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China tells navy to prepare for combat

China navy beat Vietnam and got back our Paracel Islands in 1974,and again in 1988 we slaughtered all their sailors occupying our reefs,and this time I guess we are going to once and for all solve all scores with them.
who can do that job?Singapore?
So ask your rear admiral who can do it :cool:
The 5 Aug 2011 edition of CCTV-4 "Focus Today", a 30-minute current affairs program broadcast daily at 1330-1400 gmt, features a discussion on the South China Sea situation following the latest moves by Vietnam and Philippines.

The program is hosted by Lu Jian and attended by Yin Zhuo, CCTV contributing commentator and military expert with rear admiral rank and Yang Xiyu, CCTV contributing commentator and a research fellow at the Chinese Institute of International Studies.

On the potential application of the Type 636 attack submarines and Su-30 MK2V multirole fighters in the SCS, Yin replies that the Type 636 attack submarines can be a major threat in the SCS. Yin adds that Vietnam has designated a submarine ambush zone in the Straits of Malacca for its tactical training. Yin says that the Straits of Malacca is a shipping lifeline of many countries including China, the United States, Japan and South Korea. "By designating a submarine ambush zone over there, it is to destroy the means of livelihood for everybody because it [Straits of Malacca] is everybody's lifeline," says Yin.
ashokdeiva said:
the way you tell that life of soldier is of no value to you or your country is a good recipie for you country to colapse in a brutal way.
i have nothing to tell you as you are not to my standard or i find that you are not here to learn from each other but to spread your agenda of war, etc
Why you only care about soldier life when your country is under fire ??our solider always willing to die for our country ,dude.

You should train your soldiers again and tell them stop questioning to much about their life instead.
Why you only care about soldier life when your country is under fire ??our solider always willing to die for our country ,dude.
You should train your soldiers again and tell them stop questioning to much about their life instead.
you and your pathetic posts, My countries soldiers are not asking me to care for them, but they care for us and its a mental obligation for all citizens to care for their soldiers. you have to learn it from the Isrealis on how to treat a soldiers life. They emptied thier prions full of terrorist to get back one soldier.
Thats how a country and its people should care for its soldiers, certainly not they way you do.
I hope Indian posters dont get involved,it's about Chinese navy going to anihilate Vietnamese floating soliders.it is not a war cry against India.

I wish you can understand what we mean. We don't like war, it will destroy our growth( Asia). China is bigger economy in Asia and other fallows. China should react maturely. We don't like US foot prints in Asia again. And a common Indian never have a bad view against china infact my own brother is mad about chinese martial arts ....We respect your growth and culture and we expect same from you. When you are talking bad about India, remember one thing it disturbs our opinion about China and Chinese. And coming to war, i support growth of China but i wont support you if you fallow US steps( destroying other countries for resources). Western countries and EU already developed nations now, But we(Asians) are not, because we keep criticizing each other as well as fighting( War).
you and your pathetic posts, My countries soldiers are not asking me to care for them, but they care for us and its a mental obligation for all citizens to care for their soldiers. you have to learn it from the Isrealis on how to treat a soldiers life. They emptied thier prions full of terrorist to get back one soldier.
Thats how a country and its people should care for its soldiers, certainly not they way you do.

If you don't like his posts try once, still he goes same way. no need to talk , let him go on his own way. i don't like some of your posts, i told it once. later i ignored those posts.
I wish you can understand what we mean. We don't like war, it will destroy our growth( Asia). China is bigger economy in Asia and other fallows. China should react maturely. We don't like US foot prints in Asia again. And a common Indian never have a bad view against china infact my own brother is mad about chinese martial arts ....We respect your growth and culture and we expect same from you. When you are talking bad about India, remember one thing it disturbs our opinion about China and Chinese. And coming to war, i support growth of China but i wont support you if you fallow US steps( destroying other countries for resources). Western countries and EU already developed nations now, But we(Asians) are not, because we keep criticizing each other as well as fighting( War).
wel said and mature post from a new commer. I wish people learn from you.
I am too happy to learn from your post on how to be a better ambasodor to my country in international forums such as PDF
you and your pathetic posts, My countries soldiers are not asking me to care for them, but they care for us and its a mental obligation for all citizens to care for their soldiers. you have to learn it from the Isrealis on how to treat a soldiers life. They emptied thier prions full of terrorist to get back one soldier.
Thats how a country and its people should care for its soldiers, certainly not they way you do.
we do care about our soldiers bcz every VNese is soldier too , we use 'people warfare' to fight against enemy , every VNese must sacrifice their life if war happen , dude .Pls read our army slogan first.

Loyal to the party, devoted to the people, our army is ready to fulfill any task, overcome any difficulty and defeat any enemy
btw: we experience many wars already, we know when must we attack and how to win the battle , pls don't say some funny thing about our soldier's life , care about your soldiers instead.
It's funny how many of you think Vietnam is incapable of defending itself and should give in to whatever other nation wants. We may lack in technology but we will never lose our spirit. We fight for reason and purpose our people die to protect our freedom, our culture, our future, men, women and children. If we don't fight today, we suffer tomorrow.
Chinese posters and Indian posters on PDF only do verbal warfare,cause we dont really care each other that much and we dont have a thousand year old feud like the one exists bw China and her eastern neighbors,we've been fighting for thousands of years and another war bw us is just a matter of time.We Chinese posters here when talking about wars with India,we are just talking for fun,no one really seriously thinks about that,but when talking about war with Vietnam,we really mean it and every Chinese knows that this is a war got to be fought and probably it will be sooner than later.

---------- Post added at 02:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 AM ----------

It's funny how many of you think Vietnam is incapable of defending itself and should give in to whatever other nation wants. We may lack in technology but we will never lose our spirit. We fight for reason and purpose our people die to protect our freedom, our culture, our future, men, women and children. If we don't fight today, we suffer tomorrow.

you still suffer,ha,with the millions of landmines gifts left by Uncle Sam for you and you will suffer for hundreds of years from them

---------- Post added at 02:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 AM ----------

haha,you think you makeshifte fishing boats can block Malacca ,with the far superior navy battle ships,submarines,air forces and anti ship missiles...Chinese navy can easily sink all Vietnamese ships in one day.
Yep, we will solve problem by our own , if we can not win China in battle, so we must not live on Earth any more bcz we will be annexed back to China soon or later .

To be honest I don't think China would want to annex Vietnam. Sure in the past Vietnam was one of the tribunal states of China, but that was a long long time ago. China itself has more than enough lands and people to look after. The last thing we want is another strip of land and it's millions to care for. I have no doubt on Vietnam solving its problems, but when it comes to a military conflict, it's a totally different issue altogether. China does not need to invade to win and achieve its objectives when it comes to naval disputes, reason is simple. We are not seeking to overthrow your government or physically take control of Vietnam. We only need to throw your navy off balance. However, war should be the very last thing in our minds.
Actually no body thinking about one thing. US with 312,729,635 (on this time) population commanding World. Their GDP is 15.3 Trillion$$$. But both India and China crosses 1.2 Billion mark. still our economy size is just 7 Trillion $$ and 1.8 trillion$$$ only. Still we are pointing on each other, criticizing and commenting like our economy will go down so n so. Actually India and China should replace US( no offense please), but the things going quite opposite.

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