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China Thinks It Can Defeat America in Battle

Taiwan - is China. How could be Chinese aggression against China? Could only be China's reunification. From my point of view.
The Taiwanese do not consider themselves Chinese, not in the slightest. The whole situation there screams that statement over and over again. Strange to find so many "wise defense analysts" so deaf to it.

US, The 300 years old country... even can not defeat ISIS or Al Qaeda ...!

US became powerful because was so far from WW1 and WW2 .
Courtesy of Shaitan-serving "muslim imams", ISIS and alQuada can not be defeated / obliterated. That much is true.
I hope they (ISIS and their recruits) CAN be taught the errors of their ways, as alQuada has done in part ("do not kill fellow muslims") already..
Most PLA soldiers came from the rural areas.

The one child policy has very little effect to China's rural areas.

are you sure? a lot of technical and engineering stuff need peoples with higher education and thus will be in line with Modernization programme of PLA. Are you sure peoples from rural areas can be left in charge to handle sophisticated weapons, even infantry units in modern day need some higher education standards to be able to handle their already sophisticated gears and stuff such as Radar locating artillery systems, GPS/or navigation systems, communication devices, all of these stuff is not something you can came up.
are you sure? a lot of technical and engineering stuff need peoples with higher education and thus will be in line with Modernization programme of PLA. Are you sure peoples from rural areas can be left in charge to handle sophisticated weapons, even infantry units in modern day need some higher education standards to be able to handle their already sophisticated gears and stuff such as Radar locating artillery systems, GPS/or navigation systems, communication devices, all of these stuff is not something you can came up.

The Chinese kids from the rural areas usually study harder than their urban counterparts.

The kids from the rural areas now can also easily access to the higher level of education, it is more similar to the US than to Africa.

And the statistics also show that China's most brilliant graduates were born from the rural areas.
Why? Because it effs up with Chinese invincibility theories?

calm ur tits
i've read many articles by mr. axe. most of em either play up or play down the threat and are often superficial,in other words, none r balanced.
Why the aversion to Mr. Axe? Would you rather it be written by Francis Shield?

*drum roll*

I'm interested to know how the United States would go about in defeating China militarily.

i prefer works by the likes of Kissinger or the annual report to congress.

on defeating china.
best option if the US has time, is a far away blockage, putting the pressure on the chinese public rather than going in guns blazing.

stuff like airsea battle concept, if a bad idea, it is inherently escalatory when maybe escalation is not whats called for.

but on taiwan, the us has no time for blockages and must get in danger close, is taiwan defensible depends on how far the us is willing to go, regional war? hemispheric war? nuclear war?

this is why i feel axe is full of it. china knows darn well it cannot "win" a war with the US. what its doing otoh is raising again and again the price of victory for the US, thus hoping to prevent the US from joining in the first place, and it wont be chinese aggression in a taiwan scenario since china would only go to war in the event that peaceful reunification becomes impossible, which most people take to mean, either taiwan is developing nuclear weapons or declares independence, so the lines are very clear.
Fighting war is about having BALL, my friend. BALL. Repeat after me, B.A.L.L. BALL. LOL

The US got many opportunity to escalate into a war with us, for example Vietnam War, the Taiwan crisis during Chen Shui-bian presidency, and the recently SCS. And in all those time, the US back off. Grow a ball first before wanting to war with us. LOL
go ahead, give the americans more permission for more military hardware development :p

and the Chinese consider themselves so smart... starting a friggin armsrace with the USA. you know what happened to Russia when *they* tried that, eh? :)
We know quite well. The bigger economy won the arms race.

I'm interested to know how the United States would go about in defeating China militarily.
Look at it this way...

The US is both a continental and a maritime power. Currently, China is only a continental power. That said, in a possible US-China conflict, the US will be the expeditionary force and will face China purely as a maritime power, while China, despite her navy's modernization, will be fighting purely as a continental power.

Important major characteristics of a maritime power are mobility and speed. Am not talking about moving ships at speed comparable to land vehicles but about the ability and capability of a fleet to make highly independent decisions to relocate and change tactics as situations demands and allows. Land bases cannot make such decisions. In many ways, at sea, a fleet commander is a demi-god unto himself. In any war, there is the major, or grand, strategy, which is about the purpose of and reason for the war, then there is the minor strategy, which is about nitty gritty details of the how to wage a war. At sea, a fleet commander have the latitude of the minor strategy in ways and degrees a land army commander does not have. For example, operationally speaking, the admiral does not have to worry about hills or cities that may be in his path of travel.

What this means is that China will be fighting primarily defensively -- as in mostly being reactive to US threats, real or imagined, off the Chinese mainland coast. If the war is real, by the time the American carrier fleets (plural) arrives in Asia, the Chinese submarine fleet will either be removed from the board or seriously debilitated by US sub, leaving the USN to worry only about threats coming from above, not below. Also by that time, the PLA will understand that if the PLAN cannot rely on its subs, the PLAN is effectively quartered, leaving the PLAAF as the country's sole defender.

There will be at least two US carrier fleets off China's coast. My guess is that there will be a third in reserve outside the Taiwan-Japan line.

If this map is reasonably accurate...


