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China’s e-passport maps irk neighbours

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Yeah, we fear the Yankees so much until we overtake their position.

Guess what? We play the weak game with US and in reality the US is busy with Iraq and Afghan and debts, see the brilliant strategy of us? Maybe we will take your land, maybe not, maybe we used you as a trap to lure the US. Well, one arrow two, three, four five birds. You stupid people will never realize the master mind of China. We confronted the US, not small countries like you.

Our great leader said China should wait a hundred years. Well, maybe we are just playing with you and US and waiting for the right time, but both of you will be dead meats

Just some usual tricks and you react like big business, let see what happens when China using her real muscles.

We've been done with Iraq for some years now, and Afghanistan is winding down. As for debt, there has hardly been a period in US history where we have been without it, and we still rose to the top.

As for the rest, pure rhetoric from a slobbering nationalist.
You fail to realize the importance of those smaller countries around you, you fail to realize China cannot go it alone, no country can go it alone, unless you find North Korea as your ideal state, and even then they can't go it alone these days.

You personally have no knowledge of any plan. Whether one exists is irrelevant, because you don't know of it, and trying to act like you do is just idiocy.

This move is strange simply because all it does is anger the neighbors. As Victoria commented, it has no real bearing, and so the reason it was done is baffling if based on foreign policy alone.

This was most likely done to assuage some domestic element, but it hasn't served China well internationally.
you are definitely a source of Maids, I will not deny this. And I admire the women of your country because you whole people rely on them.

I admire you people too for your level of stupid because it is beyond human even if evidence is proving you wrong you still insist on what you think is reality which is stupidity at its finesse

Yes your right in a way there are a lot of women ofw but they are not all maids which only 5% percent of the OFW populations most are nurses and teachers the rest are engineers and Architects which is wired because the last two should be male dominated fields man I have great news to my fellow ASEAN the Philippines just hit a whole time high man we are on a roll not bad right chinamen? hey if your so powerful? why are you lower than us in the economic side? Indonesia is even higher than you?
I used to not understand the term "They need another Vietnam to get things right", now i do.

Maybe China should actually start a war and we can all see how great, or bad the Chinese perform.

All the talk is useless and if you are not gonna do anything, then don't say anything.

Getting a map with all the disputed content in their passport is just childish. Just like you said your Dong Feng automobile is any part as good as a ferrari.
Lol, your dream is so beautiful, but we know more about history than you, a small country over sea

Our history teaches us that the winner take it all and can rewrite history, so we will keep coming, maybe invade your land then rewrite your history, then your future gens will think of us as the one who help your country. Lol, do you remember Soviet Union? No one dares to intimate him, if you want, or the US want, we surely can turn to Soviet mode then see what happens, we have nuke, a bunches of Korea, Japan, ASEAN is worthless in nuke exchange. We will turn you into zombies because of radiation, well, the hunting season is opened

China should keep in mind that her stubborn quest for illegitimate expansionism coupled with sheer arrogance will never succeed. Her enormous wealth and military power will only last if she recognizes, the sooner the better, that being a bully has no place on this earth and will not be tolerated. China should remember their history and learn from it. Why is China so afraid of settling it in International Tribunal? Are you afraid your illegal and baseless claims will be exposed in eyes of the world? just prepare all your ancient documents. This is fair enough since all your finest experts already studied both positions and ruled out that the our country has no chance of winning. This is the only way to find out thru UN arbitration body and settle the dispute once and for all in a more civilized way.

Oh yea? let’s see go ahead try to nuke us (knowing all your materials/products are all "garbage-quality") I’m pretty sure that the International community will unite and declare war against your pathetic greedy nation. If that happens, China will be ruined for sure, just like the ancient powerful country Assyria. Good luck!
PHL won’t stamp visas on China’s new e-passports

The Philippine government on Wednesday said it will not stamp entry visas on new Chinese passports bearing the controversial nine-dash line map delineating China's territorial claims in the West Philippine (South China) Sea.

The nine-dash line covers nearly the entirety of the sea, including areas that are well within Philippine territory and several disputed islands.

Philippine immigration authorities will instead stamp a separate visa application form, the Department of Foreign Affairs said.

This will be done “to avoid the Philippines being misconstrued as legitimizing the nine-dash-line claim of China," Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda told reporters in a text message.

The move follows the news that Vietnamese border guards have been refusing to stamp entry visas on the controversial new passports.

“Vietnam has said the computer-chipped passports violate its sovereignty and has demanded Beijing withdraw the documents, which show the contested Paracel and Spratly Islands as Chinese territory,” said Agence France-Presse in a report.

