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China slowly becoming a player in Arab Israel conflict

For a long time, the card is there and China is not playing it. Time has change now. This chess board can really be painful to the world Jewish establishment.

China should work as a stabilizing force and bring the Arab nations, Iran and Turkey together to force Israel to the table. China should also work to build peace between these countries so the Middle East can become stable and prosperous, instead of being synonymous with war and conflict.
For a long time, the card is there and China is not playing it. Time has change now. This chess board can really be painful to the world Jewish establishment.

I be very surprise how China can resolve this decades long issue.
If china play it correctly, it would :
1. Bring down petrodollar and it's usury system that much earlier
2. Reduce tensions between Muslim nations, thereby making them build their nations, achieve peace, prosperity and power. Right now Judeo-christian western nations are playing off one against the other.
3.Increasing peace, prosperity and security will reduce propensity for Muslim societies to breed extremists. Right now western nations deliberately create conditions for extremism and discord..
4. A prosperous, powerful and moderate Muslim bloc would be a new challenge, but also give new opportunity for betterment of the world.
5. As people oppressed by the West for millenia, Muslims are natural partners for China who has no quarrel with them.
6. Jews have been, by their own records, genociding other races and forcibly appropriating their land from the time of the Zhou dynasty when they were desert savages, down to the Qin dynasty times. Thereafter they have been parasiting every host they came in contact with. It's time they receive their karma..
China's silence is astonishing to say the least specially when the west is destroying its global images by playing the Uigher Muslims card..

China has the Palestine card..doesnt make sense in not using it effectively specially when China is desparte to project itself as world's replacement for the US.
China can't do shit in the middle east... they just felt threatened by the U.S so they thought hey let's support arabs this time.
plus , we don't want a 2 state solution , it's only 1 state , the state of Palestine.
To those Muslims who are anti-China, let the Western total support for Israel be a lesson on how the West has been abusing its dominant position since the fall of the Soviet Union.

Yes, China needs to start getting involved as the West is openly supporting one-side and so a powerful and independent country like China may even make the Israelis realise that this game of slowly taking everything from the Palestinians is up.

China has a great opportunity to both bring peace to Israel/Palestine but also to enhance its image and influence in the Muslim world as it seeks its rightful place as one of the two superpowers of this world.

The West has almost forgotten what China used to be, and now they actually feel that China is not even qualified to refute the West.

The Alaska talks meant a change in China's diplomatic strategy, and the counterattack began. Argentine arms sales, attitude towards the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
China can't do shit in the middle east... they just felt threatened by the U.S so they thought hey let's support arabs this time.
plus , we don't want a 2 state solution , it's only 1 state , the state of Palestine.

It can be done in two steps, first two countries and then one country.
For f*** sake it's not a conflict. It's a mass murder, invasion, war crime committed by Israel against kids who can only fight with stones.
lets not prematurely feel excited, If China comes as a Pro-Palestinian ally then yes it will be a good thing.
China has no incentive to involve in this. Please tell me why would it be remotely interested in helping resolve this
Through trade. China just signed a 400billion deal with Iran. That's alot of leverage.
China already import oil from Saudi so China have some leverage there too.
Now it's up to Iran and Saudi.

China Iran cooperation send shivers down the western leaders. This is the reasons there is air of optimism that Biden is willing to drop sanctions against Iran recently.

According to late Zbigniew Brzeziński, Iran-Russia-China alliance is an ultimate geopolitical disaster for the West.

China does have an impact. And it is a big impact.
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