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China Stood For Pakistan

"If you imply that huge socio-cultural differences are doomed for conflict..."

I neither embrace Huntington's notion of a "clash of civilizations" (yet) nor specifically implied that here. In fact, if you read carefully, you'll note that I saw an Indo-Pak rapproachment as enabling a reduction of Pakistan's defense budget relative to that threat.

If so, however, I didn't see a diminishment of the overall Chinese-Pakistani relationship even should the degree of arms purchases from China to Pakistan descend.

In fact, I saw a growing Pakistani commercial market begging for Chinese capital and goods to develop it. THIS, btw, strikes me as embracing the larger strategic goals of both nations.

"you remember that infamous World Wars were all started by countries with similar socio-cultural?"

Maybe in W.W. I but neither fascist Italy, communist Soviet Union, nor nazi Germany shared common social bonds with their neighboring nations. Worse the cultural creeds espoused by each were utterly alien to the European landscape. Finally, Russia WAS classically viewed as byzantine and eastern with a serf society bearing no resemblance to emerging European agarian ideals.

Not sure that's a statement with which I'm in full agreement.
Why must you want to leave a tail on this matter and be unwilling to give it up? As your President has said, you are tied down the last eight to ten years. Why do you not extricate yourselves? This is said by public opinion in the U.S. as well as the world.

So I cannot quite understand what you mean by wanting to leave a tail there, although you reaffirmed moments ago your complete withdrawal.

Dr. Kissinger: What do you mean by a tail?

PM Chou: One would be Thieu. In our view, you should just simply withdraw completely and never mind how. They might fight. We will not interfere. We believe they will solve their problems by themselves.

If you remain there, the fighting will continue and world opinion will not tolerate what you do.”

link, page 132.

Excellent catch. Note that, like a good diplomat, Chou is phrasing the Chinese opinion in terms of what should be in America's interest. Now I will go and check my source, either The White House Years or Years of Upheaval.
Russian did not START WWII.

Who said that? Not me.

"There have been numerous studies that US war of Vietnam was doomed to fail at the beginning, irrespective of whether SVN was under Thieu or any otherwise more capable puppets. As this was in fact a continuation of NK War legacy."

Uh huh. Doesn't make them correct. This war was winnable under the considerable caveats which I envisioned.

Save your rhetoric for somebody interested. You just slipped below my radar.:wave:

That means bye-bye.
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