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China sends patrol ship into disputed South China Sea

Wake up. Once war starts, the PLA will be in Hanoi by the end of the week and burning down your capital city.
Oh, China gov said that in 1979 already, no need to remind us.^^
CHina had Nuke-boom in 1945 ??or CHina need help from USSR and USA to survive from Japan's massacre.^^

"Stockholm syndrome" is use for some Chinese like Mr. AQ ^^

Now, lots of AQ in China , they're poisoned by Transgenic foods ^^

This was the incompetent KMT letting China getting bullied by the colonial powers, what it has to do with the modern PRC?
Oh, China gov said that in 1979 already, no need to remind us.^^

Next time, the PLA will burn Hanoi to the ground to ensure that stubborn Vietnamese, like you, get the message. Defying Beijing carries a heavy cost.

In 1979, China burned the northern part of your country to the ground. Does China have to burn your whole country to the ground before you admit defeat?

Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Chinese invaded Northern Vietnam and captured some of the northernmost cities in Vietnam. On March 6 China declared that the gate to Hanoi was open and that their punitive mission had been achieved and retreated back to China.
China achieved its strategic objective of reducing the offensive capability of Vietnam along the Sino-Vietnam border by implementing a scorched earth policy."
This was the incompetent KMT letting China getting bullied by the colonial powers, what it has to do with the modern PRC?
What to do with the modern PRC ?I gave you the answer already, China gov is poisoning Chinese, China's soldiers with Transgenic foods, soon lots of Chinese will affect Health problem^^

btw: do your leader eat Transgenic foods or not ??I think they never eat them .^^
Martian2 said:
Next time, the PLA will burn Hanoi to the ground to ensure that stubborn Vietnamese, like you, get the message. Defying Beijing carries a heavy cost.

In 1979, China burned the northern part of your country to the ground. Does China have to burn your whole country to the ground before you admit defeat?
China's army was defeated by VN boder guard only, and retreated when our regular forces was on the way to boder, was it a "victory" when lots of Dead body left ??^^
china army come and go by themself ,the vn army do not hava attack right.
Wake up. Once war starts, the PLA will be in Hanoi by the end of the week and burning down your capital city.

there's no need to do that. all china needs to do is to shut down viet's economy by enforcing a no-fly zone and a naval blocade. just wait a couple of months at most and there will be hyperinflation and a government collapse. mission complete without ever having to step in stinky viet jungles.
there's no need to do that. all china needs to do is to shut down viet's economy by enforcing a no-fly zone and a naval blocade. just wait a couple of months at most and there will be hyperinflation and a government collapse. mission complete without ever having to step in stinky viet jungles.
Oh, in your dream only, our Mig 21 even can shoot dow B-52 boomber, USA's destroyers, so, your copied air-crafts fly by inexperience pilots are so easy targets
Next time, the PLA will burn Hanoi to the ground to ensure that stubborn Vietnamese, like you, get the message. Defying Beijing carries a heavy cost.

In 1979, China burned the northern part of your country to the ground. Does China have to burn your whole country to the ground before you admit defeat?

Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Chinese invaded Northern Vietnam and captured some of the northernmost cities in Vietnam. On March 6 China declared that the gate to Hanoi was open and that their punitive mission had been achieved and retreated back to China.
China achieved its strategic objective of reducing the offensive capability of Vietnam along the Sino-Vietnam border by implementing a scorched earth policy."

Mental masturbation is popular in China today, it's effected in Xinhoa Agency, Propaganda system of China.
Yes, run out by themselves with 100K dead bodies.

the guy ,you should not lie on this forum.
I had see the memoirs of Henry kssinger.he said that the PLA has both died and hurt number is 20,000 in 1979.

vn's died and hurt number is 100,000 even more in 1979,and it is not contain civilian die and hurt .
I think China sends patrol ship into disputed South China Sea to rob property of poor Vietnamese fisherman and then their Gov can blah blah: "Our navy was attacked by Vietnamese fisherman" . Too shame!
Next time, the PLA will burn Hanoi to the ground to ensure that stubborn Vietnamese, like you, get the message. Defying Beijing carries a heavy cost.

In 1979, China burned the northern part of your country to the ground. Does China have to burn your whole country to the ground before you admit defeat?

Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Chinese invaded Northern Vietnam and captured some of the northernmost cities in Vietnam. On March 6 China declared that the gate to Hanoi was open and that their punitive mission had been achieved and retreated back to China.
China achieved its strategic objective of reducing the offensive capability of Vietnam along the Sino-Vietnam border by implementing a scorched earth policy."

Why not include the rest of the article?

On the way back to the Chinese border, the PLA destroyed all local infrastructure and housing and looted all useful equipment and resources (including livestock), completely paralyzing the economy of northern Vietnam.[4] The PLA crossed the border back into China on March 16. While China claimed to have crushed the Vietnamese resistance, Vietnam claimed that China had mostly only fought against border militias. This allowed both sides to claim military victory, as both sides claimed to have taught their opponent a lesson.[25]

Yes those stubborn Vietnamese and thier stinky jungles, the ones they know how to fight from so well. Yes the Chinese army could probably steamroller across the border to Hanoi, ok you burn it to the ground then what?
Napoleon got to moscow but we know how 1812 turned out.
Why not include the rest of the article?

Yes those stubborn Vietnamese and thier stinky jungles, the ones they know how to fight from so well. Yes the Chinese army could probably steamroller across the border to Hanoi, ok you burn it to the ground then what?
Napoleon got to moscow but we know how 1812 turned out.

Shame to China. Chinese are absent minded. Foreigner Armies over-flood Peking many time and barbarian killed innocent Chinese. They learn from Imperialism' method or i's characters of his own.
What kind of China Leader's policy ?
Oh, in your dream only, our Mig 21 even can shoot dow B-52 boomber, USA's destroyers, so, your copied air-crafts fly by inexperience pilots are so easy targets

oh please... your mig 21s will be outnumbered 20 to 1 by superior J-10 and J-11 fighters. besides, you don't even have enough AAMs to fire at china's fighters.

but believe what you want. doesn't really matter to me.
oh please... your mig 21s will be outnumbered 20 to 1 by superior J-10 and J-11 fighters. besides, you don't even have enough AAMs to fire at china's fighters.

but believe what you want. doesn't really matter to me.

Don't worry, the mighty Dai Viet can even use the rifle to shoot down our J-20. :lol:
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