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China speaks better English than India, says study

Written form is the same, but there are a lot of regional dialects.

The "stereotypical" Chinese accent, is a Cantonese one... because we were the ones who went overseas first.

Mandarin speakers who know English though, sound quite different. I think they have less of an accent than Cantonese speakers do.

i'm not trying to generalise here. refer back to my post #23 where i made it very clear. i have come across lots of chinese & did study with quite a few, shared the same hostel as well.
Not to the likes of me or the likes of someone who call you out on your ridiculous antics? Because they are one and the same.

relax.. what's wrong with you? have you heard something called sense of humor? or you just a boring loner? anyway.. you are not entertaining me anymore:wave:
And so you can be a Mandarin or Cantonese speaking Han Chinese?

Of course.

Putonghua (Mandarin), Guangdonghua (Cantonese), Fujianhua (Hokkien)... are all dialects of the Chinese language.

So Hong Kong is heavy on the Mandarin folks is it? What about Singapore? Coz the Chinese in Singapore have this way of speaking thats a mix between the Malays and the Chinese....They add "La" to everything they say...or might just be slang....

Hong Kong people are Cantonese speakers.

Chinese people in Singapore, are mostly Hokkien, i.e. from Fujian province.

Adding "ah" and "la" to the end of sentences, is common in many Chinese dialects.
Did I touch a nerve, Kerpal?

How come you've given up the role of acting as grammar police? I was hoping you were going to enlighten us all on how your masters’ language should be spoken and written.

O’ Indians are absolute role models on how to integrate and behave when in foreign lands as they migrate to every corner of the globe only to be hated on and mocked by the whole population residing in that country from being ‘curry bashed’ by the Australian population or from being labelled as Apu by the American populace to being racially mocked by Malaysians and let us not even begin to talk about the racial abuse you receive in this country. Kerpal I think it’s time you got some rest as you’ve got a long and fruitful day ahead of you holding up a subway sign in the middle of town along with your fellow Bhartis.

Don’t worry your media will milk the news showing some beaten up Indian guy in hospital warning fellow Bhartis to stay in India while promoting some more fair and lovely in order to enable Indian citizens residing abroad to try and blend in a lot more with the crowd.
The Mandarin speakers are more suitable to produce the British accent.
The Mandarin dialect has a repertoire of over 30 consonants. I'll bet my left ball if a Mandarin speaker can't pronounce any of the consonants in English language, & some more.
Cantonese, OTOH, has only half as many.
All, however, tend to drag lone consonants, turning them into semi-syllabae.
Since a lot of talks on accent is going on in here. Can anyone please tell me whether it's true that the Japanese people find it difficult to pronounce the sound of " L "?
Did I touch a nerve, Kerpal?

How come you've given up the role of acting as grammar police? I was hoping you were going to enlighten us all on how your masters’ language should be spoken and written.

O’ Indians are absolute role models on how to integrate and behave when in foreign lands as they migrate to every corner of the globe only to be hated on and mocked by the whole population residing in that country from being ‘curry bashed’ by the Australian population or from being labelled as Apu by the American populace to being racially mocked by Malaysians and let us not even begin to talk about the racial abuse you receive in this country. Kerpal I think it’s time you got some rest as you’ve got a long and fruitful day ahead of you holding up a subway sign in the middle of town along with your fellow Bhartis.

Don’t worry your media will milk the news showing some beaten up Indian guy in hospital warning fellow Bhartis to stay in India while promoting some more fair and lovely in order to enable Indian citizens residing abroad to try and blend in a lot more with the crowd.

Hmm...which is obviously very different to how Pakistanis are perceived across the world (Bahrain anyone?). I am sure you must have been lovingly called the four letter word that is a direct reference to your country of origin by the 'natives' on numerous since you arrived in the UK and you might want to reflect on why they chose it over "Indian" or "Bharti" as the racist abuse of choice in relation to Asian minorities lol.

On the other hand, I empathise with your strong urge to identify with the indigenous population and by extension dissociate yourself from your Pakistani roots, through your attempts to denigrate the Indians, given that even leading figures from the Pakistani diaspora in this country are often too embarrassed to acknowledge their own heritage, choosing instead to be known as Indians..

Check out the response by Sadiq Khan, celebrated labour MP and ex- cabinet minister, to a question about his family heritage (44:10 in)

BBC iPlayer - Any Questions?: 25/03/2011

Although the comment may appear quite casual on first listen, note the emphasis on 'India' and how he tries to gloss over the fact that his family is in fact from Pakistan..classic!!
Since a lot of talks on accent is going on in here. Can anyone please tell me whether it's true that the Japanese people find it difficult to pronounce the sound of " L "?

That is right.

Japanese people find it hard to produce the "L" sound, so instead of saying hello, they say herro.

Cantonese is the opposite. Cantonese find it hard to pronounce the "R" sound, so instead of saying three, they say fee. And the famous "flied lice".

Mandarin speakers are generally much better at pronouncing these sounds.

The stereotypical Chinese accent as perceived in the West, is a Cantonese one. Because we were the first to go overseas.
Did I touch a nerve, Kerpal?

How come you've given up the role of acting as grammar police? I was hoping you were going to enlighten us all on how your masters’ language should be spoken and written.

O’ Indians are absolute role models on how to integrate and behave when in foreign lands as they migrate to every corner of the globe only to be hated on and mocked by the whole population residing in that country from being ‘curry bashed’ by the Australian population or from being labelled as Apu by the American populace to being racially mocked by Malaysians and let us not even begin to talk about the racial abuse you receive in this country. Kerpal I think it’s time you got some rest as you’ve got a long and fruitful day ahead of you holding up a subway sign in the middle of town along with your fellow Bhartis.

Don’t worry your media will milk the news showing some beaten up Indian guy in hospital warning fellow Bhartis to stay in India while promoting some more fair and lovely in order to enable Indian citizens residing abroad to try and blend in a lot more with the crowd.

This is quite amusing as all Muslims worldwide are stereotyped as Terrorists, especially in the UK.
So what would one prefer to be called, Indian or Terrorist? Hmm tough call.
That is right.

Japanese people find it hard to produce the "L" sound, so instead of saying hello, they say herro.

Cantonese is the opposite. Cantonese find it hard to pronounce the "R" sound, so instead of saying three, they say fee. And the famous "flied lice".

Mandarin speakers are generally much better at pronouncing these sounds.

The stereotypical Chinese accent as perceived in the West, is a Cantonese one. Because we were the first to go overseas.

Whats the majority language in China? or lets put it better....Which is the language of the dominating class?

What language do Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabo speak?
Since a lot of talks on accent is going on in here. Can anyone please tell me whether it's true that the Japanese people find it difficult to pronounce the sound of " L "?
They tend to pronounce it like the soft "R" in Spanish.
the American accent is the best.....i found British girls accent attractive too though...last time i heard in house of anubis.
Whats the majority language in China? or lets put it better....Which is the language of the dominating class?

What language do Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabo speak?

The National dialect in China is Standard Chinese, i.e. Mandarin.

Mandarin has by far the largest number of speakers, not just in China, but in the world too.

(Hong Kong doesn't have Mandarin as the official language though, because we are a Special Administrative region.)
Whats the majority language in China? or lets put it better....Which is the language of the dominating class?

What language do Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabo speak?

There is no "dominating class".

Both Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, came from very poor families.

Chinese leaders have come from all over the country. Sun Yat-Sen came from Guangdong, Mao Zedong came from Hunan, Deng Xiaoping came from Sichuan, Hu Jintao came from Jiangsu...
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