At an earlier briefing in Malacañang, Lacierda had said Immigration employees would temporarily recognize the controversial passports.

But in his text message later, Lacierda said the inter-agency task force assigned to determine the country's course of action on the matter had recommended the move to stop stamping the e-passports with the new Chinese map.

"DFA will inform us [of] its effectivity as DFA is preparing for an early implementation of the aforementioned action," he said.

The DFA also sent China a note verbale explaining its refusal to accept the map indicated in the e-passport.

“The Philippines does not accept the validity of the nine-dash lines that amount to an excessive declaration of maritime space in violation of international law,” the letter read in part.

“The Philippines strongly protests the inclusion of the nine-dash lines in the e-passport as such image covers an area that is clearly part of the Philippines’ territory and maritime domain,” it also said.

The Philippines and China have been locked in a territorial dispute over the Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal since April.

Both countries are also among six claimants to the Spratly Islands, which China calls Nansha Islands. The other claimants include Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

Atr the recent ASEAN Summit held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, President Benigno Aquino III disputed a statement by summit host and Cambodian Prime Minister and head of the summit that a consensus has been reached within the ASEAN not to internationalize the territorial disputes.

The claim would have strengthened China’s position, as they have long advocated one-on-one talks with other claimant nations on the territorial issue. — with a report by Michaela del Callar/VS/BM, GMA News

PHL won’t stamp visas on China’s new e-passports | News | GMA News Online | The Go-To Site for Filipinos Everywhere
Taking the Viet tack
Chinese passports won’t carry Philippine visa stamp

THE Philippines will no longer stamp its visa on the new Chinese electronic passport which bears the Chinese map that includes portions of Philippine territory, the Department of Foreign Affairs said yesterday.

The visas will be stamped in a separate visa application form, it also said.

The move follows that of Vietnam which said Monday its border guards have been instructed to issue stapled visas to Chinese with the controversial passports. Vietnamese authorities are concerned that by stamping visas in such passports, their government would be indirectly recognizing Beijing’s claims to the disputed territory.

The DFA said the latest move sought to reinforce the diplomatic protest lodged by the Philippines last week with China.

“This action is being undertaken to avoid the Philippines being misconstrued as legitimizing the 9-dash line every time a Philippine visa is stamped on such Chinese e-passport. Through this action, the Philippines reinforces its protest against China’s excessive claim over almost the entire South China Sea, including the West Philippine Sea,” said Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario in a statement.

“We are preparing for an early implementation of the aforementioned action,” the statement further added.

The DFA said China’s expansive 9-dash claim is inconsistent with international law, specifically the United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Seas.

Even the United States expressed alarm over China’s use of the controversial map in its passport, saying it is causing “tension and anxiety” among claimant states in the disputed South China Sea (West Philippine Sea).

Aside from Philippines and Vietnam, India is also objecting to the Chinese map as it includes India’s northern border with China. India has retaliated by issuing Chinese citizens visas embossed with New Delhi’s own maps. Taiwan has also protested against the map’s maritime borders.

The Philippines, Vietnam, and Taiwan, together with Malaysia and Brunei, are claimants of parts of the Spratlys Islands in the South China Sea, which are being claimed in whole by China. China is also claiming ownership of the Scarborough shoal which is some 120 nautical miles from Zambales and 500 nautical miles from China.

China is also in a territorial dispute with Japan over a group of islets in the East China Sea.

The US said it would raise concerns with Beijing over the map printed.

State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told a news briefing in Washington it was up to countries to decide what their passports look like and the US would still accept the Chinese one as a legal document.

But she added: “That’s a different matter than whether it’s politically smart or helpful to be taking steps that antagonize countries.”

She said it was unhelpful for creating an environment for resolving the territorial disputes.

The US intervention won’t be welcomed by Beijing which regards as meddling Washington’s advocacy for peaceful settlement of the conflicting claims in the South China Sea, a potential regional flashpoint.

The US has no territorial claim itself but says it has a national interest in the stability of a region vital to global trade.

Taiwan has also condemned the map, which is printed on inside pages of the passport. Taiwan is self-governing but Beijing claims it as part of China.

The map shows an outline of China and includes Taiwan and the sea, hemmed in by dashes. Chinese official maps have long shown the same, but this is viewed as particularly provocative since it requires other nations to stamp it.

Lt. Gen. Juancho Sabban, chief of the Armed Forces’ Western Command, visited troops stationed at nine Philippine-claimed areas in the Spratly Islands in the West Philippine Sea and told them not to be intimidated.

Wescom announced the visit yesterday, several days after Sabban completed the rounds at Lawak island, Patag shoal, Likas island, Parola island, Pag-asa island, Panata shoal, Kotal island, Rizal reef and Ayungin shoal.

