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China Thinks It Can Defeat America in Battle

Actually, we can massacre as many or as few of your Turk brothers as we wish.

I'm not anti-Chinese, but statements like these bother me. Good place to start would be respect for one of the largest ethnic groups of Asia, not to mention your own Muslim friends like Pakistan and Iran.
China and USA won't fight alone.

USA will be backed with Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, England, New Zealand, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and maybe India.

China is surrounded by enemies and rivals and will never reach the breakout power that USA or England enjoyed. China is like Germany, a strong land power and in an event of war, it will be mighty on land but eventually all the forces aligned against it will ultimately lead to its defeat.

You are probably right. Due to China's geography and surroundings it can never be a global power in the same proportion of the US.
The US really does enjoy an advantage by being surrounded by vast oceans and 2 weak countries that are not hostile (Mexico and Canada). Thus they face no security threat in its immediate neighborhood and can project power beyond the Western hemisphere for a long time to come. The US Navy militarily controls all the strategic waterways.

China does not have these advantages. They are limited by geography.
However I think that China can be a regional hegemon (rather than global) and perhaps even push the US out southeast Asia.
But that will probably take at least 50 years for them to do, if not more.

Today, no country on earth can challenge the US. All the countries of the world put together cant even do that. The US truly is a behemoth :/
I'm not anti-Chinese, but statements like these bother me. Good place to start would be respect for one of the largest ethnic groups of Asia, not to mention your own Muslim friends like Pakistan and Iran.
Our Hui brothers are Muslims. But Turk nationalists and pan Turks from abroad are legitimate targets of our anti-terrorism operations.

You are probably right. Due to China's geography and surroundings it can never be a global power in the same proportion of the US.
The US really does enjoy an advantage by being surrounded by vast oceans and 2 weak countries that are not hostile (Mexico and Canada). Thus they face no security threat in its immediate neighborhood and can project power beyond the Western hemisphere for a long time to come. The US Navy militarily controls all the strategic waterways.

China does not have these advantages. They are limited by geography.
However I think that China can be a regional hegemon (rather than global) and perhaps even push the US out southeast Asia.
But that will probably take at least 50 years for them to do, if not more.

Today, no country on earth can challenge the US. All the countries of the world put together cant even do that. The US truly is a behemoth :/
China will be hegemon of East Asia by invading Taiwan and dominating East China Sea and South China Sea before Xi Jinping leaves office :)
Our Hui brothers are Muslims. But Turk nationalists and pan Turks from abroad are legitimate targets of our anti-terrorism operations.

Justice should apply equally to all people, regardless of race. As Muslims, we have a very difficult time trying to understand how banning Muslims with beard/hijab on buses, forcing children to eat in Ramadan, and putting Chinese flags in front of praying Muslims will help the situation.

That's not anti-terrorism, but oppression. What makes it any different than what British or Japanese did to Chinese people in WW 1 and 2?

I am from a Muslim country which is an ally of China, Pakistan, but which also houses tens of thousands of Uyghur refugees. We are loved by both China and Uyghurs. You put us in a very difficult situation with these anti-religious policies.
China will be hegemon of East Asia by invading Taiwan and dominating East China Sea and South China Sea before Xi Jinping leaves office :)

I think you should be more realistic and realize your current limitations.
Eventually I do think China is going to become the hegemon of Asia and dominate the east and south China sea.
But we are talking about a 50 year time interval here. But thats just my prediction.
Certainly it will not happen in the short term.
No. Our nukes can wipe out Indonesians in the big cities like you, follow up with weaponized eloba to finish off countryside and then we colonize with Chinese :) Maybe you can be a slave of Han. You will enjoy it!

These are very immature statements you have made, I would consider Indonesians to be our friends and you are a double agent in disguise.
then Chinese civilisation will be the most immature civilisation in human history. 3000 Nuclear blast will result in Nuclear ice age and I'm pretty much sure, China will be destroyed altogether but slowly and terribly.

You know, but reading his posts, we can understand that he is... either a kid or a troll. Maybe a Chinese troll, or maybe a non Chinese troll with false flag. So don't consider him seriously.

Quite amusing, talking about nuke this and that, just a kiddo talking rubbish here without any background in real politics nor military

Well, you already know that he / she is a kiddo. So why bother? Just ignore him. There are other people with brain that you can discuss in this forum. Don't waste your time with him :)
Justice should apply equally to all people, regardless of race. As Muslims, we have a very difficult time trying to understand how banning Muslims with beard/hijab on buses, forcing children to eat in Ramadan, and putting Chinese flags in front of praying Muslims will help the situation.

That's not anti-terrorism, but oppression. What makes it any different than what British or Japanese did to Chinese people in WW 1 and 2?

I am from a Muslim country which is an ally of China, Pakistan, but which also houses tens of thousands of Uyghur refugees. We are loved by both China and Uyghurs. You put us in a very difficult situation with these anti-religious policies.
China has many moderate Muslims. They are the ones coming up with religious policy and enforcing against radical Muslims. I'm sure they have a theological explanation for why their moderate Islam is right and why the radical Islam of Turk nationalists are wrong.
I think you should be more realistic and realize your current limitations.
Eventually I do think China is going to become the hegemon of Asia and dominate the east and south China sea.
But we are talking about a 50 year time interval here. But thats just my prediction.
Certainly it will not happen in the short term.
Your limitations come from weakness. China has no weakness. We are merely returning to our throne as the supreme civilization. Our courage and character seals our destiny!

These are very immature statements you have made, I would consider Indonesians to be our friends and you are a double agent in disguise.
China does not look for trouble but IF a Muslim people decide to worship our enemy USA and play a pawn in an anti-China campaign they will get the same kind of spanking as India a dharmic civilization or Vietnam a communist country or Japan a Shinto state or Philippines a Christian nation. See, we do not discriminate. We are equal opportunity.

For now China has good relations with Indonesia but a minority voice in Indonesia are pro-USA and anti-China. China will give no quarter to those people.
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TheMatador reminds me of my favourite poster SinoChallenger
China stands no chance against the Japanese Navy and people think it can take on the American Navy.
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