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China to Build Second Foreign Naval Base, This Time in Pakistan

I have a simple question and it is very easy to answer. why is china going for so many bases in Indian Ocean. I know you don't like this news and you should not because it is point of concern for you. Lets understand some thing here harassment is what super powers do, just like Trump harassed Pakistan with a Tweet and China harassing back with a News of a base but Indian is just a small country in this big game I will agree with you that this more concerns USA and Europe.

How about we first solve the issue of how China plans to block Indian oil in the strait of Hormuz?
Because outside of declaring war on India (economic blockade is one scenario) China has little leverage over India.

Secondly, China is late to the game. The US Has a MASSIVE presence in IOR and Hormuz, not to mention Afghanistan.
India as a concerned party is also much larger in presence in IOR to whatever the chinese can bring to Djibouti or Gwadar. Blockade is not an option. War is. And I certainly do not see China opting for a war over some terrorism or destruction of assets that cannot he directly pinned on India.
So what exactly does “direct disruption” mean? As I stated in my first post.

Yes I know US won the cold war but a second one will lead them to the same fate as the USSR. Pakistan is not the next staging ground even though they have tried their best to make it so. The fact that Pakistan hasn't completely collapsed is what pisses them off. I want the US to use their cards. Pakistan will never gain freedom from those idiots until they stand up for themselves. That's the truth. And nor will the region.

Well that’s what I’m sayinf tho is, that Pak will become one if China is allowed a base in Pak.
Where do you think the US will try to hurt the chinese if they want them out of Pak? Obviously in Pak.
It will either be to put pressure on Pak govt to get the chinese out or make the chinese rethink the cost of doing business in Pak through the CPEC.
One way or the other, Pak will be in the line of fire.
Anyways, I don’t see any formal naval base for China in Pak. Informally I think chinese already are present there.
A formal declaration though will drive the US to intervene.
How about we first solve the issue of how China plans to block Indian oil in the strait of Hormuz?
Because outside of declaring war on India (economic blockade is one scenario) China has little leverage over India.

Secondly, China is late to the game. The US Has a MASSIVE presence in IOR and Hormuz, not to mention Afghanistan.
India as a concerned party is also much larger in presence in IOR to whatever the chinese can bring to Djibouti or Gwadar. Blockade is not an option. War is. And I certainly do not see China opting for a war over some terrorism or destruction of assets that cannot he directly pinned on India.
So what exactly does “direct disruption” mean? As I stated in my first post.

lol, :haha:

Chinese planes will be flying from a facility at Jiwani, Pakistan — a port close to the Iranian border on the Gulf of Oman — as part of a push for greater power projection capabilities along strategic sea routes.

China building military base in Pakistan

By Bill Gertz - - Wednesday, January 3, 2018
China is constructing its second overseas military base in Pakistan as part of a push for greater power projection capabilities along strategic sea routes.

The facility will be built at Jiwani, a port close to the Iranian border on the Gulf of Oman, according to two people familiar with deal.

Plans call for the Jiwani base to be a joint naval and air facility for Chinese forces, located a short distance up the coast from the Chinese-built commercial port facility at Gwadar, Pakistan. Both Gwadar and Jiwani are part of Pakistan’s western Baluchistan province.

Plans for the base were advanced during a visit to Jiwani on Dec. 18 by a group of 16 Chinese People’s Liberation Army officers who met with about 10 Pakistani military officers. Jiwani is located on a peninsula about 15 miles long on a stretch of land with one small airfield.

Full article: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jan/3/china-plans-pakistan-military-base-at-jiwani/
Well that’s what I’m sayinf tho is, that Pak will become one if China is allowed a base in Pak.
Where do you think the US will try to hurt the chinese if they want them out of Pak? Obviously in Pak.
It will either be to put pressure on Pak govt to get the chinese out or make the chinese rethink the cost of doing business in Pak through the CPEC.
One way or the other, Pak will be in the line of fire.
Anyways, I don’t see any formal naval base for China in Pak. Informally I think chinese already are present there.
A formal declaration though will drive the US to intervene.
Mate the US has already attacked Pakistan for decades. Albeit indirectly. However direct conflict will never happen in Pakistan because both China and will not allow it. Afghanistan is made up of nomadic tribes and this was the case back in the cold war too. If you honestly think that's the case with Pakistan then you're deluded. In regards to CPEC, I assure you, regardless of the dreams that India and the US have, it will go ahead as planned and cooperation between the countries will keep on growing and growing. The formal naval base for China in Pak is coming and the world can do f*ck all about it.
I know that but who is operating them? You think the Estonians are flying F-22's and C-17's? And who has TNW's? Lithuania?

