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China Thinks It Can Defeat America in Battle

China has many moderate Muslims. They are the ones coming up with religious policy and enforcing against radical Muslims. I'm sure they have a theological explanation for why their moderate Islam is right and why the radical Islam of Turk nationalists are wrong.

I hate racism in all forms. Its a primitive mindset.

Also, there is only one type of Islam. Western created labels are meaningless. Either you follow Quran or you don't. Turks are far from radicals.They are mainstream Sunnis. Uyghurs are some of the kindest, gentle, and nice Muslims I have ever met.
lol… bro china stands no chance against america.

Really? Please explain. I don't mind to read some of fanboy opinion in here :)

Do you think that a direct confrontation between two giants military (and economically) like them will have a winner? Do you think that their war will end in a limited regional war? Do you think that their war will end like in Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya? No.

The war between two giants like them will change everything in this world order. Both will be bleeding... badly. Not only military, but also economically. There will be huge sacrifice in both side. And no way a war between the two of them will end in a conventional way. Nuclear will follow, and everyone know that no one win in a nuclear war scenario.

Even if a nuclear war scenario not happen, do you think that US will able to stay as a super power like today? No. Both countries will decline in both military and economically, and another countries will raise and take over the Super Power status from both of them.

The cost is too high. So, a direct confrontation between China and US is a bad scenario for both side. That's why I believe, an invasion to Taiwan by PRC will be very unlikely. Unless they have a believe-able casus belli (like Taiwan declare independent or join to Japan) that they think that it's worth to be exchange with everything they have. And if that ever happen, I believe that China won't stop until they take Taiwan and win, or they country destroyed. And to destroy PRC; US and Japan won't survive the war like it never happen. They will tarnished, in both militarily and economically. Well, maybe they'll survive, but the world order will change, and the status of super power will be replaced by somebody who is not involve in the war.
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Your problem is more serious in India,India's population will surpass China .Think I felt terrible.China is not a superpower.We are also very poor.Not interested in war.India is also the same.China to build latrines before 2000 .
China i think is drunk with its regained power and also being blinded by it. Instead of bullying your neighbors, why not try wooing them? That I believe will hurt the west without firing a bullet.
India's neighbors,Slowly disappear.China 's neighbors,Intact。Speak with the facts,Prove with time。Bring your own brain,Thinking own conclusions。Rather than those advocated by the media.There are too many people in India,China can not save all mankind。India's own save yourself。Perhaps the United States is willing to save India do ?

Even China to help India,India will not thank China.Consequently do not do so better.
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I thought USA is an state of china now I find it is not because you don't attack your state
is not usa an island of china ? I am not sure yet
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