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China sends patrol ship into disputed South China Sea

oh please... your mig 21s will be outnumbered 20 to 1 by superior J-10 and J-11 fighters. besides, you don't even have enough AAMs to fire at china's fighters.

but believe what you want. doesn't really matter to me.
Hehehe, our Mig 21 were outnumbered 20 to 1 by superior F-4 Phantom also,and USA's pilots are much better than CHina's guys but we still shot them dow.^^
The Viets are not the one to be worried about but those who provided them weapons should be seen as a real concern.
The Viets are not the one to be worried about but those who provided them weapons should be seen as a real concern.

Chinese people never give any of them a shxt, neighter The States nor Japan.
Before Sino-Vietnam War II starts, I will provide my prediction of the sequence of battle:

1. China has over 1,800 short-range ballistic missiles (SRBM) facing Taiwan. I predict China will drive them over to the Vietnamese border and bombard Vietnam's military, communication, and transport infrastructure.

2. After Vietnam has been paralyzed, the PLA airforce swoops in and starts eliminating any concentration of Vietnamese troops in barracks or in the field.

3. PLA ground troops with helicopter gunships move toward Hanoi.

4. PLA provides notice that Hanoi will be leveled to the ground. All civilian inhabitants have 72 hours to leave.

5. Using howitzers and H-6 bombers, China levels Hanoi and then goes home.


H-6K bomber


H-6K Bombs Away!


Chinese Rolling Thunder!
No need to level Hanoi. A couple of cruise & anti-ship missiles and they will get the message.
Before Sino-Vietnam War II starts, I will provide my prediction of the sequence of battle:

1. China has over 1,800 short-range ballistic missiles (SRBM) facing Taiwan. I predict China will drive them over to the Vietnamese border and bombard Vietnam's military, communication, and transport infrastructure.

2. After Vietnam has been paralyzed, the PLA airforce swoops in and starts eliminating any concentration of Vietnamese troops in barracks or in the field.

3. PLA ground troops with helicopter gunships move toward Hanoi.


lol. you can say anything if you were vietnamese.
but you are not, so beware of getting banned.
lol. you can say anything if you were vietnamese.
but you are not, so beware of getting banned.

That's funny. In 18 months, I have never received a single warning message. In my opinion, my military analysis is professional and accurate.

If they desire, they can go ahead and ban me anytime they want; it's their forum after all. I'll post my J-20 Mighty Dragon pictures exclusively on other forums and some of the membership will eventually migrate to read my posts. On the other Pakistani Defence forum, I have about 300,000 views in my top 7 threads.

Being on multiple forums and YouTube (over 75,000 views from two videos), my views cannot be censored. Also, please visit my facebook page and vote "Like": http://www.facebook.com/pages/China-Today/115666445143962

By the way, Google put me on the first web-search page for "China J-20" out of 32.4 million search results! Mine is the sixth listing.

Martian2 said:
H-6K bomber
Oh, usless boomber, it's worse than B-52 so much, so may be VN only need Mig 17 to shoot dow this Big fly :yahoo:
Singapore asks China to clarify claims on S.China Sea
SINGAPORE | Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:53am EDT

Jun 20 (Reuters) - Singapore said on Monday that China should clarify its claims to disputed islands in the South China Sea and urged all parties to act with restraint amid the biggest flare-up in regional tension in years over competing maritime sovereignty claims.

The rare comment from Singapore, a non-claimant to any of the islands, came as one of China's biggest civilian maritime patrol ships, the Haixun 31, docked in the city-state.

"We have repeatedly said that we think it is in China's own interests to clarify its claims in the South China Sea with more precision as the current ambiguity as to their extent has caused serious concerns in the international maritime community," the foreign ministry said.

"This is precisely why this port call in Singapore by the Haixun 31 has provoked such interest," it said in a statement.

"After all scores of vessels from many countries, including naval vessels, call at Singapore every day without arousing the slightest excitement."

China and Vietnam have hurled accusations at each other for weeks over what each sees as intrusions into its territorial waters by the other in a swath of ocean crossed by key shipping lanes and thought to hold large deposits of oil and gas.

The past three weekends have seen small numbers of protesters stage rare anti-China demonstrations in Hanoi.

Beijing said the Haixun 31 left south China on Wednesday. It was to come to Singapore after passing near the Paracel and Spratly island groups at the heart of disputes with Vietnam, the Philippines and other nations.

The Haixun 31 would monitor shipping, carry out surveying, inspect oil wells and "protect maritime security", the official Beijing Daily said -- steps that could lead to confrontation with other countries pressing claims in the sea.

It also said it would carry out inspections of foreign vessels anchored or operating in waters claimed by China.

China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan all claim territory in the South China Sea .

China's claim is by far the largest, forming a vast U-shape over most of the sea's 648,000 square miles (1.7 million square km), including the Spratly and Paracel archipelagos.

"It is our hope that parties to the disputes in the South China Sea will act with restraint to create conditions conducive to the peaceful settlement of these disputes and the continuation of peace, stability and growth," the Singapore statement said. (Reporting by Raju Gopalakrishnan; Editing by Alex Richardson)
That's funny. In 18 months, I have never received a single warning message. In my opinion, my military analysis is professional and accurate.

1. Vietnam doesn't has any oil field inside "the red line". There is no such thing as our oil rig pulled back. They tell lies, as usual.
2. Seems that Vietnam has stopped oil searches.
3. Our Control of South China Sea is increasing day by day.
4. We are going to drill oil. (likely in disputed area)

So, clam down.
1. Vietnam doesn't has any oil field inside "the red line". There is no such thing as our oil rig pulled back. They tell lies, as usual.
2. Seems that Vietnam has stopped oil searches.
3. Our Control of South China Sea is increasing day by day.
4. We are going to drill oil. (likely in disputed area)

So, clam down.
1. With China's Red line our sea border only have about 35-40 mile equal with 50 km , right ??
Bạch Hổ là tên một một mỏ dầu đang khai thác của Việt Nam. Mỏ nằm ở vị trí đông nam, cách bờ biên Vũng tàu khoảng 145 km
Bach Ho oil rig is 145 km from Vung Tau coastal.^^

And your Katan oil rig pull back in 1997-2004, I sent link alredy.^^
What to do with the modern PRC ?I gave you the answer already, China gov is poisoning Chinese, China's soldiers with Transgenic foods, soon lots of Chinese will affect Health problem^^

btw: do your leader eat Transgenic foods or not ??I think they never eat them .^^

China's army was defeated by VN boder guard only, and retreated when our regular forces was on the way to boder, was it a "victory" when lots of Dead body left ??^^

Stop laughing at your self with this Transgenic foods crap.

It has been vilfiying your own motherland for so many time!
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