Please correct me if I am wrong but isn't all the equipment stationed at these afb assigned to NATO? Is US allowed to use it outside NATO operations?
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Mate the US has already attacked Pakistan for decades. Albeit indirectly. However direct conflict will never happen in Pakistan because both China and will not allow it. Afghanistan is made up of nomadic tribes and this was the case back in the cold war too. If you honestly think that's the case with Pakistan then you're deluded.

Don’t see what tribal mindset has anything to do with anything. Unless I’m missing something that you can explain to me.
Disruption requires man and material.
US has more than enough material and given the current scenario in Pak, there seem to be enough Pakistanis (or afghans living in Pak if you will) who will sell Pak for dime. It’s not as improbable as you think.

In regards to CPEC, I assure you, regardless of the dreams that India and the US have, it will go ahead as planned and cooperation between the countries will keep on growing and growing. The formal naval base for China in Pak is coming and the world can do f*ck all about it.

Sure. Assuming everything works according to your plans and wishes seamlessly.
But I will leave you with a quote from my favorite boxer Mike Tyson: “everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face”

Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.
Don’t see what tribal mindset has anything to do with anything. Unless I’m missing something that you can explain to me.
Disruption requires man and material.
US has more than enough material and given the current scenario in Pak, there seem to be enough Pakistanis (or afghans living in Pak if you will) who will sell Pak for dime. It’s not as improbable as you think.
Tell em' to bring it. Honestly. Pakistanis say it loudly and proudly. Come and get it US.

And buddy we've been punched in the face soooooooooo many times and have taken it like a good little boy. We're finally saying enough is enough. That quote is fitting for the US itself.
Tell em' to bring it. Honestly. Pakistanis say it loudly and proudly. Come and get it US.

And buddy we've been punched in the face soooooooooo many times and have taken it like a good little boy. We're finally saying enough is enough. That quote is fitting for the US itself.

Like I said, I respect the move of standing up to the US. It’s commendable.
But geo politics is a dirty game with no rules. The respectable don’t come out on top very often.
Nevertheless, best of luck and hope the decision makers in Pak know what they’re doing. Past is not a good indicator of such for Pakistan.
Like I said, I respect the move of standing up to the US. It’s commendable.
But geo politics is a dirty game with no rules. The respectable don’t come out on top very often.
Nevertheless, best of luck and hope the decision makers in Pak know what they’re doing. Past is not a good indicator of such for Pakistan.
This is the best thing Pakistan has done since its inception.

China is planning to build its second foreign naval base in Pakistan following the ribbon cutting ceremony for its first overseas base in Djibouti last July.

Sources close to the People's Liberation Army have confirmed to the South China Morning Post that a Chinese naval port is being built at a strategic location on Pakistan's southern coast.

"China needs to set up another base in Gwadar for its warships because Gwadar is now a civilian port," Zhou Chenming, a Chinese military analyst, told the South China Morning Post on Friday. "Gwadar port can't provide specific services for warships," Zhou said; hence the need for a new base.

Gwadar is less than 50 miles east of the Pakistan-Iran border and sits in Balochistan Province, where fiercely independent Baloch nationalists have waged guerrilla wars against both the Pakistani and Iranian governments. "Public order there is a mess," Zhou said.

"China and Pakistan have found common ground in terms of maritime interest in the region," Pakistani analyst Sheikh Fahad says. "Gwadar port can be used for joint naval patrols in the Indian Ocean, further increasing the naval outreach of China and Pakistan in the region. Gwadar port will increase the countries' naval movements and further expand defense cooperation, especially in the naval field," Fahad noted.

In mid-December, Lawrence Sellin, a retired US Army Reserve colonel, reported for the Daily Caller that high-ranking Chinese and Pakistani officials had met in Beijing to discuss future projects.

Last June, a Pakistani diplomat said China's help was needed as an "equalizer," pointing to the naval base as all-but-inevitable. "Previously it was the US and Saudi Arabia… Now it's China," the diplomat told NBC. A Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman later dismissed the report as "pure guesswork," but now it seems the port will, in fact, be built.

Experts have noted that India is keeping a close eye on the development of China-Pakistan relations. "China finds it very useful to use Pakistan against India and ignore India's concerns, particularly on terrorism issues. That has created a lot of stress in the relationship between Beijing and Delhi," Rajeev Ranan Chaturvedy, a researcher at the National University of Singapore, told SCMP.

But "Indian naval capabilities and experience in the Indian Ocean region are fairly good — much better than Pakistan and China," Chaturvedy said.

Source: Russian News Agency SputnikNews

Well pakistan position is no better than some third world african country anyway. Nothing surprising here, its good China confirmed such development but no words from pak yet?
26th largest economy in the world

shut up
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