Pagasa island, which is some 200 nautical miles from Puerto Princesa City, is the largest among the nine areas occupied by the Philippines. It serves as the seat of government of the municipality of Kalayaan in Palawan.

The four-day visit of the nine areas, which began November 19, is the first time for any Wescom commander. During the visit, Sabban distributed early Christmas gifts, including groceries and other supplies, to the soldiers.

He told the troops, “With our continued confidence in our cause to make our sovereignty more secure and fortitude in making our organization more formidable, we cannot be defeated and intimidated to keep our flag flying mighty. We will steadily deliver in being at the forefront. We will defend this country. And we will defend it to the end.”

Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago called on authorities to bar Chinese carrying the controversial passports from entering the country.

She said that while government could not stop China from printing any type of passport bearing any kind of legend or photograph, “we have a sovereign power to prevent any person who seeks entry into Philippine territory by any entry point - through sea, land, air, seaport, airport, or by any means of transportation.”

“If they bear that kind of passport, we will be acting well within our rights to deny them admission into our territory…They should take the next flight out of the country if they can afford to do so. But we should not allow them to go out of the airport and roam around Philippine territory carrying that kind of offensive document,” she said. – With Victor Reyes, JP Lopez and AP

Malaya Business News Online - Philippine Business News | Online News Philippines - Taking the Viet tack
Lol, your dream is so beautiful, but we know more about history than you, a small country over sea

Our history teaches us that the winner take it all and can rewrite history, so we will keep coming, maybe invade your land then rewrite your history, then your future gens will think of us as the one who help your country. Lol, do you remember Soviet Union? No one dares to intimate him, if you want, or the US want, we surely can turn to Soviet mode then see what happens, we have nuke, a bunches of Korea, Japan, ASEAN is worthless in nuke exchange. We will turn you into zombies because of radiation, well, the hunting season is opened

Then it is true you people will bring ww3 so in short you are the greatest evil since the Third Reich and you people must be stop its funny you said you learn from history and yet you failed to see and understand one you think you would win two you think you far better three you underestimate us and the rest of the countries of the world with your fold logic well its too obvious to all that like all the evil empires of the past you will suffer even greater than them i have no doubt. You just said so its not my words its yours i just put up the ending for you.

Might is not always right its the cause that is more important and this just arrogant imperialism nothing more it will bite you people someday.
China Seeks to Calm Anger Over Passports
ASIA NEWS - The Wallstreet Journal
Updated November 28, 2012, 12:27 p.m. ET



A map printed in new Chinese passports depicts disputed islands in the South China Sea, Taiwan and areas claimed by India as part of China. The WSJ's Carlos Tejada talks about how China's passport design is fueling the geopolitical fire in Asia.

China appeared to seek to assuage angry neighbors over a passport design they consider provocative, one day after the U.S. said it would raise the issue with Beijing.

A map printed in new Chinese passports depicts as part of China waters and islands also claimed by Vietnam and the Philippines as well as two inland areas also claimed by India. The passport also has images from Taiwan, an island that China considers its sovereign territory.

The inclusion of the map in the passports has prompted protests around the region and several governments have come up alternative entry forms to avoid stamping the new Chinese passports or issue visas with their own maps for Chinese visitors.

At a regular media briefing on Wednesday, China Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei sought to play down the map's significance. "The picture on the passport should not be overinterpreted." he said. "China is ready to maintain communication with relevant countries and promote the sound development of personnel exchanges."

Shown are documents given to Chinese passport holders at the international airport in Hanoi so Vietnamese customs workers won't have to stamp the politically sensitive Chinese passports.

State media said China began issuing new passports this past spring to introduce new technology, including smart chips. However, the issue surrounding the map has drawn attention only in the last week after protests from the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan.

Mr. Hong's comments follow those Tuesday by U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland, who said the U.S. would bring up the matter with Beijing. The map "is causing tension and anxiety between and among the states in the South China Sea," she said. She added that China has the right to design the passport as it wishes but "that's a different matter than whether it is politically smart or helpful to be taking steps that antagonize countries that we want to see a negotiation happen with."
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The dispute isn't likely to cause major damage to relations between China and other Asian nations, according to regional officials and experts. But it offers a glimpse into the tensions sparked by China's growing heft both economically and military, as well as its increasingly assertive attitude toward territories it has long claimed as its own.

China's leadership has to walk a fine line on issues pertaining to its territorial disputes, as it seeks to avoid disrupting economic ties while assuaging nationalist pressures at home. Protests in September related to a dispute with Japan over islands in the East China Sea that both countries claim appeared at times to spin out of control, prompting official calls for calm even as leaders continued to lash out against Tokyo's stance on the islands.

