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China says 2 pilots died in aircraft carrier tests

Ok. there were two pilots die during the development of plane that is used on the aircraft carrier . But according to the document, there is no reported recent crash that killed two pilots. The English translation does not do justice to what had actually happened. We need to drill down to the facts and the fact is that there are no crashes of any plane on the Chinese AC that killed two pilots recently.
Precisely, it claimed it honour the 2 test pilot who died but never mention it related to J-15 crashed or what. In China, test pilot are very precious. They need to keep moving on from one project to others as test pilots are very limited in China due to the strict criteria.

For example, Li Zhonghua is a test pilot for J-10 but so as he for J-11B,K-8 and JH-7A. The 2 test pilot could have killed in another aircraft project which is unrelated to J-15 onboard CV-16. But they have participated in J-15 so they are honour too. If you have read the Chinese article, it claimed they have successful completed the trial test for J-15. If they are killed during test, how can it be called successful?
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it just says dead pilots belonged to testing squadron. different type of planes tested by the squadron, j15 is not the only one. people imagination lol.. :lol:

It says two pilots died during the tests. I guess they were testing J-15 by flying some other plane.

The order spoke highly of the squadron in the exploration and development of the J-15 fighter jet. Two test pilots of the squadron sacrificed their lives during the tests.
yes. it says 2 people died during development of aircraft. no where does it says 2 j-15 pilots died in aircraft carrier tests.. lol
jh-7, z8 and other aircraft also belonged to that squadron tested landing and takeoff on land long before they sand blasted that former rusty varyag carrier :lol:
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It says two pilots died during the tests. I guess they were testing J-15 by flying some other plane.

The order spoke highly of the squadron in the exploration and development of the J-15 fighter jet. Two test pilots of the squadron sacrificed their lives during the tests.

Stop fooling yourself or being fooled by sub-standard western reports which are many when concerning China。

The People’s Daily has put to rest the rumour once and for all:


It is hilarious that some people bear ill-wishes to China and jump over the moons whenever there is some negative news,true or false,regarding China。:rofl:

RIP to the pilots.

China should clarify when did this happen.

Nothing of the sort ever happened:


The above People's Daily article dated today(07.09.2014)made it all crystal clear to even the illiterates。

I guess the game known as “wild goose chasing” is great fun for idiots。:enjoy:
It says two pilots died during the tests. I guess they were testing J-15 by flying some other plane.

The order spoke highly of the squadron in the exploration and development of the J-15 fighter jet. Two test pilots of the squadron sacrificed their lives during the tests.


Sorry to burst your bubble! Another propangada and agenda by the western media intend to smear CV-16 perfect record.
The 2 test pilot killed accident are not related to Liaoing at all.
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china has a extremely opaque system. you would never know how many this kinds of accidents have happened in China.
It says two pilots died during the tests. I guess they were testing J-15 by flying some other plane.

The order spoke highly of the squadron in the exploration and development of the J-15 fighter jet. Two test pilots of the squadron sacrificed their lives during the tests.

Instead of wasting time on clutching at the shadows,you guys should focus on getting to the bottom of China's rapid technical progresses,of which the following is a fine exmaple:



PS You have been warned。:D

2014年09月07日13:19 来源:人民网-军事频道

人民网北京9月7日电 (闫嘉琪)近日,多家媒体的新闻标题称“两名空军飞行员在航母测试中牺牲”。人民网记者今日采访军方人士确认,该消息系误读,2名殉职者并非执行航母测试任务,也非执行舰载战斗机试飞任务的飞行员。

近日,记者在微博上发现很多人在转载“两名空军飞行员在航母测试中牺牲 ”的消息,参与转发的账号中不乏一些知名媒体的法人微博账号。记者搜索互联网新闻,也发现不少以此为标题的新闻报道。

追溯这些报道来源,发现该消息源自8月27日新华网标题为“中央军委主席习近平签署命令 给1个单位、1名个人授予荣誉称号”的报道。该报道的主要内容是中央军委授予空军某试飞大队“英雄试飞大队”荣誉称号,授予海军某舰载航空兵部队副部队长戴明盟“航母战斗机英雄试飞员”荣誉称号。在这篇报道中,有这样一段话:“命 令指出,长期以来,该大队坚持以发展民族航空事业和建设强大空中力量为使命,教育引导试飞员把个人理想融入强军实践,官兵始终保持了旺盛斗志;积极探索理 论、参与设计、试验飞行,圆满完成各项试验试飞任务,填补我国航空领域13项空白;自觉抵制诱惑、坦然面对生死,多次挑战装备和生理极限,有2名同志献出 生命。特别是为圆满完成歼-15飞机在辽宁舰上成功实施阻拦着舰和滑跃起飞任务做出重大贡献。”其实,我们仔细阅读新华网的报道,很容易就会发现,该报道只是说该大队在长期的试飞中曾经有2人献出生命,并没有指出这两名殉职者是在航母测试中献出生命,也没有透露出任何有关二人是在执行歼-15舰载机任务时殉职的意思。就是这样一句并不容易引起误解的话,在时隔一个多星期后,在9月6日被某网站篡改标题,以“官方宣布两名空军飞行员在航母测试中牺牲”为标题进行再次传播、扩散,随后在微博上进一步发酵,造成网友误解。


试飞是高风险的职业,被称为“长年与死神过招”。航空界有这样一组数据:一架新机从首飞到定型,试飞中平均17分钟就出现一个故障;每型现代战机列装前, 要完成数百个科目、数千架次飞行试验,伴随出现的各类故障数以千计;即使是世界“航空强国”,每一种新飞机试飞成功,也要摔上几架。

我国对于试飞员的牺牲并不讳言。“一代代试飞员英勇无畏、敢于亮剑,在无数次试飞中,遭遇空中险情3000多次,成功处置险些机毁人亡的重大特情400多 起,为国家挽回直接经济损失数百亿元。”“在61年的试飞历史上,先后有27名空军试飞员血洒长空。”媒体2013年曾经公开报道了我国试飞员牺牲情况。

Report from People's daily web military section.

