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China threatens Delhi

Who said we didn't learn from the 1962 fiasco? That event was a big kick on our back-side and made us one of the most formidable military forces that we are today. That event was a wakeup call for our leaders which resulted in the most magnificant military victory the world had since WW-II, in 1971, against our worst enemy. 1962 made us the nuclear power in 1974.
Yes sir, we did learn our lessons from 1962 and we are far better off today due to the lesson you taught us in 1962. We lost a desolate place called Aksai Chin & retained a strategic area in Arunachal Pradesh. Compared to what we lost on short term, we gained a million times more in long term. We thank you very much for it.

Do you guys not read the thread? :lol:

'India cannot match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBNLive

Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has set off a storm by saying India cannot match China military force. Is it a warning from India's military that the government needs to hear?

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.

For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.

This, according to you... is "one of the most formidable military forces in the world"? One that openly admits it does not have the guts to fight us?
Do you guys not read the thread? :lol:

'India cannot match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBNLive

This, according to you... is "one of the most formidable military forces in the world"? One that openly admits it does not have the guts to fight us?

Not are you only mathematically challenged , you are also grammatically challenged . The naval chief did not say India did not have the guts to fight , he said India could not win a fight against China .

If China ever thrusts war upon us , we don't need to win , we just need to lob a few nukes on your east coast and that would affectively ensure MAD ( mutually assured destruction , since you are challenged in more ways than one) .;)
china is to be admired and an example for all peace loving asians to emulate.
:rofl: Oh yeah? Peace loving??? China is trying to bamboozle:

South Korea

Oh, what an example to emulate! Jeeez!
Do you guys not read the thread? :lol:

'India cannot match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBNLive

This, according to you... is "one of the most formidable military forces in the world"? One that openly admits it does not have the guts to fight us?

Hmm. Stawman argument. Its like saying since Chinese military is not as strong as US military, its powerless, right?
And, Nowhere in the IN naval chief's statement did he say that India doesn't have the guts to face China. He only mentions that China is more powerful at the moment. His real intention is not to show that we are incapable, but to justify reasons for increasing our capabilities. This type of scaremongering is done by all military strategists to get more budgetary funding. Even the US does it, even though no one come even close to the US military for atleast a decade.
Goliath was also more powerful than David, but we know what happened to him.
:rofl: Oh yeah? Peace loving??? China is trying to bamboozle:

South Korea

Oh, what an example to emulate! Jeeez!

There is no violence in any of those relationships. :lol: Instead, there is a great deal of economic cooperation.

The Global Peace Index ranks China as being FAR more peaceful than India. Since none of our neighbours blast our hotels or our financial capitals.

Global Peace Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it and weep. :laugh:

P.S. Australia sells us their uranium, while they bash Indians.
There is no violence in any of those relationships. :lol: Instead, there is a great deal of economic cooperation.

The Global Peace Index ranks China as being FAR more peaceful than India. Since none of our neighbours blast our hotels or our financial capitals.

Global Peace Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it and weep. :laugh:

P.S. Australia sells us their uranium, while they bash Indians.

The bold part - So you are basically calling Pakistan a terrorist nation .Be careful. :D

About australia , read this and weep , Australians fear war with China, says Lowy Institute survey | News.com.au

when country as far as australia fears war from China , you can tell what kind of a neighbour China is .:lol:

---------- Post added at 01:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 PM ----------

^^^ for allyour trolling on this thread us Indians have serious logical answers as you have witnessed in the last 4 pages. so time to quit Chinese dragonfly .
Easy. Just kill their dream of having a permanent seat on the UNSC.

That would be an adequate response. Putting more troops in Gilgit Baltistan would be an over-reaction.

UN will have more weight if India is a permanent member. Just like NSG will have more value if India is a part of it. Do what you want. India will get a place that it deserves.
This, according to you... is "one of the most formidable military forces in the world"? One that openly admits it does not have the guts to fight us?
Hold it! You said 'guts'? Like what happened during the 1967 Nathula incident when the Chinese got such a pasting that they had to ask for a ceasefire! After all, 400 Chinese perished and all bunkers including a command center were obliterated! Indian artillery played havoc as all dominating features had artillery observation posts that brought down heavy concentrated fire on Chinese positions. No wonder they had to ask for an immediate ceasefire!

In 1986 at Sumdongchu (AP) the Chinese had to quietly withdraw from encroached areas when the then Chief warned the Chinese of similar action Indian troops took at Nathula. And Sunderjee was a Chief who had the balls to show two fingers at the Chinese! The way the Chinese slithered away from the encroachments without a whimper is laughable! Talk of guts! Sheeesh!

As I said earlier, 1962 was an aberration. It's silly for Chinese and Pakistani posters to always 'remind' India of 1962. That is now history. And India has come a long way since then.

Hold it! You said 'guts'? Like what happened during the 1967 Nathula incident when the Chinese got such a pasting that they had to ask for a ceasefire! After all, 400 Chinese perished and all bunkers including a command center were obliterated! Indian artillery played havoc as all dominating features had artillery observation posts that brought down heavy concentrated fire on Chinese positions. No wonder they had to ask for an immediate ceasefire!

In 1986 at Sumdongchu (AP) the Chinese had to quietly withdraw from encroached areas when the then Chief warned the Chinese of similar action Indian troops took at Nathula. And Sunderjee was a Chief who had the balls to show two fingers at the Chinese! The way the Chinese slithered away from the encroachments without a whimper is laughable! Talk of guts! Sheeesh!

As I said earlier, 1962 was an aberration. It's silly for Chinese and Pakistani posters to always 'remind' India of 1962. That is now history. And India has come a long way since then.


most importantly both countries now have nukes . It just changed everything.
China is involved in various projects in pak administered kashmir without any regard of its disputed status.Now isn't it hypocracy of chinese govt and chinese trolls to whine about india exploring oil in vietnamese waters?
China is involved in various projects in pak administered kashmir without any regard of its disputed status.Now isn't it hypocracy of chinese govt and chinese trolls to whine about india exploring oil in vietnamese waters?

Not disputed by pakistan or china
Not disputed by pakistan or china

Really!!..Isn't it the Pakistani stand that entire Kashmir is a disputed territory? ..or are you one those who is ignorant about Pakistani official policy?
China is involved in various projects in pak administered kashmir without any regard of its disputed status.Now isn't it hypocracy of chinese govt and chinese trolls to whine about india exploring oil in vietnamese waters?

Except there is no such thing as "Pak administered Kashmir."

There is Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan, which are both integral and inseperable parts of Pakistan.


And to be honest, China was probably looking for a reason to kill your UNSC bid anyway. India did well here, by giving us a perfect justification to do just that. :lol:
what I have mentioned is "Pearl of the Indian Ocean", it means "Sri Lanka"!
ur country is just a pearl..and will remain like a pearl forever,and will be used by multiple countries..

So better concentrate on beaches and tourism :lol:
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