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China says it will defend North Korea

Why? No Chinese want Korea war II .

Welcome kw ii so we can free taiwan....if this opinion is a provoking,i do not know what is not.
I love CHINA and wt Taiwan back,so.what?!
u do not want east Germany back if u r German?
I say it coz is just and right!
Only people who want CHINA be divided and weak do not like taiwan back to CHINA such as US jap and europeans....

Welcome kw ii so we can free taiwan....if this opinion is a provoking,i do not know what is not.
I love CHINA and wt Taiwan back,so.what?!
u do not want east Germany back if u r German?
I say it coz is just and right!
Only people who want CHINA be divided and weak do not like taiwan back to CHINA such as US jap and europeans....
plus,I only say it but our uncle sam is the man who will start it!

kW is not the point having taiwan back is!
Welcome kw ii so we can free taiwan....if this opinion is a provoking,i do not know what is not.
I love CHINA and wt Taiwan back,so.what?!
u do not want east Germany back if u r German?
I say it coz is just and right!
Only people who want CHINA be divided and weak do not like taiwan back to CHINA such as US jap and europeans....

plus,I only say it but our uncle sam is the man who will start it!

kW is not the point having taiwan back is!
Calm down with your talk. Please. This will get you banned again ... permanently. Chill with the rhetoric and present your arguments in a civilized manner ... thank you.
Present US Ambassador in UN
Nikki Haley ( born Nimrata Randhawa, ...
of an INDIAN Sikh descent )


Wow, this ameriscum Slave Slut Nikki ( Nimrata Randhawa ) Haley
is an Indian Sikh

This Nikki Nimrata Haley ameriscum Slave is extremely eager to
attack and ruin North Korea ??

Is Modi de Ape aware of this ?

View attachment 426222
I don't think that really matters. I'm pretty sure Sikhs also want independence from India and the Hindoo government.
Calm down with your talk. Please. This will get you banned again ... permanently. Chill with the rhetoric and present your arguments in a civilized manner ... thank you.
do not care the authority.......................................................................
do not care the authority.......................................................................
you might be banned permanently ... just saying. Surely you don't want that to happen?
you might be banned permanently ... just saying. Surely you don't want that to happen?
When I see this canadian says:China says it will defend,haha,96% of chinese does not care NK at all
Only canadians care NK they care much more than we do.....
These facts below are Generalization. There are always Exceptions.


That is the FATAL underlying problem facing CHN nowadays.

Too many Chinese ( U say 96% ) does NOT understand the most basic BIG Picture Global STRATEGIC Truth for CHN and for themselves, and ( What is Good ) and ( What is Bad ) for CHN Long term Prosperity will automatically be Good and be Bad for themselves as well.

All these Chinese are extremely SHORT Sighted, and they ONLY know ( What is Good ) and ( What is Bad ) for their immediate families and friends short term.

The Boundary of their Universe is so small and tiny.
In order to improve and protect their immediate family,
they are frequently selling out CHN, and they easily become Hanjian by helping and serving CHN #1 Enemy ( ameriscums ), ... CHN #2 Enemy ( Japan ), ... and CHN #3 Enemy ( India ).

In contrast, to the Japanese ... ... who understand the most basic BIG Picture Global STRATEGIC Thinking for JAPAN and for themselves.


For example:

1.) All Japanese Neocon Businessmen are aware that CHN is ( Japan #1 Enemy ).
All Japanese Neocon Businessmen are willing to SACRIFICE profit, and they will NOT help CHN in any meaningful way in terms of building / investing any projects that will strengthen CHN economy.

OTOH ... ... :angry: :sniper:

2:) CRCC ( CHN Railway Construction Corp ) leadership are so Stupid and so Short Sighted that they want to build HSR for ameriscums and India. ~ CRCC has already been wasting so much money and manpower trying to win the HSR projects in these 2 Enemy countries.

Instead imagine what would happen, if CRCC have concentrated and channel all those wasted precious resources above to LAOS, CAMBODIA, IRAN, SERBIA, BELARUS, CUBA, and all the other Pro CHN nations.


3:) There are so many Idiotic and Blind Chinese Businessmen who are so eager to build their Cutting Edge factories in US and India, and help improving US and India manufacturing strength.


I wonder ~ when will those majority Blind and Short Sighted Chinese
comprehend and apply the BIG Picture Global STRATEGIC truth below ??
Why we need to support a NK who does not respect China interest at all,for ex.
1)2000 olympics election,NK vetoed china.
2)THEY destroyed chinese soldiers tombs who died for KW.
NK take everythings china offered for them as granted and still does not respect China or even pretent to respect china...
alliance is action not words but NK does not show any ally like words.
NK is like vietnam,possible enemy to CHINA
coz korean can not be trusted.

As I said ,CHINA has one ally and one ally only=PAKISTSN.
for ex.
during1989,almost every country denied CHINA except PAKISTAN and cuba,who support us with huge sanctions made by USA.

I would donate 10000rmb to PAKISTSNI bro yet 0 zero RMB to NK.

A freind in need is a freind indeed!

These facts below are Generalization. There are always Exceptions.


