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China Surrounded: US encirclement of it with military bases

US and China's economies are closely intertwined and interdependent,huge US assets are in China and Chinese US,hoping the two giants to go to war for a thrid country is daydreaming,it's like an economic suicide for both countries.

Global market with global economies , you can be replaced with multiple new emerging markets. Of course it will be a hit initially abut not as much as it will be for you, considering NATO will join in. We were a super power before China and will continue to be one without it. So go ahead and attack a NATO country and see if we sit idly by.
US and China's economies are closely intertwined and interdependent,huge US assets are in China and Chinese US,hoping the two giants to go to war for a thrid country is daydreaming,it's like an economic suicide for both countries.

When you have a gun, you don't care about money. Blow a wealthy guy's head off and his wealth is now yours. ;)

This is how we are wealthy.

And its already the USI.

India gets nearly two-thirds of US H1-B visas - The Economic Times

BANGALORE: Data released by the US Department of Homeland Security show that India gets the lion's share of all H1-B Visas issued in the country. What is more, the share of Indians has gone up to 64% in 2012 from 58% in 2011.
So go ahead and attack a NATO country and see if we sit idly by.

Why do we have to attack a Nato country when no Nato country dares to attack us?and we do you mean"we"? since when India becomes a Nato country?
Global market with global economies , you can be replaced with multiple new emerging markets. Of course it will be a hit initially abut not as much as it will be for you, considering NATO will join in. We were a super power before China and will continue to be one without it. So go ahead and attack a NATO country and see if we sit idly by.

Forget attack by Chinese, let them first defend their women and wealth.

Everybody is allowing China to accumulate and generate wealth but when time will come, all these will be looted again just how it was done before.

As many as 1.5 million artifacts alone looted from China.

Located northwest of Beijing, the Yuanmingyuan, or Old Summer Palace, was sacked and torched by British and French troops in 1860, during the Second Opium War. At least 1.5 million artifacts from the site have either been looted, or otherwise lost, over the years.

China appeals for return of relics CCTV News - CNTV English

I wonder whether any Chinese will be left this time to collect the looted materials after the LOOT II in China. :rofl:
Any minute now... :coffee:

LOL... making American doomsday predictions puts you in the same league with the foaming-at-the-mouth Chinese doomsdayers and the pro-India "supah-powah" kids.

Well i have been saying for sometimes now on this forum that the Indian economy which has a persistant current account and budget deficits was vulnerable to capital outflows as global liquidity tightens. And that India is heading towards a currency and economic crisis. The Indian members here have ridiculed me about it and look whats happening now.

I do a little thing called economic analysis.

In the US thanks to FED money printing and 0% interest rate has led to a massive bubble in the US economy that's going to make the 2008 economic crisis look like a picknick. The "free money" that the FED has spitted out of their presses has helped to inflate a new bubble in the US economy in the bond, stock and housing markets. If we take a look at the US housing market for example. There are about 20 million homes in America that remains empty, the banks are sitting on those homes and are refusing to put them up for sale because that would depriciate the value of those houses and could bring their housing linked paper assets on their balance sheet into trouble. And so far the banks don't have to sell because they are getting free money from the FED. While that's happening their is another problem. The US has one of the worlds highest home ownerships in the world about 65% to 70% of the Americans own their own homes. But a large number of these people can't afford the houses that they are living in today if it wasn't for the FED lowering short term interest rate to 0,25% and print about 45 billion dollars a month to buy up mortgage back securities in order to artificially push the long term interest rate down for home owners. But the way the system works is that once the central bank begins buying these mortgage backed securities they have to end up buying ALL the mortgage backed securities out there or the entire market would collapse. And not to mention the myriad of US federal government aid to these people to help keep them in their homes. So once interest rate ticks up their will be another wave of foreclosures and bankruptcies in America and significantly increase the empty housing stock and further depreciate the prices. But in the meantime you have people in America getting into debt to either buy or build new homes at inflated prices with ultra low interest rate. How do you think this would end ? Similar things are happening in the bond and stock markets where people are piling into these assets at highly inflated prices.

