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China should shed expansionist mindset: Modi

I don't mean to be mean, but we are the bigger and better country. That's just a fact.

Work hard with Modi for 10 years, then come back and say this, today, it's too premature.

In the arena of international politics, military, political influence, and cash reign supreme.

I don't agree or disagree with what he said, but he needs to see the reality of things, China didn't address the claims issues for some 60 years, but we are today, because we were weak, the same is true for India, weak countries have no rights, we know that all too well.

with all respect to your views , I strongly differ with your assertions. India is not as weak to let China lay claim on Indian territory 60 years later because it is stronger than India .
India may be weaker than China at the moment ...but you will agree that it is still a great regional power ...may not be in league of Superpowers ...but it is a significant regional power with tremendous global outreach.

You will also appreciate that strength whether political , military , economical is always in state of flux and subjected to change .

Although china has become assertive recently due to its emergent strength ...it can not and will not be able to subdue Indian capability .
It has to be understood very clearly that India is not North Korea , Philippines or Vietnam .

and Chinese strategy to isolate and pressurize the weaker nations in South china sea who are dependent for their defense on other external powers like Philippines etc will not work against India.

China is 'stronger than' India and India is 'relatively' weaker than China, today ...does not mean India is 'weak' .

The biggest blunder that India's adversaries make with regards to India is to mistaken her peacefulness as her sign of weakness .
Interesting development. I see that all the Cheerleaders of Modi from China have changed their tune real fast after Modi's belligerent and bellicose statement.
Nah.. didnt change. I still support him. You should know this is just for the sake of votes. Im just the messenger here. Once he is in power, he wont take a hard stand on china, no Indian gov cant afford that. You should have heard his speech he made in Shanghai in 2011 at the Indian consulate when he met Indian student studying there. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend it, but my gujju friend made a video.

Cheerleaders of Modi from China
I think im the only one here on pdf, will take that as a compliment.
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I agree, but what I am telling you is that it takes time to develop a country with so much freedom to citizens and politicians given by the constitution. But the development is firm because people are not forced to follow something they learn what is good for them.
Developing any country do need time, developing rely on so-called democracy?
China and NK both are dictatorical countries, but………………
Indian, Taiwan, Malaysia, Phillippine all are democratic country or entity, but you know.

Constitution can be writed well, just like the word that talked by Politician.

Modi is Indian, of couse he would say this.
A colonist draw a line between China and India, he would draw it inside his colony?! with *** thinking can get the intention of the line, Indian want inherit this, like in the moive, that family slave of bully also the same kind.
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Interesting development. I see that all the Cheerleaders of Modi from China have changed their tune real fast after Modi's belligerent and bellicose statement.

Practically nobody in China has ever heard about Modi. His remarks about China go unnoticed in the Chinese media. The only Chinese who know about Modi are those who frequent PDF.
Practically nobody in China has ever heard about Modi. His remarks about China go unnoticed in the Chinese media. The only Chinese who know about Modi are those who frequent PDF.

Modi is an Indian politician, he doesn't need approval from Chinese people, neither does he care about the general opinion in China about him. He has done nothing wrong by asserting India's absolute sovereignty over her territory. He is neither anti-China nor pro-China, he is pro-India. Like any statesman he will try to establish friendly ties with all countries which are important to India and China is on top of that list.

Just to conclude, most Indians know nothing about the political system and the leaders of China. I do not know the name of the current Chinese premier. Never felt a need.
for 60 years ir remained Arunachal remained with us. This man went there and shouted some slogans.
By 2025, China will be around 10 times as powerful as India.

It will then be a superpower and can take Arunachal Pradesh will little losses, and would not be affected that much by international reaction.

Even your pathetic wet dreams are based on worshiping some remote non Muslim country that supported your genocide, has a Islamic terrorist problem that it is crushing with gutso, doesn't allow Muslims the religious rights, and has a negative perception of Muslims!

Why, you are always welcome mate!

For others who may not know the context.

Negative views of Muslims were also strong in several Asian countries: Half or more of the Japanese, Indians, Chinese and South Koreans surveyed said they had negative impressions of Muslims.

Anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim attitudes rise in Europe - The New York Times
Both the Chinese and Japanese express generally unfavorable views of Pakistan, while the Chinese tend to feel negatively toward India as well.

Publics of Asian Powers Hold Negative Views of One Another | Pew Global Attitudes Project

But then, someone got it right when he mentioned that these people only respect those who hold them in contempt.

All secular democracies who give them civil and religious rights are held in contempt, those who crush them under the boot are the ideals.
for 60 years ir remained Arunachal remained with us. This man went there and shouted some slogans.

At least he has put NE back into the mainland India's notice. He might not get many votes in NE, but he has sent a message to the people of NE that the rest of India thinks about them and cares for them.
At least he has put NE back into the mainland India's notice. He might not get many votes in NE, but he has sent a message to the people of NE that the rest of India thinks about them and cares for them.

This msg itself not needed. Every one knows its part of India. Those who have doubt only need to tell this.

What we need is,

Centre clears road project in Arunachal Pradesh - The Hindu
Centre clears road project in Arunachal Pradesh - The Hindu

and this

The Trans-Arunachal Highway is a planned mega two-lane highway project in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.[1] The highway extends from Tawang in the western part of the state to Kanubari in the east covering 1,559 km. The highway is envisaged to touch eleven of the existing district head quarters. The remaining five districts and the state capital will be connected to the "Trans-Arunachal Highway" by link roads which covers another 848 km.[2]
Trans-Arunachal Highway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some times we ignore those who work silently and we fall to people whose voice is loud!
This msg itself not needed. Every one knows its part of India. Those who have doubt only need to tell this.

What we need is,

Centre clears road project in Arunachal Pradesh - The Hindu
Centre clears road project in Arunachal Pradesh - The Hindu

and this

The Trans-Arunachal Highway is a planned mega two-lane highway project in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.[1] The highway extends from Tawang in the western part of the state to Kanubari in the east covering 1,559 km. The highway is envisaged to touch eleven of the existing district head quarters. The remaining five districts and the state capital will be connected to the "Trans-Arunachal Highway" by link roads which covers another 848 km.[2]
Trans-Arunachal Highway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some times we ignore those who work silently and we fall to people whose voice is loud!

Britishers gave us railways. Remember? Portugese were not exactly exploiting the Goans, still they decided to join the Indian union. We cannot force people to like us by bribing them or by throwing money at them. They need to have a sense of belonging.
Britishers gave us railways. Remember? Portugese were not exactly exploiting the Goans, still they decided to join the Indian union. We cannot force people to like us by bribing them or by throwing money at them. They need to have a sense of belonging.

Ha ha...what a joke...If congress build a road its called bribe!!!
Ur level is understood. I leave u here.
Modi is the only pride leader for India after vajpayee... 2 great sons for mother India.
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