The recent passport dispute has caused inconveniences for some Chinese travelers in the region.


Shown are documents given to Chinese passport holders at the international airport in Hanoi so Vietnamese customs workers won't have to stamp the politically sensitive Chinese passports.

In a group of 20 Chinese tourists who arrived in Hanoi from Beijing on Wednesday, four had the new passports. One of them said she didn't realize that her passport, issued in July, had the new map, which she said was so tiny and blurry it was hard to make out what it depicted.

"We entered the Vietnamese immigration gate and didn't get a visa stamped on the passport, but instead, we received a separate sheet of paper called a tourist permit that is valid for traveling in Vietnam," she said.

David Li, who works in the shoe-manufacturing industry, had a similar experience when arriving in Vietnam on Nov. 19 as customs official initially refused to stamp his passport and eventually stamped a separate sheet of paper instead. "I think the government should be actively negotiating with related countries," he said. "Otherwise, people who need to go abroad will eventually face the impact."

A user of Sina Corp.'s SINA -1.14% popular Twitter-like Weibo Chinese microblogging service said Vietnamese customs kept her waiting for two hours. "I come here to spend money, and if Vietnam declines me, they will lose money," the user said.

In a statement, Vietnam's Foreign Ministry said it protested to the Chinese Embassy in Hanoi and asked Chinese officials "to repeal the wrongful contents" in the new passport.

India hasn't officially complained to China about the issue, said Syed Akbaruddin, a spokesman at India's Foreign Ministry. Instead, the Indian Embassy in Beijing is issuing visas to Chinese nationals stamped with maps that show the two inland areas in dispute as falling within India's borders.

"Every country has a right to determination on its boundaries," Mr. Akbaruddin said. "The Chinese side have expressed its view on where its boundary lies. We have our own opinion."

The dispute is part of broader regional jostling over claims to areas that, in the case of the South China Sea, could be potentially rich in resources. The territorial claims were a major issue at a meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, last week, where U.S. President Barack Obama backed an effort by many of the group's members to negotiate a regionwide agreement with China. China has said the dispute should be settled with each nation involved one-on-one.

"While it is far-fetched to consider the new Chinese passports as an act of provocation, it is damaging to Asean-China ties, and will further inflame the already tense situation in the South China Sea," said Tang Siew Mun, director of foreign policy and security studies at the Institute of Strategic and International Studies, a Malaysian think tank. "If anything, this shows Beijing's lack of regard for Asean sensitivities."

Others were quick to play down the impact of the passport episode. In the Philippines, Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima said he is confident the dispute won't significantly affect business relationships. "Relations among nations are multidimensional. While there's a territorial dispute, business relations, people to people, cultural relations are still doing well," he said.

Nevertheless, the Philippines's Department of Foreign Affairs said Wednesday it would no longer stamp its visas on the Chinese passport, and would instead stamp a separate visa form.

Shen Dingli, a professor of international relations at China's Fudan University, said the map is counterproductive to China's position that the South China Sea has historically been part of its territory. "The point is not to stress the differences but to see the common ground," he said.

—Vibhuti Agarwal in New Delhi and Kersten Zhang and Wayne Ma in Beijing contributed to this article.
one of the purposes for using new Chinese passport is to disconnect the relationship with the countries who deny the new passport holder; "The other paper visas" is a common skill when passport is not convenient, but still based on the passport, if you truely deny the passport, you should deny it throughly.

if those countries play the same trick, please refer how China denied the India passport years ago.

it will escalate and gradully these countries will see it.

this is only one step in whole Chinese strategy in SCS.
No war bursts from nowhere, there must be a fuse or maybe you can say excuses. It's our movement to place pressures on those kids and wait for their reaction, surely it's even better to conquer them without a war! We ain't those mindless cowboys in your wiled west, and maybe that's why you can hardly understand our eastern wisdom and call it useless.
As for the DONG FENG part, we ain't just got the automobile, we also have got a family of missiles that can surely deliver anything anywhere way much faster than a ferrarri.

I used to not understand the term "They need another Vietnam to get things right", now i do.

Maybe China should actually start a war and we can all see how great, or bad the Chinese perform.

All the talk is useless and if you are not gonna do anything, then don't say anything.

