foreign troops on Pakistani soil will undermine the forces'abilities. Why do you think it is more important to please others rather than peace in our own country?
China is going to blockade the strait of hormuz is it? Where the US has a MASSIVE presence in terms of man and material?
Secondly, how are they going to stop oil that’s specifically coming to India? Are they going to stop every tanker that goes out of Hormuz to check the destination?! Do you know the volume of oil that is shipped from Hormuz?!
You can blockade a country, NOT a trade route. Blocking a trade route means you piss off the Arabs and all other countries whos Oil supply is disrupted. Do you not think the Arabs care about the massive oil payments from India?!

So again, how do you plan to blockade a country as massive as India?

You don't need to stop them just keep harrassing them bring a military ship in front of them then let them go just police them exactly like in Doklam
I dont know why are you so happy with this news. IMO, a Chinese naval base in Jiwani will be an invitation to hostile agencies, and to counter Chinese threat, they may try to target CPEC supply routes or further destabilised an already upset Baluchistan through terror funding.
Inadditon, the presence of foreign troops on Pakistani soil will undermine the forces'abilities. Why do you think it is more important to please others rather than peace in our own country?
I am happy because they are already targeting it. Brave men lose their lives to protect this country every day. We are already past the point of attracting their attention. This is just our counter to show them the consequences.
You don't need to stop them just keep harrassing them bring a military ship in front of them then let them go just police them exactly like in Doklam

So the basic answer is, you have no idea!
You’re going to harass every ship through mallaca? How do you identify what’s going to india? Do you know the amount of resources required on the chinese side to carry out a 24-7 harassment as you state?
How many ships does China plan to operate here?

It’s easier said than done! Even easier if it’s in your mind than in reality @SOUTHie
I dont know why are you so happy with this news. IMO, a Chinese naval base in Jiwani will be an invitation to hostile agencies, and to counter Chinese threat, they may try to target CPEC supply routes or further destabilised an already upset Baluchistan through terror funding.
Inadditon, the presence of foreign troops on Pakistani soil will undermine the forces'abilities. Why do you think it is more important to please others rather than peace in our own country?
LOL hostile agencies have done subterfuge in Pakistan for decades my friend. What have you been smoking? It doesn't undermine our forces abilities at all. It just strengthens them. You see these kutays barking in the US and the Indians. Saray chup ho jayen ge.
China is going to blockade the strait of hormuz is it? Where the US has a MASSIVE presence in terms of man and material?
Secondly, how are they going to stop oil that’s specifically coming to India? Are they going to stop every tanker that goes out of Hormuz to check the destination?! Do you know the volume of oil that is shipped from Hormuz?!
You can blockade a country, NOT a trade route. Blocking a trade route means you piss off the Arabs and all other countries whos Oil supply is disrupted. Do you not think the Arabs care about the massive oil payments from India?!

And do you not think that an equal Check mate can happen on the mallaca strait where we already sir with our natural aircraft carrier..where China gets its oil from among other trade?

So again, how do you plan to blockade a country as massive as India?
It is possible to do it..since there are data banks of vessels that deliver oil to such or such country..
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LOL hostile agencies have done subterfuge in Pakistan for decades my friend. What have you been smoking? It doesn't undermine our forces abilities at all. It just strengthens them. You see these kutays barking in the US and the Indians. Saray chup ho jayen ge.

When you invite the chinese militarily, you also invite the Americans to counter the chinese who already have a presence around you with much larger resources and equipment to disrupt operations.
Basically Pakistan will become staging ground for Cold War 2.0. Afghanistan from the 80s ring any bells?
So the basic answer is, you have no idea!
You’re going to harass every ship through mallaca? How do you identify what’s going to india? Do you know the amount of resources required on the chinese side to carry out a 24-7 harassment as you state?
How many ships does China plan to operate here?
Don't get jumpy. The ships transporting oil to India is identifiable very easily every ship has a unique name and designation. About how many China plans to operate is unknown because it is just the start of the idea. USA is there for self interests not Indian interests.
When you invite the chinese militarily, you also invite the Americans to counter the chinese who already have a presence around you with much larger resources and equipment to disrupt operations.
Basically Pakistan will become staging ground for Cold War 2.0. Afghanistan from the 80s ring any bells?
If Cold War 2.0 starts it'll end in a similar way for the US. The playground will be Afghanistan in which much like the USSR the USA will taste the humiliation of defeat and disintegration. I assure you. The Americans have targetted us for decades. This is nothing new. They are panicked because for the first time we've actually said 'no, you know what US, you lying b@stards how about you f*ck off?' and they don't like it. Oh yeah? Well tough sh!t.
What do you mean by far out missions? Those are diesel electric subs but not some nuclear subs. Those have to come over surface for resupply of food and fuel and I think those will be unfit for far away missions.

Inaddition, PN is not a blue water navy, and have shown no militiary interests outside Arabian sea. For sure, those 8 subs will be there to safegaurd Pakistani ports and as an option for 2nd strike capability.
These submarines will be working on AIP technology, so they can dive for more than 1 month and a half.. they can reach any place in 3 weeks and come back without any need for resupplies..
It is possible to it..since there are data banks of vessels that deliver oil to such or such country..

Strait of Hormuz is massive, even if it looks like a sliver on a map.
Secondly, why would a distribution company such as say maersk divulge this information to the chinese?

Another point to note is the amount of resources required to blockade the Hormuz. China will need an entire fleet to engage in such a manner. Not taking into account the wrath of Arabs who’s revenues will be affected by such a move.
And I’m not even getting into the freedom of navigation clause that the US will be happy to shove down China’s throat.

Like I said, it’s easier said than done. You can blockade a country, not a trade route.
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