That is the FATAL underlying problem facing CHN nowadays.

Too many Chinese ( U say 96% ) does NOT understand the most basic BIG Picture Global STRATEGIC Truth for CHN and for themselves, and ( What is Good ) and ( What is Bad ) for CHN Long term Prosperity will automatically be Good and be Bad for themselves as well.

All these Chinese are extremely SHORT Sighted, and they ONLY know ( What is Good ) and ( What is Bad ) for their immediate families and friends short term.

The Boundary of their Universe is so small and tiny.
In order to improve and protect their immediate family,
they are frequently selling out CHN, and they easily become Hanjian by helping and serving CHN #1 Enemy ( ameriscums ), ... CHN #2 Enemy ( Japan ), ... and CHN #3 Enemy ( India ).

In contrast, to the Japanese ... ... who understand the most basic BIG Picture Global STRATEGIC Thinking for JAPAN and for themselves.


For example:

1.) All Japanese Neocon Businessmen are aware that CHN is ( Japan #1 Enemy ).
All Japanese Neocon Businessmen are willing to SACRIFICE profit, and they will NOT help CHN in any meaningful way in terms of building / investing any projects that will strengthen CHN economy.

OTOH ... ... :angry: :sniper:

2:) CRCC ( CHN Railway Construction Corp ) leadership are so Stupid and so Short Sighted that they want to build HSR for ameriscums and India. ~ CRCC has already been wasting so much money and manpower trying to win the HSR projects in these 2 Enemy countries.

Instead imagine what would happen, if CRCC have concentrated and channel all those wasted precious resources above to LAOS, CAMBODIA, IRAN, SERBIA, BELARUS, CUBA, and all the other Pro CHN nations.


3:) There are so many Idiotic and Blind Chinese Businessmen who are so eager to build their Cutting Edge factories in US and India, and help improving US and India manufacturing strength.


I wonder ~ when will those majority Blind and Short Sighted Chinese
comprehend and apply the BIG Picture Global STRATEGIC truth below ??
plus business is business,if investment is so bad,WHY CHINA CCP does not ban it?
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What China means by declaring they will defend North Korea, is not because North Koreans are such wonderful brothers and allies, but because by doing so will ensure there is a buffer between itself and US military controlled SK and JP.

This is so obvious. Anyone (with the interest of China) saying China should just let US/SK take over NK and do nothing are naive or just plain stupid. I would be weary of such folks.
What China means by declaring they will defend North Korea, is not because North Koreans are such wonderful brothers and allies, but because by doing so will ensure there is a buffer between itself and US military controlled SK and JP.

This is so obvious. Anyone (with the interest of China) saying China should just let US/SK take over NK and do nothing are naive or just plain stupid. I would be weary of such folks.

Agree, what China/Russia care was NK position as a independent country, not current leadership that jeopardized both country national security issue. Unified Korea was bad news, it will make both countries border more vulnerable to US military just like what happen in Russian western border (NATO move closer).
Not sure it's a tweet of joke or seriously said :D :P take it as a weekend humour

Point is: it could be deemed a joke - maybe even a funny one - if it would not be from the US president and if the situation would not be such a mess. :crazy:

Point is: it could be deemed a joke - maybe even a funny one - if it would not be from the US president and if the situation would not be such a mess. :crazy:
Nope. It ain't a joke. This is the source of the tweet.

Trump said ‘samurai’ Japan should have shot down overflying North Korean missiles

Kyodo, Staff Report
Nov 5, 2017

WASHINGTON – U.S. President Donald Trump has said Japan should have shot down the North Korean missiles that flew over the country before landing in the Pacific Ocean earlier this year, diplomatic sources have said, despite the difficulties and potential ramifications of doing so.

The revelation came ahead of Trump’s arrival in Japan on Sunday at the start of his five-nation trip to Asia. Threats from North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missile development programs were set to be high on the agenda in his talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Monday.

Trump questioned Japan’s decision not to shoot down the missiles when he met or spoke by phone with leaders from Southeast Asian countries over recent months to discuss how to respond to the threats from North Korea, the sources said.

The U.S. president said he could not understand why a country of samurai warriors did not shoot down the missiles, the sources said.

In defiance of international sanctions imposed to compel Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear weapons and missile development programs, North Korea test-launched ballistic missiles on Aug. 29 and Sept. 15 that flew over Hokkaido before falling into the Pacific Ocean.

However, the Self-Defense Forces did not try to intercept the missiles, with the government saying the SDF had monitored the rockets from launch and judged they would not land on Japanese territory.

But the altitude and speed of the missiles would have made it very difficult to destroy them in flight, while failure would have been embarrassing for Japan and encouraging to North Korea.

Defense Ministry officials confirmed this view and said there were also legal issues to clear.

On Sept. 3, the North conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test by detonating what it said was a hydrogen bomb that could be mounted on an intercontinental ballistic missile.

While the United States and its allies and partners have been pressing North Korea to denuclearize, the Trump administration says it is keeping all options — including military action — on the table in dealing with the situation.


De-stable North Korea is not in China's interest
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