And i don't have to go into the national debt, the budget deficits, the unfunded liabilities, the government guarentee of bank assets, the bankrupt state and local governments, the short falls in the pension funds, the deteriorating net international investment position (NIIP) of the US and the mess over at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that the US government has nationalized.
Forget attack by Chinese, let them first defend their women and wealth.

Everybody is allowing China to accumulate and generate wealth but when time will come, all these will be looted again just how it was done before.

As many as 1.5 million artifacts alone looted from China.

Located northwest of Beijing, the Yuanmingyuan, or Old Summer Palace, was sacked and torched by British and French troops in 1860, during the Second Opium War. At least 1.5 million artifacts from the site have either been looted, or otherwise lost, over the years.

China appeals for return of relics CCTV News - CNTV English

I wonder whether any Chinese will be left this time to collect the looted materials after the LOOT II in China. :rofl:

Not one Chinese life was lost in the looting of the palace. The British decided to loot the palace after China tortured and executed a British, French, and Indian delegation of 20 people. The remains of the envoys were practically unrecognizable after China returned the remains. Lord Elgin was a coward so he decided to loot the palace to save British face instead of trying to take on Beijing and fight for the city. The palace guards let the British march in, burn the palace and loot it since human life is more precious than a bunch of artifacts and no Chinese got killed.

The British and French attacked China while it was in the middle of two massive civil wars (The Taiping and Nien Rebellions, millions of lives were lost) and even then they were too scared to fight for Beijing and instead chose to sack an empty palace to save their face and show they got "revenge".

The sacking of the palace was the final act of the war, it was 20 British, Indian, and French lives lost vs zero Chinese dead and a palace looted. I don't see how China got the worst of it, unless you're saying a bunch of artifacts and vases are more important than human beings.

And as for breaking the rules of war, the British violated China's laws by smuggling opium into China and killed civilians many times. China was just bending the rules like them.
You seem to forget your national debts?

Not every country has such huge debt burdens.

Any minute now... :coffee:

LOL... making American doomsday predictions puts you in the same league with the foaming-at-the-mouth Chinese doomsdayers and the pro-India "supah-powah" kids.

Well, our military expenditures are greatly exaggerated.

We are spending the equivalent of 4.3% of GDP on the military.

That's slightly larger than other nations, but not significantly larger. India spends around 2.5%, China 1.3% (with SIPRI putting you guys closer to 2%), most European nations are in the range of China-India.

Russia spends 4.4%, in their obsession to match us percent for percent, and most other countries are irrelevant (the Israelis spend around 6%, and the Saudis spend anywhere from 8%-11%).

EDIT: I forgot to add that our expenditures as a % of GDP are also falling quite drastically. 4.3% in FY2013, dropping to 2.8% of GDP in FY2023. At least that's what's going to happen with the sequester in place.

China will probably surpass us in expenditures (in US dollar terms) around 2025, the way things are looking now. We will still retain our large advantage through technological AND numerical superiority, for the simple reason that we continue to maintain thousands of aircraft produced before the Chinese military budget has surpassed us.
You seem to forget your national debts?

Not every country has such huge debt burdens.

You get screwed both ways right, you personally. You are in the US as a student, so you are helping to reduce our debt by spending your money here. Then when you go back to China- you have the Chinese govt that buys our debt. which we will not pay back in the event of war. So both ways you are screwed :rofl:
Not exactly. U.S. dare not screw anyone. If it does, the $ loses it final little credibility and becomes useless paper. China may lose money with the treasure bonds. Well, U.S. loses the whole world market.

Nobody will ever believe a cheater.

BTW, I do not reduce U.S. debt for sure and actually on the contrary. :)

You get screwed both ways right, you personally. You are in the US as a student, so you are helping to reduce our debt by spending your money here. Then when you go back to China- you have the Chinese govt that buys our debt. which we will not pay back in the event of war. So both ways you are screwed :rofl:

Great. Keep spending as much as possible.

You seem to forget our national wealth.

Not every country has such a large amount of wealth.
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