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China slowly becoming a player in Arab Israel conflict

I discuss based on citations; you discuss based on your belief built based on what you see (with subjective eyes). If what you believe is fact, then you will be able to find the citation that support your claim easily.
Citing falsehoods that conform with your beliefs doesnt make your belief a fact or invalidates facts contradicting with your citations. Its just roundabout way to express your beliefs or narrative, while shifting responsibility or asserting a higher authority by the cited or from the process of citations.

In other words selfdelusion or fallacious eyewash. Appealing to some CIA slurs and deliberate disinformation campaign trying to pass the spade as a spoon or even a pot plant, doesnt make the spade any less a spade.
Citing falsehoods that conform with your beliefs doesnt make your belief a fact or invalidates facts contradicting with your citations. Its just roundabout way to express your beliefs or narrative, while shifting responsibility or asserting a higher authority by the cited or from the process of citations.

In other words selfdelusion or fallacious eyewash. Appealing to some CIA slurs and deliberate disinformation campaign trying to pass the spade as a spoon or even a pot plant, doesnt make the spade any less a spade.

Which falsehoods that I was citing? please show one.

You can't just claim everything what people say as falsehood, just because are not inline with what you want to believe. You can't neither just say statement in a citation is a CIA slurs, just because not inline with your belief.

You need to start to think critically and stop being bias.

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