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China Thinks It Can Defeat America in Battle

we don't need to have so many carrier groups to defeat U,we have pretty decent missile defines network, yes, in general, china is still lag behind the US, in some field 10 years behind, some even 30 years behind, some on pair, but if u want to fight us in our own backyard, u gonna lose.
anyway, the war between US and China is highly unlikely.

China flexes muscles on Taiwan, talks merger - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site

Taiwan is sure shot flash point. ..just like the analysis says.
We don't talk about war with china, your pals here started talking about taking us on and bragging about it. I thought it was about time you knew your place.
It' Indian media who talk about war between US and China, we have always been low profile. We know our place very well, and the US known it, that's why a war with China is out of option. The only way US left is to convince China to commit suicide,good luck with that.:-)
You have spoken like a true internet warrior who has no clue about being in a real military. Stick to playing World of Warcraft kiddo and capture the flag video games. Dropping or picking flags don't win wars. ROC OR KMT that you revisionist history taught you use an excuse forgot to tell you they were Chinese soldiers who ran away

I don't play games. I'm above your pay grade.

So what was the point of raising the flag at Iwo Jima? So you are saying the lives of those marines were uselessly put at risk for a photo-op. Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lol, ok, I guess it is revisionist to talk about ROC not being PRC. I don't know what to say in this case. Militaries are associated with *governments*, not *ethnicities*. Maybe this helps.
It' Indian media who talk about war between US and China, we have always been low profile. We know our place very well, and the US known it, that's why a war with China is out of option. The only way US left is to convince China to commit suicide,good luck with that.:-)

Never knew this, any evidence?
In my many tours in Afghanistan I've walked into their country many a times with our special ops teams, while we snickered at the Chinese border patrol clueless of our presence. I've yet to hear one country in this world not chest thump about how they can take us on, only to fail when tested.
If America's military is sooo great why can't you defeat the Taliban ?
LOL- military's are associated with government and not what country they fight for? No wonder you are laughed out as a military.

It is the government that raises taxes to build a military, sets standards for that military, commands it, etc. You don't work for America. You work for the government. Big difference. Just see what your paycheck says.


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We took over a country and did regime change in it from the Taliban regime. You can't even take over the corner street .
You are winning battles but not wars those are two different things. And another defeat for the Americans is coming in Iraq and Syria against the Islamic State. That's 3 defeats in a row!
You can't even control your market place and you talk about the concept of wining wars LOL.
Why don't you enlighten us about your concept of winning wars. It should be good for a laugh. And talking about market places the US isn't doing too well there either considering you lost 2/3 of your manufacturing base since the 1970's and then there is the crash in 2008. Today the US needs to print money and keep interest rate at 0 to keep its head above water. Something that only third world military dictators do when all else fails. So you guys suck at both war and business.
I'm done wasting my time with this guy. Sometimes ppl just aren't on the same page.
To whom, a guy like you who thinks regime change is not wining the war. To someone who thinks his 3rd world country is better than us and thinks the US economy is weak and collapsed?

That level of sheer stupidity cannot be taught jack let alone basic concepts.
If the US has won by regime change then why is the US still fighting in Afghanistan ? And why is the US back fighting in Iraq ? Did the US after winning WWII go back to fight the Germans and Japan ? Did the US win in Vietnam ?

If the US economy is so strong then why does it needs 0% interest rates, QE (ie printing money) and borrow so much from foreign countries ? And that includes third world nations!
In a defensive war on Chinese territory - China can beat the United States, there is no doubt.
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