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China Thinks It Can Defeat America in Battle

^ USS Cowpens certainly was terrified when it backed off trying to tail our Liaoning aircraft carrier battle group. Then USA started whining about international law. Just like more recently our J-11B intercepted USAF. When the war begins, USA will be smacked down just like 1950. Now we even do military exercises in the Persian Gulf with Iran. Humiliating for USA.
Chinese revisionist history is good fodder for its clueless citizens.
:lol: So humiliated from 1950 you have to delude yourself. Honestly nobody is afraid of USA land army except third world oily countries. PLA tanks can crush your Abrams without much effort. Open hand combat our PLA can make your cry uncle. Only in nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers and strategic transport does USA have an edge.
So much boasting... but on land still a speed bump for PLA :)

Photo of PLA tearing McArthur a new one :rofl:

Great, now he shows us an obscure picture of a walking patrol as proof. We saw when it came a real fight what the jap's did to you.

We are flying in your made up EEZ and in your face
Yawn... McArthur got his new one torn and so will you :)

Your aircraft keep getting intercepted in our ADIZ, making you whine and draw red lines again. But China just tells President BO to shove it. We do naval exercises with Iran in the Persian Gulf and support Russian adventures. :rofl:
Shouldn't the title be America Thinks It Can Defeat China? Wonder why it was given the opposite title. Could it be there are too many master pieces of Doomsday China already? ;)
do you think america can't defeat china??
I doubt *anyone* here has ever been at the Afghan-Chinese border. Just look up how tiny it is - its like 70 km wide, uninhabited, no paved roads for 100 km on each side and snowed in for 5 months of the year.

do you think america can't defeat china??

Just take a look at whose army flags are in whose museums. Just keep in mind, that was in 1950, when the US was the world's leading superpower by far and made up something like 50% of global GDP and no one else had nukes.
I doubt *anyone* here has ever been at the Afghan-Chinese border. Just look up how tiny it is - its like 70 km wide, uninhabited, no paved roads for 100 km on each side and snowed in for 5 months of the year.

Just take a look at whose army flags are in whose museums. Just keep in mind, that was in 1950, when the US was the world's leading superpower by far and made up something like 50% of global GDP and no one else had nukes.
china stands no chance against america…the will be good strong opponent but they can't even touch us without having a death wish…
china stands no chance against america…the will be good strong opponent but they can't even touch us without having a death wish…
it's depend on where the battle is going to take place, within the second island chain, yes, US have no chance.
We are surrounding your country and p.i.s.s.i.n.g on your made up ADIZ.

Your Air force is a circus monkey doing loops when we fly there. And as I advised you kid, stick to talking big among your regional neighbors. You are out of your league with us.

'Lay out your ling' for Iran to fear

Are you really part of the USMC? You realize your branch is called a "corps", right?
Are you really part of the USMC? You realize your branch is called a "corps", right?

the same corps whose captured flags are in a Chinese museum?

That was done with bolt action rifles.

Imagine what would happen with this:


You have no navy worth s__, you have no air force other than those 3rd generation glorified aircraft's, no have no missile defense, your technology is 20 years behind us and your men are not battle hardy.
we don't need to have so many carrier groups to defeat U,we have pretty decent missile defines network, yes, in general, china is still lag behind the US, in some field 10 years behind, some even 30 years behind, some on pair, but if u want to fight us in our own backyard, u gonna lose.
anyway, the war between US and China is highly unlikely.
^ USS Cowpens certainly was terrified when it backed off trying to tail our Liaoning aircraft carrier battle group. Then USA started whining about international law. Just like more recently our J-11B intercepted USAF. When the war begins, USA will be smacked down just like 1950. Now we even do military exercises in the Persian Gulf with Iran. Humiliating for USA.


USN alone has a bigger and better air fleet than your air force
your navy can't even take on Japan let alone USN

and what smack down are you exactly talking about ?

your country deployed 1.3mil troops while US only 300k
even with your numeric superiority................well you can just check the list of casualties on both sides :-)

your J-11B intercepted P-8 , yea nice going . surprised the maritime patrol aircraft didn't shoot it down :crazy:
Is that your claim to fame that you picked up some flags over 60 years ago. :lol:

So if the Japanese have bone fragments from your masses , would that mean they claim the glory as you seem to indicate with having flags?

Raising a military flag in the 1940's and 50's is a pretty big deal. I'm sure you know where this photo was taken:


Dropping a military flag in the 40's and 50's meant that the forces who dropped the flag ran away for their lives without obeying military orders or any discipline.

Japanese attacked the ROC and the KMT - now in Taiwan. The only PRC citizens killed by foreign forces were those who died when some country bombed the embassy of a neutral country, just like the fundamentalists in Libya who attacked the US embassy (strongly condemn that cowardly, barbaric action in Benghazi, btw).
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