Getting a map with all the disputed content in their passport is just childish. Just like you said your Dong Feng automobile is any part as good as a ferrari.
No war bursts from nowhere, there must be a fuse or maybe you can say excuses. It's our movement to place pressures on those kids and wait for their reaction, surely it's even better to conquer them without a war! We ain't those mindless cowboys in your wiled west, and maybe that's why you can hardly understand our eastern wisdom and call it useless.
As for the DONG FENG part, we ain't just got the automobile, we also have got a family of missiles that can surely deliver anything anywhere way much faster than a ferrarri.

Dude, the problem is, you print your maps, then India and vietnam prints their, then what is the next step? You refuse Indian and Vietnamese entry and they refused yours, the next step will be stop diplomatic ties and what is the next step? War??

You don't need a Rocket Scientist to tell tyou this is not gonna to lead to war, if war really do break out because some dude in some government print something on their passport, then both the country deserved to be nuked to be honest.....

The problem is, what Chinese do is childish and keep putting Military Analogy is stupid, you have missle run faster than ferrari, and the Indian Don't, or the Vietnamese, or the Japanese?? All the trash talk help no one on this dispute, you can talk big but even a 6 years old girl in China know Chinese are not going to war with indian with passport feud. So what are you gonna get in the end? IT does not mean the dispute will stop and it does not mean wars, so what "Pressure" did you apply to those "Kid", nothing, people laugh about it, and starting to hate the Chinese more, Chinese just fuel the Anti-China sentiment in the region, it did not help India, Vietnam, Phillipines, Indonesia or anyone, especially it did not help the Chinese.

People have slightest political sense will see this is a bad move, even some Chinese Politican sees this is a bad move, you don't need to be able to see to "See" this is a bad move, only people who blind in patroitism can see this is good for china.

Either sitdown and talk, or you fight it out, that's the only 2 ways to go, do anything else is plain stupid. It does not help the situation or anyone in this sense.
What I see from your words is nothing but lots of subjective assertions coming from nowhere! Nothing but your deductions are CHILDISH. You think you are way smarter than Chinese politicians and you can judge their decision as "bad move" "childish"? That's why I said you westerner can never understand eastern wisdom, explain those strategical viewpoints from our perspective to you is just a waste of time. Don't take yourself too serious just because you have some political diploma from boulder, it's not Harvard after all!
Besides, I'll remind you don't treat it as an independent issue, combine it with other movements made by China recently, you'll see who is childish!
The trash talk started from you yourself Mr. Know all!
Dude, the problem is, you print your maps, then India and vietnam prints their, then what is the next step? You refuse Indian and Vietnamese entry and they refused yours, the next step will be stop diplomatic ties and what is the next step? War??

You don't need a Rocket Scientist to tell tyou this is not gonna to lead to war, if war really do break out because some dude in some government print something on their passport, then both the country deserved to be nuked to be honest.....

The problem is, what Chinese do is childish and keep putting Military Analogy is stupid, you have missle run faster than ferrari, and the Indian Don't, or the Vietnamese, or the Japanese?? All the trash talk help no one on this dispute, you can talk big but even a 6 years old girl in China know Chinese are not going to war with indian with passport feud. So what are you gonna get in the end? IT does not mean the dispute will stop and it does not mean wars, so what "Pressure" did you apply to those "Kid", nothing, people laugh about it, and starting to hate the Chinese more, Chinese just fuel the Anti-China sentiment in the region, it did not help India, Vietnam, Phillipines, Indonesia or anyone, especially it did not help the Chinese.

People have slightest political sense will see this is a bad move, even some Chinese Politican sees this is a bad move, you don't need to be able to see to "See" this is a bad move, only people who blind in patroitism can see this is good for china.

Either sitdown and talk, or you fight it out, that's the only 2 ways to go, do anything else is plain stupid. It does not help the situation or anyone in this sense.
one of the purposes for using new Chinese passport is to disconnect the relationship with the countries who deny the new passport holder; "The other paper visas" is a common skill when passport is not convenient, but still based on the passport, if you truely deny the passport, you should deny it throughly.

if those countries play the same trick, please refer how China denied the India passport years ago.

it will escalate and gradully these countries will see it.

this is only one step in whole Chinese strategy in SCS.

Chinese citizen have to fulfill entry Application form first, base on it Border Police issue Visa with additional fee of 50K VND. Chinese new passport is invalid in Vietnam. It's clear. :enjoy:
To make my point a little bit clear, what I see from this move of Chinese government is part of a clear signal of our new policy against those who have territory dispute with us. The declaration is backed with our stronger than ever military power, combined with the establishment of SanSha district and a series of legislation concerning the dispute area. What we would like those kids to know is, no more playing around, we'll take it seriously from now on. Either accept it gradually with some immediate complain which can be understood or forced to accept it after trying to challenge our power somewhere in the future. Their choice!
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