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China rescued cargo ship hijacked by Somali pirates with other navies

yes i do remember and i am thankful to the Pakistani navy for saving our "Butts".

that is why i dont make senseless threads to take potshots on a navy that helped us in the past.

and now use the same judgement on the opening post and drill in some sense there as well.
This thread has nothing to do with us,so keep it a india china chest thumping thread don't drag pakistan here
This thread has nothing to do with us,so keep it a india china chest thumping thread don't drag pakistan here

Thread has nothing to do with pakistan yet "Pakistanis" tried scoring brownie points about it right fro the page one.

and now trying to take moral high ground by bringing in old stuff.

so bhaiya when it doesnt concern Pakistan why poke your nose where it doesnt belong. . or else dont complain when ppl retaliate.
Thread has nothing to do with pakistan yet "Pakistanis" tried scoring brownie points about it right fro the page one.

and now trying to take moral high ground by bringing in old stuff.

so bhaiya when it doesnt concern Pakistan why poke your nose where it doesnt belong. . or else dont complain when ppl retaliate.
People should retaliate by posting stuff related to Topic and should avoid bringing unrelated things
A formal interview with the crew members of the hijacked ship: "Only Chinese navy ship was in action during the rescue mission" 印度还想抢功?被劫船员称只有中国军舰在行动. 当地时间4月11日上午,经过两天两夜随船护卫与伴随护航,中国海军第25批护航编队玉林舰顺利将遭海盗劫持的图瓦卢籍OS35号货船护送至亚丁港引航锚地附近安全海域。在接受采访时,被劫船员称,当时周围有5艘军舰,只有中国海军实施了救援。

5 navy ship around, only Chinese navy ship came for their rescue


Thank you Chinese navy

The other four navies were all fear of casualty, so they just wandered around. Only Chinese navy is brave enough to get onboard.
In Nov 2008 when the Indian warship sank the Thai fishing trawler Ekawat Nava 5, they just bomb it from far. They then celebrate and announced that they had sank a mother pirate ship. They never bothered to go nearer or board the ship to find out more.
So your deduction is plausible.
In Nov 2008 when the Indian warship sank the Thai fishing trawler Ekawat Nava 5, they just bomb it from far. They then celebrate and announced that they had sank a mother pirate ship. They never bothered to go nearer or board the ship to find out more.
So your deduction is plausible.
Coward and hypocrite. Only Chinese navy revere people life. I'm so proud of our nation and people.
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