A summary translation:
The report that two air force pilots die during testing of carrier landing is a misreading.

People's daily reporter has interviewed military official and confirmed that this is a misreading. The two sacrificed pilots were not executing carrier landing testing duty and were not pilots that were assigned with carrier landing aircraft test flight duty.

Several military insiders told the reporter, the commended squadron have pilots that are involved in carrier landing testing duty. But the two pilots were sacrificed in prior unrelated testing. There is no pilot sacrificed in carrier landing testing duty.

2014年09月07日13:19 来源:人民网-军事频道

人民网北京9月7日电 (闫嘉琪)近日,多家媒体的新闻标题称“两名空军飞行员在航母测试中牺牲”。人民网记者今日采访军方人士确认,该消息系误读,2名殉职者并非执行航母测试任务,也非执行舰载战斗机试飞任务的飞行员。

近日,记者在微博上发现很多人在转载“两名空军飞行员在航母测试中牺牲 ”的消息,参与转发的账号中不乏一些知名媒体的法人微博账号。记者搜索互联网新闻,也发现不少以此为标题的新闻报道。

追溯这些报道来源,发现该消息源自8月27日新华网标题为“中央军委主席习近平签署命令 给1个单位、1名个人授予荣誉称号”的报道。该报道的主要内容是中央军委授予空军某试飞大队“英雄试飞大队”荣誉称号,授予海军某舰载航空兵部队副部队长戴明盟“航母战斗机英雄试飞员”荣誉称号。在这篇报道中,有这样一段话:“命 令指出,长期以来,该大队坚持以发展民族航空事业和建设强大空中力量为使命,教育引导试飞员把个人理想融入强军实践,官兵始终保持了旺盛斗志;积极探索理 论、参与设计、试验飞行,圆满完成各项试验试飞任务,填补我国航空领域13项空白;自觉抵制诱惑、坦然面对生死,多次挑战装备和生理极限,有2名同志献出 生命。特别是为圆满完成歼-15飞机在辽宁舰上成功实施阻拦着舰和滑跃起飞任务做出重大贡献。”其实,我们仔细阅读新华网的报道,很容易就会发现,该报道只是说该大队在长期的试飞中曾经有2人献出生命,并没有指出这两名殉职者是在航母测试中献出生命,也没有透露出任何有关二人是在执行歼-15舰载机任务时殉职的意思。就是这样一句并不容易引起误解的话,在时隔一个多星期后,在9月6日被某网站篡改标题,以“官方宣布两名空军飞行员在航母测试中牺牲”为标题进行再次传播、扩散,随后在微博上进一步发酵,造成网友误解。


试飞是高风险的职业,被称为“长年与死神过招”。航空界有这样一组数据:一架新机从首飞到定型,试飞中平均17分钟就出现一个故障;每型现代战机列装前, 要完成数百个科目、数千架次飞行试验,伴随出现的各类故障数以千计;即使是世界“航空强国”,每一种新飞机试飞成功,也要摔上几架。

我国对于试飞员的牺牲并不讳言。“一代代试飞员英勇无畏、敢于亮剑,在无数次试飞中,遭遇空中险情3000多次,成功处置险些机毁人亡的重大特情400多 起,为国家挽回直接经济损失数百亿元。”“在61年的试飞历史上,先后有27名空军试飞员血洒长空。”媒体2013年曾经公开报道了我国试飞员牺牲情况。

Report from People's daily web military section.

A summary translation:
The report that two air force pilots die during testing of carrier landing is a misreading.

People's daily reporter has interviewed military official and confirmed that this is a misreading. The two sacrificed pilots were not executing carrier landing testing duty and were not pilots that were assigned with carrier landing aircraft test flight duty.

Several military insiders told the reporter, the commended squadron have pilots that are involved in carrier landing testing duty. But the two pilots were sacrificed in prior unrelated testing. There is no pilot sacrificed in carrier landing testing duty.

so it's confirmed misinterpretation.. who wants to refute the mother of all sources? :lol:
china has a extremely opaque system. you would never know how many this kinds of accidents have happened in China.

Used to be the case for obvious reasons,no longer true。

It is nigh impossible to hide any accidents from the public eyes which are omnipresent nowadays。

Internet and all that。。。。:cool:

PS Do you seriously and honestly think that a blogger can read into something that 1.3 billion Chinese can‘t,even while the later using their mother tongue and the former a bloody foreigner whose command of Chinese has a lot to be desired。:lol:
Used to be the case for obvious reasons,no longer true。

It is nigh impossible to hide any accidents from the public eyes which are omnipresent nowadays。

Internet and all that。。。。:cool:

PS Do you seriously and honestly think that a blogger can read into something that 1.3 billion Chinese can‘t,even while the later using their mother tongue and the former a bloody foreigner whose command of Chinese has a lot to be desired。:lol:

do you believe that foreigners can't understand chinese ? how can you have such a huge business dealing with them. the thing is, china should give a detailed version of the incident.
do you believe that foreigners can't understand chinese ? how can you have such a huge business dealing with them. the thing is, china should give a detailed version of the incident.

What incident? J-15 related incident? You mean China should make up an incident just to please you lot? :D

You insist on believing in one foreigner’s interpretation rather than 1.3 billion Chinese‘s understanding of the original text。

It is ok, you are free to choose what you WANT to believe.
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