It means the USN and USAF can coordinate their forces to seriously hamper the PLAAF's ability to wage any air campaign by taking one or two bases at any time. Someone is going to chime in with the DF-21D but until there is an open water test of the weapon, we can remove it as a serious threat to the American carrier fleets. Ironically, for all the talk about fighting the US with 'asymmetric warfare', it will be the US who will fight China in true asymmetric fashion.

A PLAAF air base can expect to be hit by a combination of high altitude B-2 and low altitude B-1 assaults. It does not take much to remove an aircraft from combat. Believe it or not, one hand grenade can render an aircraft impotent for at least 24 hrs, if not several days. But now we are talking about a scatter of dozens of 110kg small diameter bombs (SDB) over the flightline in the middle of the night.

No one is talking about the US 'invading' mainland China. Fighting as purely a maritime power, the USN will not have the ability to land on China. But if containment/restriction can be construed as a defeat, then the US can militarily defeat China.
The Taiwanese do not consider themselves Chinese, not in the slightest. The whole situation there screams that statement over and over again. Strange to find so many "wise defense analysts" so deaf to it.
They may not consider themselves communists, but they can not consider themselves not Chinese.
Look at it this way...

The US is both a continental and a maritime power. Currently, China is only a continental power. That said, in a possible US-China conflict, the US will be the expeditionary force and will face China purely as a maritime power, while China, despite her navy's modernization, will be fighting purely as a continental power.

Important major characteristics of a maritime power are mobility and speed. Am not talking about moving ships at speed comparable to land vehicles but about the ability and capability of a fleet to make highly independent decisions to relocate and change tactics as situations demands and allows. Land bases cannot make such decisions. In many ways, at sea, a fleet commander is a demi-god unto himself. In any war, there is the major, or grand, strategy, which is about the purpose of and reason for the war, then there is the minor strategy, which is about nitty gritty details of the how to wage a war. At sea, a fleet commander have the latitude of the minor strategy in ways and degrees a land army commander does not have. For example, operationally speaking, the admiral does not have to worry about hills or cities that may be in his path of travel.

What this means is that China will be fighting primarily defensively -- as in mostly being reactive to US threats, real or imagined, off the Chinese mainland coast. If the war is real, by the time the American carrier fleets (plural) arrives in Asia, the Chinese submarine fleet will either be removed from the board or seriously debilitated by US sub, leaving the USN to worry only about threats coming from above, not below. Also by that time, the PLA will understand that if the PLAN cannot rely on its subs, the PLAN is effectively quartered, leaving the PLAAF as the country's sole defender.

There will be at least two US carrier fleets off China's coast. My guess is that there will be a third in reserve outside the Taiwan-Japan line.

If this map is reasonably accurate...


It means the USN and USAF can coordinate their forces to seriously hamper the PLAAF's ability to wage any air campaign by taking one or two bases at any time. Someone is going to chime in with the DF-21D but until there is an open water test of the weapon, we can remove it as a serious threat to the American carrier fleets. Ironically, for all the talk about fighting the US with 'asymmetric warfare', it will be the US who will fight China in true asymmetric fashion.

A PLAAF air base can expect to be hit by a combination of high altitude B-2 and low altitude B-1 assaults. It does not take much to remove an aircraft from combat. Believe it or not, one hand grenade can render an aircraft impotent for at least 24 hrs, if not several days. But now we are talking about a scatter of dozens of 110kg small diameter bombs (SDB) over the flightline in the middle of the night.

No one is talking about the US 'invading' mainland China. Fighting as purely a maritime power, the USN will not have the ability to land on China. But if containment/restriction can be construed as a defeat, then the US can militarily defeat China.
PLAN submarine will make short work of USN. We have the largest submarine fleet in the world. We recently are mass producing the most advanced Type 039C SSK in the same class as German Type 212 and Japanese Oyashio and the most advanced Type 093B SSN in the same class as Virginia.

Even with an old Song submarine, we ambushed the Kitty Hawk. In a war today, we can interdict 90% of shipping on the USA Pacific and Atlantic Coasts!
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China has already defeated the overhyped and overrated US military when the Chinese Volunteer Army kicked out the US military out of North Korea :coffee:

US thinks its some kind of unbeatable military but they couldn't even repel a Chinese Volunteer Army armed with outdated weapons :lol:
Defeat the US military in a few easy steps.

1. Destroy GPS. Read the article below.

Analysis points to China's work on new anti-satellite weapon| Reuters

2. Destroy USAF bases with missile strikes. The diagram below explains everything.


3. Sink USN ships with DF-21D. It has already been deployed according to the Pentagon.

4. Conduct ASW with the Z-18F. The Taiwan Strait is only about 100 miles across. I'm sure the Z-18F can cover a measly 100 miles from land.

PLAN submarine will make short work of USN. We have the largest submarine fleet in the world. We recently are mass producing the most advanced Type 039C SSK in the same class as German Type 212 and Japanese Oyashio and the most advanced Type 095 SSN in the same class as Virginia.

Even with an old Song submarine, we ambushed the Kitty Hawk. In a war today, we can interdict 90% of shipping on the USA Pacific and Atlantic Coasts!

Even your cheer leaders - the pakistanis and the north Koreans will not agree to this shit.
J-10B, J-16, and J-20 will provide overwhelming air superiority.




Whereas the USAF will have trouble reaching the Taiwan Strait in the first place.

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